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- Woman in red Stephanie is disappointed when Chad calls explaining he cannot come today. He seems distant for he is at his beloved Abigail's grave ... Elegant Bonnie assures phone Sarah she will not share her Xander is the baby daddy secret and gets spooked when Justin surprises her, He asks allllll about Chicago ... Chloe proudly presents Xander with a big ad deal she secured with Saxtons, glad Gwen is not at the office ... Leo tries to excuse himself but Dimitri dangerously blocks him. They have unfinished business cos his switcheroo with the emerald cost Dimitri a fortune! He grabs little Leo by the collar, promising to make him pay ... Xander updates Chloe on Gwen's lunch interview with Dimitri and suavely suggests she take a break ... with him. He wants to remember last night and is about to steal a kiss when Maggie flounces in to offer him the job she fired Alex from ... Alex visits Steph with his victorious news after he said no to returning to Titan ...
- Chad sits on a bench by Abigail's memorial and speaks to the wife he misses. He woefully wonders what if. Julie comes by bearing a pretty bouquet for her grave. They talk Thomas and Charlotte. Sad Chad wishes he had talked to them about today. She assures him Abigail is always there. He wonders what she thinks of Steph ... Steph is stunned that Alex now works for Basic Black aka the competition ... Maggie awaits Xander's answer with a smile. The fact that he is wanted by Titan means much ... Justin asks Bonnie about Sarah and Rex. She stammers she saw her and gasps she needs water. Justin senses her anxiety ... Leo screams to Gwen to save him. Gwen emerges and exclaims Matty is her bff. Dangerous Dimitri is warned if he does not back off she will make sure he is returned to the slammer ... Alex decided he is done dealing with Maggie and Vic. He offers to go before Chad catches him with his girl. Steph sighs he is likely with Abigail all day ... Julie the vision in blue sits with sad Chad. She knows Abigail would want him to make some room in his heart for someone and be happy. He admits her apparition already said as much when they said their last goodbyes ... if it was even real ... Justin senses Bonnie is troubled. She gives him a dollar and requests attorney client privilege. He worries even more. She blurts out that Sarah is having Xander’s baby ... - Maggie is surprised when Xander states he suddenly likes his work situation. She will give him time to consider her offer, hugs Chloe and tells her to pass on to Parker she adored his birthday gift. Then she sweeps out. Chloe wonders whether Xander wants to work at Titan ... Gwen demands Dimitri call a truce with Leo or else she calls the cops! Megan texts him to remember Gwen is key to his fortune so he apologizes. Leo goes on his smug way. Gwen knows her bff is a lot to take and asks if Dimitri changed his mind about Lunch. He takes things up a notch and suavely suggests they stay in her hotel room for an intimate lunch. Ooooooo
- Steph realized it was the anniversary of Abigail's death, hence Chad's lack of communication. Alex remarks he still wears his ring. Steph knows tis tough letting go and sips her tea. Alex blurts out she is living in Abigail's shadow and then stops. He suggests she is sharing Chad with his late wife's memory. He praises her and she is glad he said it nicely. He claims he hopes Chad is alright ... Julie quotes Hamlet and suggests Chad might have seen or imagined Abigail. Either way she would want him to move on. Chad sadly admits he feels guilty about being with another girl. Julie the sage warns him not to give into guilt. He deserves to love and have love for the sake of himself and the kids. She warns wearing the ring is stopping him from finding love again. Alas he does not want to let Abigail go. Julie assures him she will be in his heart always. He must treasure the gift of life for it comes with an expiry date. She urges him not to give into survivor’s guilt but give in to the glory of love again ...
- Gwen primly points out tis a professional lunch. Dimitri plays along and points out privacy would be better. He insists on paying for the room service and suggests she call him Dimitri. She does. He smoothly states they will get along and she starts to smile at the Euro hunk ... Xander considers his options. He would love to prove himself to Victa. Chloe assumes he is accepting. He decides to stay where he is for Chloe and they kiss ... Back at the Kiriakis mansion Justin is surprised but understands Sarah's reluctance to reveal bad boy Xander is her baby daddy. Bonnie insists no one else including Maggie can know about the pregnancy. Maggie enters and wonders whose. As always her timing is as impeccable as her hair. Bonnie fibs Mimi is preggers and wants no one to know until the first trimester is finished. The redhead woefully wishes she could be a grandma again ... Leo interrupts Chloe and boss Xander kissing. He came for his paycheck and wants to talk about his next column. Xander is busy and must go give someone an answer. After he leaves Leo tells Chloe that Gwen is having a cozy lunch with a hunk as they speak ...
- As they enjoy lunch, Gwen asks about the real Dimitri. She starts with his childhood. He was raised mostly by mama Megan but felt like the adult much of the time. Gwen can relate and wonders about his da. Lord Oscar Van Leuschner was a busy aloof businessman who travelled much. Gwen is sympathetic. Dimitri dramatically claims all he ever wanted was unconditional love and starts to get to her. He pretends to open up about his me against the world attitude. Gwen can relate. He keeps going. In the slammer he discovered his need for wealth and power came from a desire to be loved. Gwen gets it and he grins ... Colorful Julie leaves Chad to ponder her words of wisdom. He appreciates her input. They exchange I love yous. He now sits at Abigail's grave, removes his ring, and tells her he will love her until the end of time ...
- Stylish Steph opens her door to Chad a little later. He is sorry he missed their meeting. She knew where he was and smiles no apology needed. He kisses her and she updates him on the meeting. The client wants to see his numbers. He opens his bag to get the paper and she sees he is no longer wearing his wedding ring. They snuggle and read the numbers together ... Gwen wonders whether Dimitri is still seeking his perfect love. He says he is and she asks if there is anyone in the picture. Now now. There was one who meant much but the pain made him walk away. He suggests Gwen is in the same situation since he overheard her saying she was putting Xander behind her. He is sorry he overheard and adds they could have a connection. Gwen marvels how much they have in common, not realizing she is being conned ... Leo warns Chloe never mind Gwen who is moving on but there is still Sarah! Chloe insists Xander and Sarah are over but Leo acts bemused ... Bonnie hates that she misled Maggie. Justin notes Sarah will need to tell her mother the truth soon. They kiss and he heads off to see a client. Bonnie mutters it will be easy to keep the secret so long as she steers clear of ... then comes face to face with Xander!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 12, 2023