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- At the pub papa Roman realizes Eric is in a bad way. The cops cannot find Sloan. Roman suggests tis strange Sloan was able to overpower big bad EJ ... Meanwhile EJ is at the mansion smugly reading Jude the latest hit piece on Paulina. Here comes Chanel, not happy to hear him suggesting her mama ought to be ousted as Mayor ... Paulina wakes up from a recurring nightmare about morphing into the lady Godzilla of Salem from the radiation. Sympathetic Abe suggests she speak to Marlena ... Meanwhile the medicine woman ends a call with John, asking him to call when he lands. She looks at the red card. Enter Johnny, who will join Chanel soon for their prenatal appointment. He seeks life advice ... Leo laughs at the latest hit piece of the Spectator. All of a sudden a shirtless hunk of burnin love jogs up asking for a favor. He is in need of water. Leo watches while he sips and spills. Then he asks him on a date ... Johnny confides to Marlena he got a great offer from a producer in L.A. but he would have to be there. Marlena wonders why he has not told Chanel. Johnny believes there is too much on Chanel's plate at present. Marlena warns if he does not mention it at all she will one day find out. Besides she might want to go. Johnny asks for Marlena's opinion. She admits she would want him to stay in Salem ...
- Roman and Eric discuss the Sloan drama. He feels for Eric, who woefully states he lost his son. If only he knew the whole truth ... EJ does not deny wanting Paulina gone and reminds Chanel that she exposed her and baby to risky radiation levels. Chanel defends her mother cos she courageously came to the cabin to save her. Chanel also accuses EJ of trying to exact revenge against her well meaning mom ... Leo babbles about being single and suggests dinner. The jogger is not gay but flattered and jogs off. Leo cringes ... Marlena and Johnny discuss the sad situation of Eric and Johnny admits he is happy for his father and Nicole. He thanks the emotional healer for her help, promises to be up front with Chanel, kisses her and goes ...
- Abe has tea for his lady. She deduces her dreams are due to guilt over exposing a loved one to radiation. Abe argues the test results were alright but she fears for the future ... Perfectly matching Chanel glares at EJ, who claims he is only concerned for her and the baby. She gets testy when he talks options. He alludes to wanting to change Jude's name. Chanel feels for Eric. EJ refers to himself and Nicole as the real parents and smiles a smug insincere smile ...Eric sadly admits to Roman that Jude still feels like his son. Papa Roman promises he will heal and suggests staying alone in his old apartment is not helping. He tells him to move back for a while. Eric agrees. Ro offers to help. Eric has to go somewhere first ... Leo bursts into Marlena's office gasping he needs help ...
- Paulina feels a bit better. Abe gets a call from Ruben and sighs thanks for the warning. Paulina probes. It was his pal Rubin from the Salem Council. A petition was filed to recall her. Paulina stares in stunned silence ... Johnny joins Chanel in the exam room and she complains about EJ. He will talk to him. Chanel wonders where Kayla is. Johnny is about to bring up his job offer ... EJ promises Jude that no one will ever know about the paternity. They cannot cos he would lose baby to Eric - who has just arrived but not overheard. EJ motions for the real father not to make a sound cos Jude is sleeping. He quietly states Nicole is at work. Eric came to ask him to be his divorce lawyer and mentions their mutual anger at Sloan. EJ accepts. He informs curious Eric they can get started even without Sloan's presence ... Dr. Green the jogger is Chanel's doctor today cos Kayla is not available. Chanel is happy to hear he is Felicity’s big brother. Time to get started ...
- Leo implores Marlena to be his shrink. She acts busy but Leo will not give up. He complains he came onto a straight man and is insecure due to love of his life Dimitri dumping him via letter. He believed Dimitri was the one but it was all a lie. She is sympathetic when he woefully wonders why he is unlovable. She wonders why he thinks so. He recalls his mother in Statesville being ashamed of him. Marlena knows Diana is disturbed and suggests that affected his self esteem. He denies it. She adds he does not think he is as fab as he says. Leo has high praise for the good doctor, who praises his big heart and calls him hilarious. He sighs he is depressed seventy percent of the time ... EJ notes they will put a notice in the paper to prove Eric was trying to find Sloan. The APB will also help. Then they can go to court and get the marriage dissolved. Eric is surprised it would be so easy and also surprised EJ agreed to help him. EJ talks big bill and suggests they all deserve a fresh start. Eric looks in sleeping Jude's direction and seconds that. Then he leaves ...
- Paulina is peeved about the sneaky attempt to recall her as mayor. Abe warns there are enough signatures and the group is calling itself Concerned Citizens of Salem. Paulina wants to know who they really are ... Eric comes to the pub with his bag and thanks welcoming Roman. He removes his wedding ring too. He admits to his dad that when he sees Jude he still has a sense of loss. Roman gives him a hug ... Marlena will help Leo and hopes his adorable spins will not keep her in stitches. She warns he must do the work and not waste her time. Leo is in! She gives him a card and he gushes they will be a great team. Then he goes on his merry way ... Abe and Paulina are working the phones. He gets a text about the CCS and they realize who they are dealing with. Meanwhile back at DiMera mansion EJ fusses over Jude and gets a call from flunky Rita. The petition to depose Paulina is at the council as they speak ... Dr. Green concludes all seems well including the heartbeat. Kayla will have the test results. They can call him anytime. Johnny is amused his name is Mark Green like the ER doc. Once they are alone, Chanel wonders what he wanted to discuss. He floats the idea of them leaving Salem. Chanel was not expecting this ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 12, 2024