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- Glum Li is home from Hong Kong. He opens an envelope containing divorce papers. Knock knock. Tis Megan. He has not forgotten she stole the crystal from him! Megan meows they have much biz to discuss ... Gabi and Stefan smooch at the mansion, smug about her divorce. She declares they are the Salem power couple. Enter cackling EJ ... Nicole is walking by the brasserie when she runs into Eric. He asks about Abe. She scoffs Sloan's brother says he was not involved. Eric believes it and tenderly asks how Nicole feels. She and EJ see the specialist tomorrow. He hopes all will be well with ... EJ's baby ... Chloe assures herself Xander and Sarah are finished so Leo was wrong ... Xander wonders why Bonnie is so spooked. She babbles Sarah might not hate him forever and turns to go but he stops her ...Eric wishes the best blessed baby news for Nicole, who is happy she might get to be a mom again. She tells him to take care and he woefully watches her walk away ...
- EJ downs another drink at the mansion and updates Gabi and Stefan on the specialist he and Nicole see tomorrow. They wish him the best. Gabi sarcastically suggests he be a stay at home dad. EJ plans to keep the power to prevent them from ruining the company that is his children's legacy. They bicker about who will have the most votes. They believe they have Kristen so EJ counters he has Megan's support ... Megan holds her designer purse close and suggests Li not let user Gabi ruin his ambition ... Nicole comes to see Chloe at the paper. The songbird is all smiles and wonders what is new. Nicole smiles she is preggers. Meanwhile depressed Eric downs his ale at the pub and gets an update from unhappy Sloan about little bro spending a long time in the slammer. He was her only family. Eric says she has him too and hugs her as she prettily pouts ...
- Bonnie sneezes and coughs in fake stress as Xander asks about Maggie. He gets a text about someone being preggers and Bonnie acts surprised the baby mama told him. Xander wonders to whom she is referring ... Back at the pub Eric praises Sloan the big sis. He is lucky to have her. Sloan coos she is the lucky one and flashes back to dropping her own DNA sample in the bag so he would never know he was Nicole's baby daddy ... Bonnie babbles about being a Lady Whistleblower subscriber, which is why she already knew Nicole was preggers, as Xander also just read. The great Scot is on his way to turn down Maggie's Titan job offer. Bonnie is surprised he is missing out on the big bucks but unpleasantly surprised to hear he is seeing Chloe. She suddenly gets sanctimonious ... Nicole comes clean to Chloe about her one night stand with Eric that fateful Sweetbits night. Thanks to the paternity test she knows it is EJ's baby. They see a specialist tomorrow. Chloe hopes for the best and wonders whether she loves EJ. Nicole cannot say. Chloe brings up Eric and Nicole gets a tad too testy ...
- Sloan senses something is off with Eric. He sighs he saw Nicole. Sloan believes he wanted to be the biodad of Nicole's baby instead of EJ ... Gabi warns EJ that Kristen and Megan are not likely to vote separately. Stefan agrees and suggests he and EJ consolidate their power to prevent the sisters from winning ... Megan suggests psycho Stefan is not worthy of Li's vote but he says no and insists he is out of her evil league. Megan heard all about his misdeeds and slyly suggests Stefan might not be so lucky next time. Li wonders if she means to off him and she looks at him like a snake ... Stefano, she says, taught her well in the game of chess. Unlike her kindly brothers she is a queen unhindered (and unhinged!). Li reminds her of Gabi so she condescendingly calls her impulsive and high strung. She senses Li is thirsty for revenge ... Stefan tells doubtful EJ they could team up and take it all at DiMera ... Eric is disappointed about not being a dad. Sloan boldly suggests he have a baby with HER ... Nicole babbles Eric is not the father so why wish ... Chloe is sorry. Nicole praises EJ to the heavens. Chloe is happy for her. Nicole now wonders about her pal's sudden Spectator job. Chloe says Xander offered it. Nicole is troubled they are also sleeping together ...
- Bothered Bonnie scolds Xander to stop the Chloe kissing because of SARAH. The great Scot is surprised since he and Sarah are done and divorced. Bonnie implores him not to upset Sarah but he senses she does not give a damn. Bonnie babbles about seeing her condition and then corrects herself. Xander claims he and Sarah have no cause to care about each other. Then he gets going to find Maggie, much to Bonnie's dismay ... Nicole reminds Chloe what a cad Xander was. Chloe claims he has charmingly changed ... Eric is speechless. Sloan coos he deserves to be a dad ... EJ grins may the best DiMera win and arrogantly walks away from Stefan's outstretched hand ... Li woefully remembers Gabi used to love him. Megan suggests if something happens to Stefan then the widow could turn to him again. Li insists he has moved on. She suggests he reconsider cos the next move in her game could be his ...
- At the Kiriakis mansion Bonnie updates phone Justin and starts to sneeze uncontrollably ... Chloe claims Xander is a kind and funny good cook. Nicole calls him rotten. Xander appears and suggests she is bitter, then passionately kisses Chloe ... Sloan sweetly wonders. Eric loves her but talks timing. She tells him she will be waiting when he is ready ... Stylish Gabi and Stefan return to their room. Stefan ominously states there is someone else EJ should be worried about ... Megan is back at DiMera mansion when ruthless Li calls and announces he is IN to take Stefan down ... EJ appears and overhears Megan allude to her brother’s MURDER.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 13, 2023