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- At the hospital Johnny gushes about the good news. Baby is alright and he is California dreamin. Chanel worries how to tell mama about their move ... Abe is on a call with Paulina, who has just found the mean concerned citizens of Salem website about her. He intends to stop the insanity and suggests she stay offline ... EJ joins Abe at his table and wonders why the summons. Investigative Abe accuses him of being the main concerned citizen ... At DiMera mansion Stefan sighs to Kristen about Rafe refusing to cut a deal with Clyde. She announces she is is already CEO of DiMera. Stefan panics. Now no one will help him help Gabi ... Julie calls Chad, who has just met with Clyde. He tells her about the safety deposit box in Chicago that - as per Clyde - that will prove Abigail did not die ...
- Paulina is about to take a look at the trolls site again when Chanel arrives with news. Dr. Green told them baby's heartbeat is strong. Paulina is over the moon. Chanel now drops a bombshell ... EJ does not deny to accuser Abe that he created the Concerned Citizens of Salem and refuse to remove it ... Stefan is stunned to hear Kristen smugly explain how the board decided it was time to have another woman. Her vision of DiMera impressed them and she is in! Alas now she will not help Stefan help Gabi ... Johnny pays Marlena a visit at her office and updates her on Chanel supporting him. He has accepted the amazing job offer in California ... Paulina is not keen on Chanel and Johnny moving to L.A. and suggests tis impulsive. Chanel suggests her mama is the queen of impulsive ... EJ sanctimoniously suggests he is doing the right thing. Abe growls he is going after his good wife, who only made one mistake. EJ calls her judgment into question. Abe accuses him of retribution cos Paulina fired him. EJ boasts the time off has allowed him to be with Jude before his CEOship of DiMera gets busy. If only he new neither will last ...
- Alas Kristen cannot do anything for Gabi cos Shin believes she is guilty. Stefan cannot change her mind and starts to panic ... Back at Horton house Julie suggests she and Chad head to Chicago in the morning. He warns it could be dangerous. Julie is no stranger to danger and argues it will be in broad daylight. Chad agrees but has his doubts about Clyde. Here comes Thomas, who cannot sleep. He heard daddy talking. Daddy hugs his son. Thomas asks about his trip. Chad will tell him in the morning. The little lad admits he overheard him saying mama Abigail was alive as well ... Marlena is elated for Johnny and he jokes the movie he will be working on is not about the devil ... Paula is sorry to see her darling daughter go. Chanel reminds her L.A. is just a flight away. Paulina blames herself for the move ...
- Abe urges EJ to do the right thing and disavow the unfair petition against Paulina. EJ gets sanctimonious about the people of Salem. Abe tells his former brother-in-law even with Lexie gone they are still family. He appeals to him personally to put an end to the endless attacks and smear campaign against Paulina ... Stefan is livid all seems lost for Gabi. Kristen is sympathetic. He decides the best plan was to bust Gabi out. Kristen exclaims that is a bad idea. He would rather be on the run at least with his wife. Kristen suggests he make a plan for his future on the run and offers him her secret grab and go kit in the DiMera safe with cash to help. It also has a Manila envelope with a list of contacts who can help him and Gabi disappear. He thanks her and gives his sister a heartfelt hug ...
- Marlena is hoping that Paulina and Chanel will make peace. Meanwhile Paulina profusely apologizes for putting her daughter's unborn baby in peril. Chanel notes if not for her help she would be dead. Mama made the right choice and she officially forgives her. Paulina hugs her darling girl ... Chad tries to deny what he said but Thomas is no fool. Julie explains Chad meant mommy is alive in heaven and her memory is in their hearts. The little lad accepts that and Chad takes him upstairs to tuck him in ... He later returns to Julie and recalls tis the two year anniversary of his beloved Abigail's death. He hopes with all his heart the rumor is true ... Stefan and Kristen have a heartfelt farewell. She cannot wait to be EJ's new boss ... EJ claims he cannot stop the citizens from holding Paulina the public servant accountable. Abe knows he has no family loyalty and warns his petty spite will define him. Then he elegantly walks away ...
- Marlena is happy to hear Dr. Green found the baby's heartbeat to be strong. Johnny is happy he and Chanel made the right decision to keep the baby. They share a heartfelt farewell ... The usual Days departure music plays as Paulina and Chanel share their own sweet farewell. Paulina wants to plan a going away party ... Colorful Julie hates that cruel Clyde. Chad solemnly states tomorrow in the windy city they will open the safety deposit box to find out if their Abby is alive ... Johnny and Chanel meet up at the pub with stars in their eyes ... Abe comes home to the woman he loves. Alas she is emotional about Chanel forgiving her and moving to L.A. with director Johnny. Abe suggests they can visit. Paulina wonders where he was. He tried to talk some sense into EJ, who refused to stop the recall. She talks karmic payback and here it comes ... Kristen approaches EJ outside and hopes there are no hard feelings. He has not yet heard the latest so she smugly states he will need to update his resume, meaning he his done ... Meanwhile Stefan opens the safe and finds more than he bargained for - including an envelope with paternity test results that prove EJ is NOT Jude's bio daddy. He cackles about the paydirt. Sister Kristen really delivered!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 14, 2024