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- Leo is lounging on his bed when gushy Gwen emerges post shower. He gets catty about her Dimitri interview, how she praised his noble heart ... At DiMera mansion stylish Kristen teases Dimitri about his good start to operation get Gwen. He wonders where mama Megan is ... Megan visits Li. He wonders why the call came to an end. Alas EJ overheard their plan to get rid of Stefan ... EJ is locked in a secret room and opens the door, only to discover Stefan stabbed dead on the bed. He wakes up with a gasp, relieved t'was a night terror. He is in the secret room tied to a chair ... Shirtless Stefan opens his door to loudly knocking Nicole. She is desperately seeking EJ ... EJ vows to make Megan pay and groans ... Li worries what EJ heard Megan say. That her brother is not long for this world. He was mad and assumed she meant him but when she revealed she meant Stefan, he started to leave to forewarn him. Megan used the Ming vase to stop him ... Amused Kristen wonders when Dimitri will get engaged to Gwen. He senses her disapproval of him using her friend for his own purpose ... Gwen gets indignant. Leo demands the juicy details. Gwen is indeed drawn to Dimitri and they have much in common. It could be a love connection ...
- Kristen likes Gwen but that girl owes her not vice versa. Dimitri boasts they have so much in common. Kristen cackles he had the dossier on the girl. He plans to wed her for richer and it makes him smile. Kristen warns Megan will have her own plan. Dimitri cares not cos she has her own plan for everything ... Stefan sarcastically tells Nicole he knows not where EJ is. However he suspects he is up to no good ... EJ is determined to free his hands so he can get out and forewarn brotha Stefan about their sister's evil intent ... Li worries about EJ, whom Megan calls her problem. She suggests Li just get rid of Stefan as planned. He senses she wants him to commit a murder ... Harris has a secret meeting with glam Kate and agrees Megan must be dealt with. Kate assumes he wants to off her. He states as a seal he knows the one way to make someone vanish ...
- Megan reminds Li he pulled the plug on Stefan before. He snaps that would make him a main suspect. Megan laughs and announces she has a real killer ... Harris intends to exile Megan somewhere forever. But he does not tell Kate where. She swears him to secrecy cos Roman would not approve. She also suggests he take Dimitri too ... Leo sighs Gwen went soft on dangerous DiMitri. She calls him jealous of her. Leo warns Dimitri has an agenda. A big soap sin in store ... Leather pants Kristen updates Dimitri on Megan wanting to make an army with Harris in command. She admits she is only on her side as she needs to focus on getting Rachel. She would need someone to rep her interests. She shares with Dimitri her plan to hire Sloan, who likes expensive French champagne, and heads down to the secret wine cellar to get her a bottle of the bubbly ...
- Nicole insists EJ is not up to anything. He was looking forward to their important prenatal appointment. Stefan sneers the company is his top priority. Meanwhile Kristen comes across EJ tied to a chair in the cellar and wonders what happened ... Gwen claims Dimitri had no cause to con her with his charm. Leo suggests he wanted positive publicity. She is certain there was a spark ... Kate wants Dimitri to pay for making her a fish monger. Harris warns it could compromise the mission sooo ... Megan cackles to Li they can reprogram Harris. She asks him to bring back Rolf to Salem. Then he can program Harris to kill Stefan. Their hands will be clean and the mission will be accomplished. Evil Li is in like soap sin ... Nicole is troubled by Stefan's negativity toward and about EJ. The beloved baby means everything to him and he would not miss their appointment ... EJ wonders whether Kristen is doing Megan's bidding. Negative. She is horrified to hear she stuck EJ down here so he would not be able to stop her from offing brotha Stefan ...
- Gwen refuses to hear anything negative about Dimitri and tells Mattie he is the annoying one ... Kate agrees to leave the son out of it when Harris uses the F word. Focus. Harris will act today and agrees to let Kate know when his mission has been accomplished ...Nicole is at the hospital for her appointment and leaves EJ a nervous message ... Meanwhile Megan runs into suited Stefan, who assumes EJ is taking a holiday. She suggests he too seize the day. Stefan wonders whether she looked at his and Gabi's proposal. She remembers burning it and suggests there are questions. He agrees they can speak later and leaves. Megan returns to the living room and praises her prodigal son for getting Gwen to fall for him. Dimitri admits he fell for her right back and now brings up what Kristen said about her boasting of an army. He is clearly worried. She assures him she has his best interest at heart and wonders where Kristen went. Dimitri last saw her going to get a bottle of champagne and goes on his way ...
- Kristen cannot untie EJ, who updates her on Megan's evil plan. She stands up to get something to cut the rope that binds but Megan bursts in, her gun aimed at them ... Leo refuses to agree with Gwen's new romance and she worries he might be right. Dimitri arrives with a beautiful bouquet and stars in his smoldering eyes. Gwen swoons ... Stefan sees Li at the square and thanks him for agreeing to Gabi's fast divorce. Li lies he is happy for her and congratulates him on their wedding plans for next month. When Stefan walks away Li leers he will not live long enough to make her his wife ... Kristen is now tied to a chair with EJ in the wine cellar. She knew not how insane Megan was and worries they might be next on her sh*t list. EJ is worried about Nicole ... Nicole gets a fake text from EJ claiming he has a meeting ... Back at the mansion Megan emerges from the cellar and finds herself face to face with Harris, who gives her a stony stare. Ooooo


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 15, 2023