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- Belle bears witness to blue Shawn trying to take an early drink. She snatches the bottle and he slurs he wants it back. She insists he stop the insanity ... Harris admits he was hiding and wonders why Megan was behind that wall ... Down in the wine cellar dungeon, EJ has Nicole and baby on his mind. He is mad as hell Megan made him miss their appointment. Meanwhile Nicole reads EJ cannot attend the appointment and complains to medicine woman Kayla ... Sloan sighs to Eric her brother is likely Statesville bound as he refused her plea deal idea. He hugs her and she kisses him like there is no tomorrow ... Leo grabs the bouquet from Dimitri and dumps it in the trash. Gwen calls him rude. He accuses Dimitri of being phoney and says he has his number. He will not let him use bff Gwen ... Megan wonders why Harris is here in HER home and declares she is done as he reaches in his back pocket ... EJ is hopelessly devoted to Nicole and admits to Kristen her whole heart does not belong to him ... Shawn wants his bottle. Belle reminds him he almost drove the other night while inebriated. He cannot deal with shooting Bo. She urges him to meet with Marlena and stop drowning his sorrows. He scoffs and throws a glass, believing he deserves to suffer after what he did to Bo the hero ...
- Kayla can wait and heads to her office. Nicole sends EJ's phone an angry text. Belle walks in and can see she is bothered. She is upset EJ is not here. Belle read she is having his baby and assumes Eric is taking it hard ... After the lovin Eric and Sloan snuggle and pillow talk. She has to go to court cos of Collin and he offers to come with. She is amazed so he praises her for being loyal to him too. She remembers her swab mischief and feels guilty but not tooo guilty ... Dimitri mocks Leo's accusations and the fur is about to fly. Captain Leo shouts he would be willing to go down defending his bff ... Megan acts indignant. Harris knows she is out to get someone and vows to save Salem from her mischief. Shawn walks in before he can cuff her, wondering what the hell is happening ...
- Dimitri smoothly states he is sincere. Gwen gets mad at Mattie, who is convinced she has been targeted by Dimitri and blurts out the creep looks like Clooney and Ricky Martin. Gwen makes him go so he does after warning tall dark and dangerous he will be watching him. Gwen is sorry for that. Dimitri admits Leo was spot on. Gwen blinks ... Belle is sorry she overstepped and admits she is stressed dealing with Shawn. She asked him to meet with Marlena but he was a no-show. Now she must go see Marlena and shares her sympathy for Nicole's situation ... EJ admits to sis Kristen he is insecure about Nicole's love. She realizes Nicole did not return his I love you. He admits Eric was an issue but is thankfully busy with that awful female attorney ... Eric and Sloan are at the pub and he suggests she eat. She returns to the topic of them having a baby for she knows he longs to be a dad. Eric talks timing. Kate appears and disagrees with her usual panache ...
- Cowboy Shawn gets drunkenly mad at Harris cos he assumes he is doing Megan's bidding again. Harris explains he is here to deal with her not make any deal. Megan blasts the son of Bo for being a drunk. He confronts her and she sneakily tries to get him to spill Bo's whereabouts. Shawn threatens to make her pay. She whips out her pistol and threatens to shoot the drunken detective right between the eyes. Harris soap stares ... Glamorous Kate sits with Eric and Sloan and suggests he should have the baby he wants. She then complains about her own wasted time. Eric sighs tis not so simple. She warns him not to wait until he gets older, never mind the past. Live in the present ... Kristen explains to wounded warrior EJ that she would not have said I love you too if she was under the stress Nicole must be feeling. EJ marvels at the emotional support. If only he had not gone to warn stefan ... Megan warns Harris not to make a move and tells off Shawn, who gets closer after she wishes Hope had not made it. She threatens to shoot. Harris warns he is a witness. Megan seems ready to make good on her threat regardless ...
- Dimitri gallantly states loyal Leo was right about his agenda today. He brought Gwen flowers because he has been smitten since the moment he saw her. He deduces she does not return his deep feelings and acts like a disappointed Mr. Darcy. She gushes she does feel the same. Alas Gwen was too reserved to reveal her feelings. He claims he was clouded by hope and she whispers she hopes now it is clear. They come together in a romantic kiss ... Harris bravely steps between Shawn and Megan and warns her two dead bodies would not bode well for whatever her plan is. She puts down her pistol with a pout as he ushers Shawn out. She mutters Harris is lucky she still needs him. She now sees Nicole's endless upset messages to EJ ... Kristen regrets trusting Megan the loon now. EJ agrees boring normal is way better than this ... Kayla lets patient Nicole know the specialist will be here soon ... At the pub Sloan agrees with Kate, who suggests Eric seize the day. She gets a text and goes. Sloan smiles and wonders. Eric smiles back ...
- Shawn is hanging his head at home. Belle feels for him and blames herself for letting him leave the house. Megan could have shot him! He walks away with his headache, wishing she had ... EJ is irate Nicole's appointment must now be over ... Nicole runs into Eric and Sloan outside the pub. She admits the specialist suggested she now has a good chance of having her baby. Eric is happy for her. Sloan adds they are gonna try and have a baby too! Kate made them see the light ... Kate meets Harris and hears how Shawn thwarted the plan. Harris vows to return and make sure Megan is gone for good ... Megan sends her son a text. He tells Gwen tis biz and they stop. He reads his mother's message not to blow the deal and gets back to making out with his mark ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 16, 2023