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- Tate comes running to Brady, having heard Konstantin confessed he killed Victor. He was worried about what happened to Teresa. Brady tells him his mom has company right now ... Upstairs randy Alex gets his pants on and kisses Teresa's sore everything ... Paulina is online reading when Abe enters their living room. He wishes she would avoid the concerned citizens site. She is hitting back by writing something for the Spectator to publish. Tis the least they could do ... Nicole is writing an article with baby Jude in his stroller at the office. Eric arrives, surprised and soooo happy to see him ... Back at DiMera mansion Stefan gets a drink, gleeful he now knows EJ is not baby Jude's biodad. Speak of the DiMera devil ... EJ is enraged the board made sister Kristen CEO and suspects he helped. Stefan denies it and sips his drink. He admits the big money he is holding came from Kristen, laughs he initially took the wrong envelope and smugly offers him the results of the paternity test that proved EJ was not Jude's father! He tells deduces Eric is the real daddy...
- Eric admires Jude and Nicole smiles and flirts. He has something to write for tomorrow and Nicole offers to help. He admits it is to get rid of his wife ... Tate is stunned when Brady states he heard Teresa was in Alex's room for hours. Tate does the math and gasps about Teresa hopping from Brady to Alex. Brady woefully insists he has accepted her decision to choose Alex ... Alex and Teresa snuggle in the afterglow. She feels safe and admits for a spilt second her mistakes flashed before her eyes. Then he saved her. Alex points out Xander saved her but she would rather give him the credit. Alex recalls crazy K's words before he snapped - that Teresa had been a thorn in his side. He wonders what he meant. Drums play. She suggests he was nuts and did not like her is all. She also wants a Brady pub burger so Alex offers to pick one up ... Tate wonders what Brady is doing. Cleaning up. Tate feels for him losing to Alex. Brady suggests they head to the pub and Tate agrees after leaving Teresa a note since he forgot his phone. Brady goes ahead. Here comes hopeful Holly and her eyes lock with her Romeo ...
- Paulina is pleased she sent her article in defense of her actions. Abe is proud of the powerful woman he loves. He hopes she will relax now and gives her a glass of fancy red wine. Then he reminds her tomorrow is their wedding anniversary aka Juneteenth. They kiss in giggly bliss ... Nicole hears how Eric cannot physically serve Sloan with papers since she flew the coup. He will publish his wish to divorce and in a few weeks the court will enter judgment in his favor. His lawyer is EJ. This is the first Nicole has heard of it ... EJ innocently claims he forgot about that envelope that Nicole put in the safe and never looked at it. The genetic testing done on Jude was done and the paternity settled. Sly Stefan senses he knew all along that Jude was not really his as indicated in that envelope! EJ claims those test results are fake. But he stops Stefan when he threatens to call Nicole. Sneaky Stefan agrees to keep his silence in return for something ....
- Nicole is caught off guard by Eric and EJ joining forces. He alludes to their mutual caring of Nicole and she blushes bigtime ... Abe marvels at having his precious memories of Paulina back. Paulina is proud her daughter did her sentence for shooting terrible TR and is back with hubby and babies. Alas she is still unhappy about the recent drama ... Brady is caught off guard to see Alex at the pub. He is picking food up for himself and Teresa and suggests they clear the air ... Holly heard about Tate's mom and hopes she is alright. She is. Maggie is asleep. Holly notes they were away from one another a long time. Tate was supposed to meet papa Brady at the pub but decides to stay and talk to Holly. She sighs about their parents chaperoning prom and he promises they will find a way to be together. They almost kiss until Teresa comes in. She curses and blasts Tate. Holly insists she knew not he would be here. They just said hello. Teresa tells her to say goodbye. Tate gets mad at his mom and throws her own past in her face when she warns him Holly will hurt him again ....
- Alex is sorry to hear Teresa used Brady to forget about his hookup with Kristen. Brady assumes she wants Alex to be her guy and Alex wonders if he is alright with it ... Eric texts Nicole his planned post. She makes some suggestions that make him laugh. They are very close ... Stefan wants Gabi out of the slammer. EJ claims no can do since he is not D.A. anymore. He sarcastically suggests Stefan bust her out. Stefan admits he was about to and tells EJ to get his D.A. job back unless he wants to lose Nicole and Jude for good ... Brady doubts Alex gives a dang how he feels. Alex argues they are family. Brady admits he had his doubts about being with Teresa and decides he did him a favor. He wishes him the best. Alex thanks him and gets going. Enter Eric, who asks if Konstantin really offed Victor. Brady sighs tis true and he went after Maggie as well. Eric also heard about Teresa. Brady tells him that one always lands on her feet ...
- Tate berates Teresa for leading Brady on again and storms out ... Holly and Tate catch up at the square and he steals a kiss. He apologizes for his mother's reaction and vows their folks will not keep them apart. He also has a secret prom plan. Holly is all ears ... Teresa is sitting alone remembering her best night of passion, which was with Brady. She shuts her eyes and Alex arrives with burger and fries. He wonders why so distant and she updates him on the fight with Tate but refuses to elaborate ... Brady feels for Eric losing Jude. Eric misses him nonstop but he saw him today when Nicole brought him to the office. Brady suggests it must be hard for him also to see Nicole. Eric's eyes mirror his sorrow ... Back at the mansion Stefan updates Nicole on EJ losing his D.A. job. He knows he will fight to get it back and suggests EJ would do anything for his family. Nicole gets a strange feeling ... Paulina and Abe agree to have another glass of red wine. Knock knock! EJ calling. He politely promises to have the citizens withdraw the petition to have her recalled. Abe is impressed. EJ adds there is something he will need in return for his grand gesture ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 17, 2024
