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- Leo calls Marlena from the cafe. He tells the woman in blue about his dream. She sternly states to only call this number if tis an appointment or emergency ... Alex meets with Marlena, who heard all about Konstantin. He actually came to talk Teresa ... Woman in red Teresa scowls at Victor's portrait. She clearly loves Brady but wants the heir. She adds Xander deserves to be ripped off anyway and in walks Bonnie ... Maggie wakes up from her long sleep. Sara is at her side. She hopes big bad K is in the slammer. Sara states he is dead. Maggie wonders what went down and in walks Xander, proudly claiming responsibility ... At Horton house Chad is holding a picture of Abigail when Julie comes in. Alas they cannot get answers about Abigail today regarding that box ... Xander calls it poetic justice. Sara adds Konstantin was going to off Teresa ... Bonnie is bewildered Teresa would want bad luck for Xander since he saved her from a certain death at Konstantin's hands. Teresa excuses herself ... Glam Julie tells Chad tis Juneteenth so the bank is closed. He already contacted the manager who will meet them there. Julie sighs tis hard having to keep the secret from Jen and Jack, who just happens to arrive at that second. Jack smiles did someone say his name ...
- A huge family hug happens at Horton house. Julie is surprised. Jack assumed all were out for Juneteenth. Chad cannot bring himself to celebrate and asks how Jack and Jen are. Sad Jack just wants to check with Rafe so Clyde is locked up for good. He wonders whether he revealed anything when he confessed. He sees a glance between Julie and Chad and wonders about that secret they were discussing that involved a box ... Maggie cannot comprehend why Teresa needed saving from Konstantin. Sara steps away for a hospital call. Maggie asks Xander what happened and he updates her on K taking Teresa hostage and trying to strangle her. That was when he shot him. The redhead reasons he had no choice but he reveals he really did ... Alex updates Marlena on Teresa telling him she would be with Brady if he was with Kristen. He is currently fully committed to Teresa and Marlena wonders why he was not before. He doubted he could trust her cos of her past and his big money. She solemnly wonders about right now ...
- At the square Leo ends a call with good news. Marlena has an opening. He runs into Teresa and invites her to sit so he can interview her. He suspiciously asks about the special connection between her and the late Konstantin. Teresa starts to sweat ... Julie shows Jack the time capsule box she cannot open and pretends that was the box she and Chad were discussing. Jack notes tis no secret cos Jen already told him. Chad suggests he go up to see the kids. Jack happily heads upstairs. Chad gasps they cannot wait any longer ... Teresa acts stressed about Konstantin and tries to change the subject after Leo recalls he claimed there was an enemy in their midst. He now suggests he interview her about her romance with billionaire Alex. His readers would love to hear how she snagged such a prize ... Alex tells probing Marlena he knows Teresa is not perfect. She talks trust. Alex, however, was rattled by latest events and now seems to believe Teresa could be the right girl ... Xander admits to Maggie that K had dropped his gun but he shot to kill him anyway and he has no regrets ...
- Sarah sits on the lavish sofa with Bonnie, who asks if she heard back from Xander's mother. Alas no. RING RING. Tis the number of Xander's mum! So Sara thinks ... Jack comes downstairs with a tear in his eye. Thomas said Chad said Abigail was alive and he assumes he meant in their hearts. But he feels her presence! He heads out to speak to Rafe. Julie assures anxious Chad they will get their answers today ... Marlena praises Alex for his openness. He asks if she believes he can trust Teresa. The therapist tells him he must decide if he can trust her ... Teresa gets testy with Leo and boasts she was dating Alex when he was not an heir. He reasons he was still rich. Former salon employees Leo suggests she would look better with lowlights. He gets back to the topic of love and she brings up Dimitri. Leo likes her feisty spirit, which reminds him of an old friend who recently moved away. He now gets notification of his appointment with Marlena and tells T he will catch her later ...
- Sara gets a call from but it is not from Xander's mum ... Maggie hopes K rots in hell. The redhead wishes she could have pulled that trigger ... Excited Leo hops into Marlena's office and she smiles. After they last spoke he realized he was pathologically lonely with superficial relationships except for one good friend he betrayed with Dimitri. He fears no one could love the real him. Marlena the sage states he must love himself first. He sure hopes she can help him with that ... Sara sighs the woman who called has had that number for years. Bonnie suggests social media or snail mail but Xander said he knows not his mum's whereabouts these days. They deduce she will not be at the wedding ... Maggie is mighty relieved to hear Xander will not be facing charges. They both still miss Victor and the redhead thanks him for being so loyal to her late hubby aka his uncle. She senses he gave him a rough time cos he reminded him of himself. He may have made Alex his heir but it was Xander he knew he could count on. At times he seemed closer to him than to his own sons ...
- Alex meets Teresa at the square and admits he spoke about their relationship with Marlena. He boasts he also spoke to Brady, who noted he and Teresa were a mismatch. She wonders what Marlena suggested. To be true to his own self. He announces he loves her ... Teresa is touched but reminds him he was recently with Kristen. He reminds her she was recently with Brady. She replies she loves him too ...
- Xander comes down to Sara, who updates him on that number he gave her not belonging to his mom. He suggests tis just as well and promises the love of his life their wedding will be perfect, with a kiss. Then he muses Maggie was more of a mother to him than his own mum ... Heartbroken Maggie gets on Victor's old robe and tells his picture Konstantin is gone so he may now rest in peace. Alas there is no peace for the weeping widow ... Marlena reminds Leo it will take time for her to help him if he cooperates. She wants him to forget his mother said he was unlovable as he is eminently lovable. Leo confidently smiles and decides he wants to tell her himself. Marlena steps away to find her schedule. Leo makes a call about visiting his mother in Statesville ... Jack enters the pub and gets a warm greeting from Bonnie. She heard about Clyde. Rafe has promised him that Clyde will stay in solitary forever for what he did to Abigail ... Chad and Julie are at the bank, waiting for Clyde's safety deposit box. High heels are heard approaching ... ooooooo


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 18, 2024
