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Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Episode 13,358
1170 words

Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)

Now without further ado ...


At The pub Jen toasts to brother Lucas with Chloe and Eric. Happy couples coming together. Chloe explains Parker wanted to spend the summer with her parents. Jen believes kids being happy is the best blessing ... Colorful Julie keeps busy at the club as Doug reassures her Hope will find Ciara. Enter Abe and Val. Val has agreed to help Lani plan her shower. The baby is not due for a few months ... Meanwhile Kayla is sorry to tell Lani she has to have a c section to save her unborn baby. Lani refuses to sign her consent. Eli wishes she would. Kayla explains if they even wait a week it would risk her life and also the baby. Lani cries it is unfair. JJ gives her a pep talk about the strong woman she is but her baby needs her to live. She agrees to sign and sobs. Eli sits by the bed and coaches her breathing. Exit intense JJ ... Julie has booked a date in July for the Lani shower. Doug notes it is what they need. Abe gets choked up about the families being together. He apologizes for his anger last year toward JJ. Doug understands he was upset about Theo. He shakes his noble hand and Julie smiles even friends have problems. They are thrilled they will all be family soon. Ring ring! Abe takes the call from JJ, who updates him on the serious situation ...

Lani looks at the ultrasound of her baby as Kayla states the heartbeat is strong. JJ returns to the room. Kayla warns Eli he will not be able to be in the delivery room for the c section. He accepts that. Lani smiles at JJ, who informs her he contacted Abe. She appreciates all he has done as it means much. JJ looks emotional. Lani is taken to the OR and Abe arrives along the way. He assures her this is the best hospital for her baby to be born. Lani admits she and Eli have not bought anything. Abe gushes he knows her child will make her proud as she has made him. Eli is relieved when Val assures him the baby does have an excellent chance. 90%. She offers to be there in the OR. He would like that. She hugs papa Eli and grandpa Abe before going. JJ steps into the elevator alone ... Lani shivers after the anesthesia. Kayla reassures her. Val enters in scrubs. Lani smiles a beautiful smile about becoming a mom ... JJ picks up food at the pub and updates Jen on Lani’s early labor leading to the OR. Jen, Eric, Lucas and Eli are on their way ... Abe approaches Eli and hopes he will not walk away from his responsibilities. Never! Abe is relieved and goes to get coffee while they wait. Julie rushes in as Doug parks the car. Eli explains it will take a while but she cries she would not miss this for the world ... Lani starts to feel strange and sees a white light. There is a door she imagines passing through. It looks like the hospital. Then she reaches the white light and steps inside as Kayla calls out to stay!

Julie wants Eli to make future plans with Lani. He sighs to her and Doug that Lani will have none of it. They have not discussed anything and he suspects she still wishes JJ were the father ... Abe arrives with coffee, Jen, Lucas, Chloe, Eric, JJ and good tidings. Eli asks for some space ... Lani’s blood pressure is falling fast. She imagines Kayla telling her she was 6 weeks pregnant. She deduces the date means it is JJ’s, the man she loves. She then remembers tender times with JJ when he felt the first kick and Jen bought a new toy train with Eric. Then she hugged them to celebrate their engagement. Beep beep beep. Kayla asks her to squeeze her hand so she does. But the white light is back ...

Eli is worried and would rather be alone. Lucas lets him know they take care of their own. Jen agrees they can wait until later and leave the food. Julie stays. Eli asks them all to remain and realizes he overreacted. Jen asks JJ how he fares. He feels he is the one making Eli uneasy. Jen notes Lani would want him nearby ... Lani has lost a great deal of blood. She whispers JJ’s name and imagines a baby shower to which Eli was not invited but he came anyway to update her on Gabi knowing they slept together. Eli feared Gabi would tell JJ! Lani told JJ the truth. He was crushed and disagreed he was the dad. Eli stepped in to explain. Lani states they did a stupid thing after she saw him with Gabi and made an inaccurate assumption. JJ agreed to put it all behind him but Lani’s water broke. Such is her dream as she continues to crash in the OR ...

As JJ hangs his head Eli thanks him for acting fast for Lani and bringing her to the hospital. He asks him to be a part of the baby’s life for Lani’s sake. JJ considers ... Lani is now bleeding out and dreams of giving birth at the club, with JJ helping, Kayla delivering. She pushed ... Flatline ... Kayla and Val urge her to hold on ... Abe admits to Eric he did not think Theo was going to make it so now he is trying to keep the faith. However it is taking long. Julie asks Eric the former father to lead them in prayer. They join hands in a holy circle ... "Heavenly father we ask that you give Lani and her baby the strength to get through this time ..." Eyes are closed. But Lani cannot be revived and returns to the white light ... "Amen." Kayla comes out. Abe asks what happened. Kayla confesses they almost lost her but got her stabilized and she made it through. Pause. Eli asks about the baby. Kayla looks pale ... Val comforts Lani over her loss. Lani dreams of JJ coming in her room and asks after the baby. Val whispers it is alright ... Kayla is sorry to report the baby boy did not survive. Eli weeps he was assured there was a ninety percent chance. Jen cries on Eric and then JJ. Abe asks Kayla whether Lani knows. Not yet. Meanwhile Lani sleeps in her room and dreams of JJ telling her the delivery was complicated but ... The nurse came in with their baby boy. She holds her son in her dream world as JJ watches with a smile and calls him their boy. Their beautiful boy. In reality, however, she is sleeping as Val sobs. Val walks out and turns off the light, leaving the Salem patient in her dream world ...


All the drama in Salem on Tuesday, June 19