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- Pretty in pink Paulina has the place beautifully decorated and shares an anniversary and Juneteenth hug with Abe. She will miss Chanel. Knock knock! Surprise! Tis Eli and the adorable twins ... Woman in red Chanel is emotional outside the bakery. Here comes sympathetic sister Lani ... At the mansion EJ is miffed Stefan is his shadow. The brothers agree to have a scotch and Stefan gets the lowdown on his almost deal with Paulina. Stefan not so subtly threatens him with the real paternity test results, how Nicole would dump him if she knew. Enter Johnny, who senses the brotherly tension ... Mr. Moonie the bank VP has the box for the DiMeras. But he will be needing the combination to open said box. Alas Julie and Chad do not have it but owner Clyde allowed them access. There is a snag - it belongs to incarcerated Goldman. No code means no box ... EJ and Stefan pretend they were talking DiMera biz. Johnny assumes it was about Kristen the new CEO. Stefan speaks in circles and excuses himself. EJ dismisses the drama and asks about Chanel's appointment. Johnny gushes they got to hear the baby's heartbeat. EJ passes on that Nicole put more pregnancy books on the shelves. Johnny has something to tell his dad ...
- Delighted Abe and Paulina hear that Lani headed to the bakery to see sis but will join them soon ... Chanel announces to Lani that she and Johnny are soon departing Salem ... Eli admits to Paulina that Lani is aware of the friction between Paulina and Chanel. But Lani would have done as Paulina did. Paulina believes all is well now and will miss Chanel ... Lani is happy to hear about Chanel and Johnny's exciting L.A. opportunity. Chanel appreciates the sisterly support. Lani asks about the baby. Chanel gushes they got to hear the heartbeat. Things are much better between her and mama. Lani knows mama will miss her something awful. Chanel assumes EJ will take it hard too ... Johnny gives EJ the news on his directing opportunity. EJ gives son his blessing and praises him for being his own man. He even uses the R word. Respect. He warns there will be wonderful times and alludes to regret as well ...
- Verbose Julie tries to convince the VP to open the box but he knows not the code. He gives them their privacy and Chad calls Rafe right away ... Lively Jada runs into Stefan outside the pub. She has been speaking to Rafe about Clyde and suggests after they shut down Clyde's drug operation Stefan could pretend he wants to help him start up again. Stefan chuckles at the audacity ... Chad ends his grateful call with Rafe, who got Goldman to pass on the pass code. The banker is back and leaves Julie and Chad with the box. Open Sesame! Inside is a key but what is on it???!
- Stefan gets sarcastic about being asked to break the law for the cops. Jada believes he would have a better chance of getting Gabi freed if he got Clyde. She is sure Rafe would be on board. He refuses to take the chance and alludes to another way of getting Gabi released ... Elegant Lani joins the Carver Price party with Chanel and the hugs ensue. Abe and Paulina are happy to have the family together. Lani is sorry about the latest negative politics. Johnny arrives and greets Lani and Eli. The little ones are napping. Paulina is miffed about the move and says so. Abe reminds her L.A. is not that far. Johnny hopes she does not mind he invited his dad to join the party. Here comes a vert respectful EJ, hoping Madam Mayor will allow him to join the party ... Stefan refuses to do anything remotely close to Clyde. Jada talks black book. He acts disinterested but smart cookie Jada senses he has his own plan ... EJ is ever so pleased Paulina allowed him to join the party and points out the concerned citizens are more concerned. He argues he is not CEO of DiMera anymore so there is no conflict of interest. He suggests she reinstate him and talks quid pro quo. Abe suggests he stick it. Eli appears and asks if all is well ...
- Chad and Julie watch footage of an empty room with a girl from behind who could be Abigail or an Abigail lookalike. She is pacing but they cannot see her face ... Stefan states without Melinda's black book there is no way to get Gabi released. Jada senses he has something planned and suggests he help the cops. He turns her down and goes on his sarcastic way ... EJ pretends Paulina and Abe were simply not pleased he did not approve of Johnny and Chanel's move but has seen the light. He offers the DiMera jet for flights to visit the family that will be in California. Eli steps away to get the twins to go see Julie ... EJ strongly suggests Paulina oust Trask and put him back as D.A. but it sounds like a DiMera demand ... Now back at Horton house Julie is delighted to see Eli for Juneteenth and marvels they had digital copies of all the family photos thanks to Jack. She hears Eli brought the kids, who are in the kitchen with Doug and the chocolate chip cookies. He asks about her trip to Chicago Doug mentioned. The diva admits she is at a loss with a certain situation ... Chad heads to the station asking to see Clyde. Jada informs him he was already transported to supermax. No visitors ... At DiMera mansion Stefan toasts with EJ, who has just been reinstated as D.A. He will open Gabi's case. Stefan drinks to that ... The Carver Price party has three cakes courtesy of Chanel. Abe reads the poignant poem WE ROSE. Together the Salem power family blow out the candles.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 19, 2024
