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- Steve is back home and asks phone Hope how Bo is cos he is always here. He assures her Megan will never find them. Harris comes to his door and Steve gets sarcastic ... Kristen is having a drink at DiMera mansion. Megan pours one for Stefan when he sweeps in with Gabi. He declares they are working on EJ's demise ... EJ kisses dahling Nicole and asks where she was. The hospital ... Back at the pub Marlena gets the preggers Nicole story from Eric, who drawls they will soon know if he is the dad ... Nicole announces to astounded EJ she is having a baby ... Steve tells Harris he and John can watch Megan without him. He does not trust him and suggests he leave Salem ... Megan and Kristen know that Gabi and Stefan still need them to oust EJ from DiMera and wonder what they would get. Gabi hands them the bold and glossy plans to save DiMera ... Marlena marvels the swabs were for paternity. Eric updates her on Sloan stumbling upon Nicole's secret. She was hoping he was not the father so she agreed to get the swab. Marlena is surprised to hear EJ knows nothing ... EJ is delighted, then sees Nicole's nervous face and suddenly fears he is not the father ...
- Harris respectfully suggests he can be useful. He is from Salem too and suggests he and Steve team up against Megan so she does not hurt Hope ... Megan notes the deets are very vague about her and Kristen's role. Stefan the smooth talker praises their talent, asks them to read over the proposal and let them know what they think. He exits with stylish Gabi. Megan tosses the proposal in the fireplace and asks Kristen for a match ... Nicole admits she knows not the paternity. EJ leers at her for lying and hiding secrets again. She points out she had to wait for the paternity test and admits Eric discovered her secret, which is why she came clean ... Eric admits to Marlena tis complicated. The blonde asks how he feels about Nicole having his baby. Honestly ... he hopes he is the daddy!
- Kayla comes home and hugs Steve. He updates her on Harris' plan to watch Megan. Kayla is all for him helping ... Eric feels for Sloan since another woman might be having his child. Marlena uses the f word. Feelings ... like the deep feelings he has for Nicole ... EJ lashes out at Nicole, accusing her of wanting Eric ... Stefan is massaging Gabi's feet. They need an idea that would win over the two old school women. He gushes Gabi will be the greatest CEO. They have management on their side. Gabi worries how maniac Megan will react when they win ... Megan and Kristen are confident they are better than upstarts Stefan and Gabi. Megan is power hungry. Kristen wonders how far she would go. Megan is ready to rise as the phoenix's daughter again ... Gabi and Stefan claim they cannot wait to wed. He assures her they will have it all and gets frisky, feeling unstoppable ...
- Kristen quips Megan wants the world. Megan will begin with Salem. Kristen warns she does not have the DiMera money. Kristen muses she does not need it with her perfect plan ... Steve is stunned to hear Abe is missing and creepy cop impersonator Colin is on the loose. The police need help cos Jada has too much to deal with, including her sister's involvement with Colin. Abe has a head injury and must be found! Steve can see his busy medicine woman wife has too much on her plate. She believes all will be better now that he is home. Harris is watching. They kiss before she must return to the hospital for the test results ... Eric sighs he said he loved Sloan ... in the moment. Marlena deduces it was not an undying kind of love and wonders whether he wants to reunite with Nicole if the baby is his ...
- Nicole sadly states she might not be able to carry a baby to term. EJ softly suggests medical advances have improved. She is taking a step at a time and updates him on Sloan stumbling upon the secret. He feels like a fool when she admits Anna and Tony know as well. She adds now that she is seven weeks along they will get the results of the sample Sloan took from Eric. Ring ring! Tis Kayla. Said results are in ... Smug Stefan and Gabi snuggle in bed after the lovin. He wants to wed soon. Her too but they need to take over DiMera. He calls her more important. Gabi is still waiting for the divorce decree. Stefan senses hesitation ... Kristen wants to hear sister Meg's get rich quick scheme. All in good time! Bo will be her queen of the night when he wakes up. Kristen wants to know what HER role would be. Megan assures her she is a key player in her plan. Kristen says no sidelining. Agreed. Kristen also wants ... Nicole agrees to meet Kayla at the hospital and asks EJ to join her. He is sorry he seemed harsh and tenderly tells her how happy he would be to have a child with her. She will be ready after she contacts ...
- Marlena suggests Eric not fool himself about his feelings for they are there, regardless of test results. He now gets Nicole's text to meet him at the hospital. The moment of truth is here ... Gabi is hesitant to wed fast after what happened last time. Stefan promises perfection this time around and kisses her. They agree on July 31, same date as before, but strange music plays ... Kristen wants Megan to help her get full custody of Rachel. Megan suggests kidnapping. Kristen reminds her of her own son. Megan worriedly wonders why he has yet to return to Salem. Hopefully he has not been thwarted by the Alamains! Enter handsome Dimitri, announcing he is here and she smiles a warm mother's smile ... Steve sighs about all the bad guys in Salem and decides to contact John. Harris wants to help. Steve turns him down. Harris is still here in case he changes his mind ... At the hospital EJ is irate Nicole also summoned Eric. EJ boasts to Eric that he and Nicole have been together more than once. Nicole gets upset and asks the men to be nice regardless of the results. Eric and EJ soap stare. But the best buck might not win - yet!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 2, 2023