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Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Episode 13,359
1460 words

Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)

Now without further ado ...


Shirtless Will shows shirtless Paul his article in bed. Paul praises him for capturing Sonny since he does not remember him. Will remembers the memory he recently had but does not share ... Chad visits stressing Sonny at the Kiriakis mansion and assures him Justin will get him off from the scam artist’s charges. He comes as a friend and Sonny is grateful. Chad now brings up the return of Ben ... Ben comes into the cabin with grocery bags and sets them down as Ciara sleeps. He fixes her blanket so she threatens him with the knife. He explains she fell asleep and he was waiting all night for a store to open. He bears food, bandages and gas for the generator, not to mention a portable phone charger if she wants to phone home ... At the loft Claire stammers to John and Marlena about Ciara. John hugs her and tries to make her feel better. Then he heads out leaving Marlena to provide the tea and comfort. Marlena wonders why Claire is blaming herself. Claire cries about the look on Ciara's face when she found her with Tripp. Meanwhile Hope barks orders on the phone and stares at a photo. Enter Tripp, who asks if there is news. She tells him Ciara crashed her bike in the middle of nowhere ... Will fibs he is only focusing on his article now - to help Sonny. Paul is investigating Leo’s past with John but so far has nothing. Will muses unlike some people he wants all his memories. Paul tells him he tossed and turned all night. Will has much on his mind. Paul points out they will both support Sonny. Will kisses nice loyal Paul feeling lucky to have him in his life ... Claire confesses to Marlena that she made the first move on Tripp. Ciara accused her of seeking revenge. Perhaps subconsciously she wanted to and wonders what Marlena the psychologist thinks ...

Rafe ends a call with Doug ... Hope screams at Tripp for making her daughter bolt after she caught him with Claire. Rafe walks in but Hope refuses to calm down. They cannot find her daughter! However, she is sorry for her harsh words to Tripp. She lets him know some things were found near Ciara’s motorbike crash. It is possible she was found by someone ... Ciara would rather remain missing but Ben believes she will be found. She hopes not and hopes he tipped no one off. He did not as it is her decision now that she has the charger. He steps away to make them breakfast ... Marlena speaks to Claire of the mysteries of the subconscious. Claire admits she could have hurt Ciara intentionally. Marlena urges her to end the battle between them. Claire cries what if she does not come back ... Ciara sulks as she eats Ben’s pancakes and actually enjoys them. He tells her he used to help his mom as a kid. Ciara remembers her family’s donuts. Ben suggests she contact her mom at least. Ciara warns she wants him locked up ... Sonny assures Chad that he has not seen Ben. Chad leers he let him have it and made him leave. He notes Stefan would have taken care of him. Perhaps that would be the best way given what has happened. He should be more like Stefano! Sonny soap stares ... Rafe returns to Hope’s office and updates her on Tripp going, busy with the flyers. She is relieved. Hope has her own attention on that generic running shoe clue that was found near the scene. Rafe tells her that whoever is with Ciara must be looking after her. Hope gasps how to know? Besides she has not called. She fears how frightened she is alone with a strange man. Rafe holds her ... Ben admits he was no angel due to his anger issues but that was then this is now. Ciara questions why she should believe him ... Will opens his door to Marlena, who notes she has not heard from him since the injection. Paul told her he was down. Paul confirms that. Will has yet to have his daily coffee yet alone a new memory. She informs Paul that John awaits at the pub. He heads to their Leo meeting and now Marlena asks Will whether he really has not remembered anything. He mutters he might have ...

As Sonny pours a drink he reminds Chad that Abigail wants a clean company. Chad accepts his drink and vows to do whatever it takes to make things right. Dangerous music plays ... Ben lists how he has helped Ciara and trusted her. But she can see his sarcastic smile and suggests he is trying to make her his next victim ... Hope wants to focus on finding Ciara. Rafe is on her side. She wants the FBI involved then decides Eli's contacts are better. Rafe updates her on Eli being at the hospital with Lani. Hope wonders. Rafe bears sad news. Lani lost the baby. Hope is horrified ... Sonny sits and admits to Chad he too hates Stefan after what he did to Gabi. The Leo lawsuit has him even more stressed but Will is helping him go public with his side of the story. In addition John and Paul are getting the goods on Leo ... At the pub Paul sighs to John he has little on Leo. John tells him to give it time and praises his son and Will for supporting Sonny. He asks about the serum. Paul is relieved for so far no memories. Will's old feelings for Sonny resurfacing would change everything ... Will updates Marlena on remembering Sonny’s hug when he was falling in love with him. He could feel the memory was real. Marlena assumes he has not shared with Paul. No for it remains fuzzy. For now. He asks Marlena for another injection. She is sorry to say the board has ordered Kayla to destroy the rest. Will passionately refuses to give up on finding his past ...

Chad suggests he and Sonny come up with a solution for his situation. He needs a leader who can take Titan stock back higher. Sonny knows they want a new CEO. Phillip was asked by Victor but he was not interested. Sonny notes there is no one so slick Chad suggests an outsider ... Ben understands why Ciara hesitates to trust for he has been there. She wonders what happened. He recalls a stray kitten he and his sister took care of until it disappeared. Clyde suggested they check the road and they found it run over. When Clyde saw them crying he cruelly laughed. Ben blames him for making him want to have power. It was the only way he believed he could stop being a victim. He sighs he is sorry. Ciara is listening ... Will wants the light at the end of the tunnel. Marlena suggests he wait as the memories could slowly return with or without Rolf's serum. He pretends to be patient and they exchange I love yous and a hug. The son of Sami now makes a call to Dr. Kayla and finds out she is not in. Oooooooo

Hope and Rafe get glum over Lani losing her baby. Rafe sighs she is still unaware. Hope’s sadness from losing Zack comes back and she cries about Ciara ... Ciara agrees Clyde was wrong and a monster. Ben wants no pity. He thinks that is what made him this way. He felt like a powerless zero always. He swears he is no longer a monster. Ciara notes she is not a monster either for letting her mom worry but she cannot go back yet, since the wound of finding Ciara with Tripp is still too deep. Ben updates her on the addition he got so her call would not be traceable. Ciara is torn ... Sonny notes an outsider familiar with the family might work but there is no one. Chad boldly suggests himself ... Paul gets home and reads a note from Will about being home later. Meanwhile Will gets into a hospital elevator with the remaining vial of serum in his hand ... Tripp wants to search for Ciara. Claire wants to come with ... Rafe holds Hope’s hands and promises they will hunt high and low until they have located Ciara. But she is the best damn detective so he needs her skills. She gasps they have got to find out where that running shoe was sold and check all security footage. Ring ring! Hope picks up. Ciara anxiously greets her mom. "It’s me." Hope soap stares ...


All the drama in Salem on Wednesday, June 20