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- At Horton house Chad is setting the table and asks Julie about Doug. He is upstairs having soup in bed and she gushes about the great time he had playing cards with Chad, who enjoyed it too. She wonders why the nice silver and napkins. Chad hopes Steph will be coming to dinner ... Steph updates Steve and Kayla on Theo's speech for Abe. Kayla had a hospital emerg and Steve was busy with John searching for Abe. Alex texts Steph as he celebrates with Brady. He got the Yuri deal for Basic Black! ... Stylish Chloe catches up with Xander. Both had a busy day. He has no regrets about turning down Titan cos he gets to be with her. She wonders whether Maggie was unhappy. He updates her on how odd Bonnie was when he dropped by ... Bonnie has a bad cold and Justin wonders how she caught it. She believes tis her punishment for lying to Xander. She is so stressed about Sarah's secret ... Julie approves of Steph seeing Chad and agrees Abigail would want him to be happy. She suddenly sees his ring is gone. Steph arrives, having been let in by TV watching Doug. Steph and Chad are left alone as Julie exits to haul hubby to bed ...
- Alex is pumped about his and Brady's done deal with high roller Yuri! Here comes mad Maggie in hot pink ... Chloe assumes Bonnie was made anxious by Xander, who recalls she said she had a cold he could catch ... Bonnie complains about almost blurting out the truth to Xander. Thank heaven she only told Justin, who told no one ... Xander believes Bonnie believed he was referring to someone else being preggers, not Nicole so something is strange ... Pigtail Bonnie hears Justin does not approve of Xander not knowing Sarah is carrying his baby ... Steve surprises sweetness with pizza and gushes they got the place all to themselves ... As she and Chad have red wine, Steph smiles her folks must be enjoying their alone time. She believes she should move out and Chad agrees ... Maggie is mad that Alex took the ap idea and Yuri to Titan. Brady knew nothing about Yuri's history with Titan! She accuses Alex of purposely tanking the Titan deal when she was away. Brady argues he only hired Alex after he was fired by the redhead. She accuses Alex of going to the competition. Alex snaps he was not why Yuri walked away and calls Titan a dinosaur. He feels he and Brady are the future but Titan is a loser...
- The raging redhead boasts of profits with happy shareholders. Alex suggests they are all gray and reminds her Yuri said she did not share his vision. Brady silently watches while the confrontation continues. He knew not of the previous deal but sides with Alex. He also doubts Victor would be bothered cos biz is biz ... Xander says he was surprised when Bonnie insisted he stop seeing Chloe, who assumes it is the result of her bad history with Mimi. Xander suspects tis really about Sarah ... Justin recalls he was wronged by Angelica keeping her pregnancy with Alex from him and warns Bonnie that secrets about babies always spill. Bonnie begs him not to say anything for she promised Sarah. He points out he did not promise but will respect his wife's wishes ...
- Kayla loves her pizza and remembers the last time they had Bruno's. It was at the hospital. They remember the bad days and marvel that they always make it and find their way together. He kisses her hand ... During dinner Chad admits he too needs a place to stay. He is done with DiMera mansion and does not want to be a burden with the kids to Doug and Julie. He shyly suggests he and Steph find a place together. She blushes he wants her to move in with him. He argues they already spend most nights together. She reminds him they work together as well. He wants to go to bed and wake up with her every night. She worries what the kids would think. He gallantly kisses her hand and states he will speak to their therapist. If she agrees then he will consult with the kids. He knows they will love the idea. Steph gushes she would love it too and they seal the deal with a kiss ...
- Steve convinces Kayla to try his hot pepper pizza. She tells him to try her mushroom pizza and they swap ... Bonnie updates Justin on Xander dating Chloe ... Chloe is surprised to hear that Bonnie said Xander seeing her would upset Sarah. He sighs she is with Rex. Bonnie saw them when she was in Chicago. Chloe sighs Bonnie will get bugged about someone else soon ... Alex suggests Vic tell him if he has a prob himself. Maggie goes on her way after warning she can be just as ruthless ... Xander and Chloe smooch and she hears his tummy grumble. They are low on groceries so he suggests they dine out ... Justin never imagined Xander and Chloe would get together. Bonnie feels guilty about him not knowing Sarah is having his baby. She sneezes up a storm so Justin heads to the pub to get her some chicken soup ... Steve is amused Kayla could not handle the hot peppers. Their different tastes and marriage are still on track ... Brady berates Alex for not admitting he already tried to make a deal with Yuri. Alex agrees to be up front in the future and offers to call Yuri and cancel ...
- Steve has Abe on his mind again and regrets he and John have nothing new for Paulina. He remembers how he lost Kayla but they found their way back together. They agree they are lucky. They exchange I love yous and kiss in bliss ... Brady decides he still wants the deal. Alex is relieved. Brady warns but Maggie will fight back ... Steph and Chad are kissing when Maggie comes by. She has a question for Chad and asks him to come work at Titan ... At the pub Justin sees Xander and Chloe cozy at a table. Xander insists he sit while he waits for his takeout ... Bonnie blows her nose and leaves Sarah a voice mail cos they have to talk. She warns she might not be able to keep her secret after all!!!!!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 21, 2023