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- At the café Leo is practicing how to confront his mom. She left him all alone! Here comes buff jogging Alex wanting his water ... Brady does not believe Teresa's belief that Holly and Tate plan to sneak out. She heard the latest from Sophia ... who decides she wants to dance with Tate ... Steve ends a call with traveling Tripp. Justin arrives and asks when he is getting out. Kayla summoned him since he might need a lawyer ... At the pub Kayla complains to Roman about Steve's drama. Ava is to blame and she hopes she is gone for good. Speak of the Vitali devil ... Ava apologizes for going to China to update Tripp and Wendy. She is stunned to hear Steve got shot. Ava hopes she is not to blame. Not this time. Kayla got Steve a lawyer and suggests she should have a plan to cover her mess too ... Steve agrees to hire Justin and casually admits he sprung Clyde from the slammer. Justin is flabbergasted ... Leo wishes Alex would leave with his sweaty abs ... Back at prom Holly takes a swig. Tate suggests Aaron go to Sophia. Holly complains about his mom's threats. Tate has big plans ... Teresa coughs from the vape smoke in the bathroom, where she saw Sofia sobbing. Brady believes she is overreacting. The kids are alright. Teresa vows to bust Tate and that Holly she hates ...
- Leo lets Alex have his water and updates him on Teresa saying she fell for him before she knew he was a Kiriakis heir. Leo thinks she is legit. Alex notes Marlena said something similar. Leo is pleased to hear they have the same emotional healer ... Tate fakes a sudden headache for his parents, who have their doubts. He wants to go home, turns down Teresa's ride and decides to walk. Brady realizes she was right ... Sophia is snarky with Aaron and tells Holly she knows Tate faked a headache so they could sneak away ... At the pub Kayla warns Ava that Clyde will expose her and suspiciously wonders if she is staying in Salem for Steve ... Steve feels he did the right thing but like Kayla assumes Clyde will out him. He tells Justin he therefore intends to give himself up to the law ... Hurt Sophia tells off Aaron and Holly. She feels like a fool. Holly is sorry and loves her bestie but Sophia is still upset about Tate. She promises not to tell on them. Holly goes after her guy ...
- Seconds after Teresa warns Brady that Holly will follow Tate, said teen walks by and states she is going to the washroom. Mad Teresa insists Brady follow that girl with her ... Alex sees Leo's script and he admits he intends to confront his wayward mother. Alex is sorry. Leo suggests Victor was no angel either and Alex is lucky he is no longer around ... Justin believes he can cut a deal for probation no time served but he needs to know if any others where involved. Steve states only him ... Roman interrupts Ava and Kayla's mini clash. Ava admits she only returned to Salem to clear the air with Harris. Roman tells her he has not returned. She sighs if he does not plan to there is no point in her sticking around either ... Brady and Teresa cannot decides which way Holly went. Leo spies them at the square and hears they are trying to find Tate. Leo remembers the lad in the tux sneaking by and then Holly. Teresa asks if he knows where Holly went to ... Tate opens his Salem room Inn door to Holly. Tis a private prom. She loooooves it but knew not it was a room at the Salem Inn. He insists there are no expectations. They are alone at last and kiss ...
- Kayla comes back to Steve. They are both worried what Clyde will do. Steve wants to share his unorthodox plan ... Back at the Kiriakis mansion Justin leaves a message for Commiss Rafe to call him. His client wishes to make a statement. Alex arrives and Justin brings up the Konstantin drama. He heard how he want after Teresa to save her. Alex announces she is the one so Justin wants him to know ... Kayla grudgingly agrees with Steve and deduces John and Ava will also have to come clean. Steve made no mention of their names and Kayla gets miffed about the former mafia princess getting away with it again ... Roman offers to put Ava in contact with Harris in the morning and hopes they will work it out. So does she and woefully heads upstairs ... Justin heard about Teresa sleeping with Brady. Alex suggests she was getting even as he had a meaningless fling with Kristen. Justin argues Teresa and Brady have a son and a connection. He is worried about his son. Alex condescendingly claims he is not his father and suggests he mind his own biz. Justin is hurt but agrees to butt out ...
- Teresa puts the squeeze on Leo, who remembers promising not to expose Tate and Holly. Then he says he knows not where they are and scurries away ... Brady wants to give up but Teresa is worried about drugs. Brady assumes their son likely went somewhere so they could be alone and they both realize they are standing in front of the Salem Inn ... Holly updates Tate on Sophia being aware they are together. They feel badly. But they think she and Aaron should be together. Then they kiss and he shows her the playlist he made her. More silly contrived teen talk ensues. They dance to If only to hooooooooold you and kiss ... Back at the boring bash Aaron offers to take Sophia home. No and she is mad he was a part of the scheme. Aaron wanted to invite her to prom but lacked the courage. He calls her not outing Holly and Tate cool ... Tate and Holly kiss. They want this forever and kiss on the bed. In come Teresa and Brady. BUSTED ... Arrogant Alex tells Victor's portrait he knows what he wants and looks at the lavish engagement ring he is carrying around ...Kayla wants a sip of Steve’s milkshake. He wants to get out. Tomorrow and in the meantime he wants sweet kisses. Kayla is happy to oblige ... Ava sits alone on the bed. Here comes Harris. Their eyes lock as drums play ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 21, 2024
