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- Alex makes light of mad Maggie but Brady is worried. Alex argues biz is biz and they won with Yuri fair and square ... Chad reminds the redhead he was once fired by slick Vic but she argues she is in charge now. Steph watches in silence ... Sarah visits yoga stretching buff Rex and plays Bonnie's voicemail about not keeping her secret. Rex says stay calm and call her back. Sarah does just that and learns the one person Bonnie told her secret was Justin ... At the pub Justin pretends nothing is new. Xander senses his nervousness. Justin announces ... Alex is now working at Basic Black. Chloe concludes he got her old job ... Sarah is upset Bonnie told hubby Justin, who was sworn to secrecy. Bonnie argues Justin rarely sees Xander, who is busy doing the naughty with Chloe. Sarah is stunned ... Justin realizes Xander and Chloe are happily living and working together. Xander wonders who will replace Alex at Titan ... Chad would rather work with Steph. Maggie tells him he could do both. Chad reveals they are moving to a new place together soon. Maggie is delighted ... Brady warns Alex that his sponsor Maggie is a tough cookie. Belle arrives with Alex's contract that he signs on the spot without reading cos Brady would never betray him! He gives Belle and Brady their privacy. Belle brings up Kristen ...
- Pink Maggie is happy for Chad, Steph and the children. Steph agrees to accept whatever Chad decides. He asks for a little time. The redhead will wait and boasts she will give DiMera a run for their money. She flounces off. They are surprised she sounded so fierce. Chad is surprised she offered him the number two top spot ... Belle assures Brady the earlier ruling did render him sole custodian of Rachel. He senses Kristen plans to dispute it. They wonder why they have not heard from Kristen and her lawyer lately ... Sarah seems upset about Xander living with Chloe. Bonnie believes he would drop her for Sarah if he knew she was having his baby soooo ... Justin changes the subject to the soup Bonnie needs for her cold but before he steps away Xander suggests when he last saw Bonnie she behaved as if she was hiding something from him ...
- Chad and Stephanie have dessert in silence. He asks her opinion of the offer. She solemnly states he would be replacing Alex, who loved that job ... Alex walks at the square and talks to Sonny on his phone. He updates him on being hired at DiMera and is not worried about their reputation. He is pleased to be done with the redhead ... Brady assumes Kristen is up to no good. At least Chloe is now with Xander so she will not be her target. Belle thinks Chloe is crazy to be with a cad like Xander ... Justin dismisses Xander's suspicions about Bonnie and goes on his way. Xander senses he knows something. Chloe suggests he is simply worried about his unwell wife ... Phone Sarah snaps at Bonnie that she and Justin must keep her secret. Bonnie agrees, sneezes and hangs up. Rex senses Sarah is unhappy about Xander seeing Chloe. She tries to convince herself tis not true by grabbing sexay Rexy in a kiss!
- Belle is appalled Chloe is dating crooked creepy Xander. Brady does not know what she sees in the guy ... Chloe and Xander head home and he pours the red wine. He was caught off guard by Justin acting cagey. She likes hearing about Xander's family for she wants to know the real him. He passionately kisses her and asks if she wants to sleep alone tonight ... Rex stops frisky Sarah for he senses her feelings for Xander. He will not be a Xander rebound ... Justin serves Bonnie her chicken soup. She chokes when she hears he saw Chloe and Xander. He kept the secret about the baby as promised. Bonnie updates him on Sarah's upset call. Alas they must respect her wishes ... Chad has done the dishes and returns to Steph in the dining room. He would rather she not worry about Alex, whose job he was just offered. Alex went to Basic Black. She thinks tis a tangled offer cos Maggie is not the sweet Maggie they once knew. She unfairly fired Alex. He could so the same to Chad ... Chad will take his time deciding and is more interested in new place searching. Steph opens her laptop and they search together ... Maggie stops at Alex's table at the square and smugly states she replaced him ... with Chad. Alex looks like he has been slapped but wishes him the best. Maggie wounds again when she adds Chad and Steph decided to live together and flounces home to the mansion ...
- Belle is sympathetic. Brady would rather not talk Chloe. Belle sighs about Shawn refusing to get help for his drinking. Brady will talk to him. Belle hopes he will make an appointment with Marlena first. She hugs her brother and assures him Chloe will realize Xander is the wrong guy ... Chloe is not really ready. Xander gallantly accepts that and deduces she still cares for Brady. She does not deny it. He sighs he misses Sarah and they decide to go slow. He turns on the TV and she suggests the Marx brothers ... Sarah apologizes for her almost rebound. Rex will wait until the day it means something. She wishes she was over Xander already and heads home ... Justin admits to Bonnie that Xander and Chloe appeared to be happy. He feels for Brady ... Brady sadly stares at Chloe's beautiful face on his phone ... Chloe and Xander are eating popcorn and watching TV. Her mind wanders back to Brady, the way they were. She puts her head on Xander’s shoulder and he remembers his happy times with Sarah ... As Rex sighs and shuts the door, Sarah sadly remembers Xander, the way they were ... Belle comes home to another empty vodka bottle ... Chad and Steph are searching for the perfect place and kiss in bliss ... Alex woefully drinks his ale alone and remembers when Stephanie was his muse ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 22, 2023