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- Kate is pleased to see Lucas at the pub. He slept like he was at the Ritz but heard crying. She updates him on Ava being sad about Harris leaving. Then she marvels her son is home. He grins not for long ... Chad comes home and complains to Julie he drove all the way to Supermax cos Clyde was there but alas had no luck. Jack steps up, having overheard and suspiciously wonders ... Paulina misses the kids already so Abe shows her the latest headline. The recall against Madam Mayor did not take ... Chanel and Johnny are at the hospital for her appointment. Dr. Green comes in and hears the Salem patient is well as were the ultrasound pics. Dr. Green, however, has a concern ... Courageous Leo is ready to read his statement to his slurring tough cookie mom in the slammer though the sight of her does rattle him a little. Diana was always a drunk with moods and convenient memory loss. He tells her his therapist Marlena is helping him overcome his childhood. She tells him he is not crazy so why the therapy? Leo blames her ... Dr. Green noticed two soft markers that could indicate congenital abnormality. Chanel wonders whether the brief radiation could have affected her. Green cannot make a conclusion and arranged for her to see a specialist in California ...
- Paulina is peeved about being called a radioactive mayor. She complains about also needing a head of sanitation. Abe the good man offers to do it ... Chad hears Jack spent the night and will be driving back to Boston ... but first his suspicious father-in-law would like to know the real reason he drove so far to see Weston. Chad comes clean about almost shooting him in Montana but not doing it. Jack is relieved for the children, hugs Chad and Julie and seems ready to go ... until Julie emotionally stops him ... Dr. Green brings up sweet Felicity, who was hoping to say goodbye. Chanel decides she must see her. It is just what she and Johnny need now ... Abe would not mind working under Paulina as it would help the cause. She warns it would be nepotism but Abe senses something else ... Kate is disappointed but does understand Lucas heading to Phoenix to see Will, Allie and the grandkids. He also wants to make amends with Sami. Kate believes she is partly to blame for pushing him to extremes ...
- Diana believes Leo is playing a blame game. He lists some of her drunken transgressions since the time he was a little lad. He even berates her for leading him to believe he could sing so he embarrassed himself to a hostile audience. She argues Gene Hackman was also bullied but Leo is just getting started. She blasts him for playing the blame game and reminds her son he only came to see her twice! He reads his script and accuses her of acting like he was never enough. She cries and he unhappily complains she even deceived John Black, the only father figure he almost had. When he concludes she should not have been a mother she asks for the script and tears it up, her eyes filled with pain ... Kate sighs Philip and Lucas may have inherited some bad traits from her. He praises her for being protective and she makes him promise to come back after he has had enough of Arizona. He agrees and adds he will never take his freedom for granted again ...
- Julie changes the narrative by asking Jack to show Jen the mysterious box so she can try and open it. He happily agrees. She hopes he will come back soon with Jen. He agrees, exchanges I love yous with Chad and Julie, then goes on his way ... Chad is relieved Julie did not reveal more. She sighs so far they do not really have anything ... Diva Paulina calls Abe overqualified but would love working with him. But she would rather not be the boss of her significant other. Abe gets it and when she brings up Sweet Bits he suggests Chanel give him a crash course so they can keep the popular sweet shop of Salem open. Paulina sighs it would probably be by zoom ... Chanel pauses at Sweet Bits and gets wistful about bakery and also baby. Johnny wonders whether she is now against having the baby ... Here comes sweet Felicity, who asks her to write. They exchange I love yous and a hug ... Abe will miss Sweet Bits. Paulina too. He offers to get some pub takeout for the gang and reminds her they have one another ...
- Chad is restless about what else Clyde knows. He and Julie realize they will have to uncover the identity of the mystery woman they saw in the footage themselves ... Diana hits back at accusing Leo, calling him unloving and unloved. She blasts him for wasting her time. He states he came to do this for himself. She hisses does he feel better ... Leo recalls the first time his father hit him for getting a B. It was hard and he remembers how she did not help and told him to be a man although he was only nine. When he offed him to protect them both, his mother pointed the finger at HIM. But she did not protect him like she should have. Diana acts bored. Leo realizes there will be no apology. Diana suggests he not visit again. He agrees and brushes past her as her eyes widen in horror ... Felicity wants Chanel to have her fave stuffed cat - for baby. Chanel and Johnny are touched. They hug one more time before the little girl waves and scampers home. The parents to be smile kids can be full of surprises and their baby and love is a blessing. Johnny promises his wife they will get through it together ...
- Chad sighs he saw the video so many times but Abigail could not be alive. Here comes free man Lucas. Alas he is heading to Phoenix to see Will and Allie a while. He wonders what they were up to and Chad admits to the existence of a video that could prove Abigail lives ... Leo wants to see Marlena and calls but the only spot available is tomorrow. He sadly sits at the nurse's station and sighs he will never see his mother again. If only she loved him ... He breaks down. Dr. Green asks if he is alright ... Lucas has watched the video and assumes Clyde is playing a cruel game. Chad will enhance the photos ... Abe runs into Kate at the pub and they discuss the latest. She needs a job and Abe feels the same way. Kate suggests they start some kind of biz together. They were a great team before. He looks forward to hearing her ideas ... Johnny comes home with Chanel and assures relieved Paulina the appointment went well. Chanel suddenly gets a sharp pain and cries out!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 25, 2024
