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- Tis morning. Marlena and Brady are up but not moody Tate. Brady complains about what he did last night but supports Teresa's extreme actions. Marlena senses Brady’s feelings for Teresa have affected his view ... Teresa tells colorful Bonnie all about Holly and Tate. Bonnie assumes the night was a disaster ... until Alex bids his love a good morning and she sees the bling ring ... Xander kisses Sara good morn. She is admiring their wedding invites that have arrived. He points out they will have a perfect wedding unlike Maggie's mayhem and they seal the deal with a kiss ... By the nurse's station Leo is babbling about wishing his mom loved him. Dr. Green asks if he is alright. Leo updates him on his disaster of a prison reunion. The dedicated doctor gives him a hug ... Chanel gasps and almost collapses. Paulina and Johnny start to panic ... Brady claims he and Teresa are co-parenting. Marlena senses more. He admits to a moment and adds she chose Alex anyway. The blonde wonders what Brady wishes for ... Bonnie remarks Alex spent a lot of Victor's money on that ring. Shane calls Teresa so she steps away. Worried Bonnie wonders whether Alex has told his dad yet. Alex arrogantly assumes she means Victor's portrait ...
- Suave Xander offers to lick ... the envelopes for the invites. Sarah is taking them to Maggie's, where Bonnie will also help. He gets to stay with baby. Before Sara leaves he updates her on Maggie's theory that Victor was tough on him cos he reminded him of himself ... Leo shakes the hand of Dr. Green and recalls the other day he said he was not gay. Dr. Green wonders whether he really said that. He did. Leo wonders whether tis not totally true ... Johnny suggests the hospital but Chanel feels a bit better. Then she shrieks in pain. Johnny insists on taking her to hospital. Worried Paulina comes with ... Brady would rather not talk Teresa with Marlena at the moment. The blonde gets it and heads off to work after reminding him she is on his side. Brady knows and lets out a sad sigh ...
- Arrogant Alex is in no hurry to tell Justin about his engagement cos Justin is convinced Teresa is into Brady in spite of what she says. Bonnie argues Justin is protective of his super rich son as she is cos he could do better. Teresa has returned and overheard ... Sara suspects deep down Victor did love Xander. The great Scot sighs he never wanted him in his will ... Leo wonders if Dr. Green goes both ways ... Everything changes when Johnny and Paulina arrive with gasping Chanel, who is in pain. Dr. Green springs into action and takes her away in a wheelchair ... Johnny is soon holding Chanel on her bed. The doctor asks Paulina to step out. Dr. Green then enters and the girl gasps in fear. Johnny promises it will be alright ... Leo spies Marlena and she agrees to see him for a few minutes since he seems so upset ... Lady Teresa claims Bonnie was trash talking her. Alex assures his beloved he did not listen. Teresa thanks him and then gets sanctimonious with Bonnie, who mentions she will be busy today helping Sara with wedding invites. Teresa looks worried when she states Sara also invited Xander's mum to the wedding ...
- Xander is still smarting about Victor's indifference. Sara makes him feel better with a smooch and suggests trying to find his mum again. He would rather not and then realizes she wants her at the wedding and to also know Victoria. Indeed there might be another way to reach her ... Sanctimonious Teresa suggests inviting Xander's boozing mother to the wedding is risky. Bonnie reminds Teresa she changed. Alex wonders why Teresa is so bothered about it ... Leo tells Marlena all about his prison visit to his mean mom. Marlena tries to make him feel better and it works. He remembers the hunky doctor who talked to him ... Dr. Green stares at the ultrasound. Alas there was a miscarriage. Johnny and his wife cannot believe it. Green explains one in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage. He will send a specialist to answer their questions and tells them how sorry he is for their loss. Chanel and Johnny clutch each other and cry ...
- Leo babbles about the doctor who told him he was not gay but wonders about his vibe. Marlena suggests he not read too much into his kindness cos she does not want him to get hurt. Next time they will talk more about his mother. He sighs she called him a miserable dead loss. Marlena makes him feel better again and he goes on his merry way ....Teresa claims they should be careful instead of inviting long lost friends and such. Bonnie notes they were so far unable to reach Xander's mother. Teresa breathes a sigh of relief... Xander ends a call with his mom's aunt, whom mum hit up for money a little while ago. Auntie gave him her address ... At his desk Brady obsesses over his night of passion with Teresa. Enter Alex, who boasts he and Teresa got engaged last night ... Teresa is silently sipping coffee when Sara arrives and updates Bonnie on Xander getting his mom's most recent address ... Xander believes the baby will he happy to meet grandma Cook. He, however, has his doubts about the matter ... Green is on a call confiding about the sad baby loss, then tells the other party he will see them tonight. Here comes Leo, who has his hanky. Green tells him to keep it. Leo wonders who was on the phone. Green states it was his girlfriend and anxiously excuses himself ... Paulina finds Chanel and Johnny crying. They lost the baby! Pauline is horrified especially when Chanel accuses HER of being to blame!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 26, 2024
