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- Li shows Rolf into his old lab. The mad scientist wonders when his patient will arrive. Li smirks the navy seal is coming soon ... Megan dares Harris to pull the trigger ... Theo updates Paulina on a possible lead that might link the nurse to Abe's whereabouts ... Whitley suggests she and Abe watch Body and Soul. She flashes back to her instructions to Jerry. Abe wonders what has her so distracted ... Rafe shows Jerry Abe's picture and he lies that was the guy that fell in the water ... Harris notes no one is getting shot but blasts Megan for making him pull the trigger before. Now she must go away so her evil plans end. He refers to Kate and she demands to know the diva's role ... Jada is coy with Kate about her rendezvous with Rafe but reveals they got close. Kate approves. She hears he is now searching for Abe ... Rafe wants to call forensics. Eli refuses to wait and gets in the water, not concerned about currents and such ... Whitley is caught off guard when Abe suggests a sunny visit in the park. She could drive. He wants her to help him dress ... Paulina tries not to get her hopes up cos they could be dashed again. Theo calms her down and shares how Abe believing he would come back after being shot made hope happen. They need to have the same hope for Abe now ... Now soaked Eli saw no sign of anything cos the current was too strong. Rafe wonders why Abe was down here alone. Eli demands Jerry confirm it was Abe he saw and gets mad when he pauses. Jerry stammers it was the guy in the pic. Rafe warns him to stay in Salem cos they will want to talk again. The amateur actor scurries off ...
- Rafe and Eli are waiting or forensics to finish the blood test. Eli worries how this will end. The detective in him senses a dire scenario ... Li reveals he will have an important delivery for Rolf soon. Rolf is not convinced he will get Harris. Li grins Megan will ... Megan concludes Kate wants to kill her and hears Harris suggested sending her to some Siberia. The boat is waiting to take her to her own Siberia ... Curious Kate hears how Jada and Rafe are keeping their relationship to themselves but Eli knows. Jada is suddenly summoned down to the docks. Kate agrees to keep her secret and the detective departs ... Harris gets a dart in the neck and starts to lose his strength ... Abe has trouble standing and suggests they take the wheelchair. Whitley acts worried about the man who tried to off him and is diverted by a knock at the door. She greets imposter Theo, who actually agrees with the idea of Abe heading out ... Paulina promises to be strong until Abe is home and asks real Theo to tell her all about that call Eli got ... Jada rejoins Rafe, who is sorry to say they found Abe's hospital bracelet. They are hoping for the best. The divers are now searching for a body. Eli takes a blood sample to the hospital, as Abe was a bone marrow donor. Rafe now gets a call from Paulina but cannot pick up yet ... He and Jada remain worried ... Paulina leaves an anxious message asking Rafe to call her with an update. She has high hopes about Abraham being brought home. Theo gives her a hug ...
- While Abe is in the bedroom looking for a shirt, Jerry updates exasperated Whitley on the plan proceeding. The police found the evidence he planted and summoned all the experts. He is upset he had to fake the death of the mayor and demands more money. She says she has no more money so he threatens to expose her to the police ... Harris hyperventilates. Megan taunts him and holds up the tracker he put on her car. She taunts she was onto him the whole time. He warns she will not get away with it and collapses. Li emerges with his gun and she blasts him for not drugging the seal sufficiently ... Unsuspecting Kate texts Harris for an update ... Li explains he had to stay with Rolf, who had questions. Megan is still mad. They hear Harris get a message and Li reads it was Kate wanting an update. Megan is not surprised and suggests they move the subject ...
- Whitley reminds jumpy Jerry she got his grandma medication. She warns he was the one who broke the law whereas she is a respected nurse. He will get locked up if he does not watch it ... Theo is glad he and Paulina are going through the waiting together. She marvels how much he is like Abe ... Back at the station Rafe and Jada are waiting for news from Eli, who calls, sorry to say it was Abe's blood they found. That Jerry was right. They assume Abe is really gone. Rafe gets choked up. Eli gasps he must tell Lani in person. Rafe will tell waiting Paulina and Theo. Rafe and Jada cry on each other's shoulders ... Whitley wheels out Abe. Fake Theo agrees fake Paulina was right about him being better off here. Abe wanted an outing. Fake Paulina claims his boy Theo knows best ... Paulina decides to go to the station for the latest. Rafe and Jada are already at her door with long faces. She refuses to listen. Rafe is sorry and updates her and Theo on the blood discovery and witness. She cries no no no ...
- Kate gets a text from Li, who has Harris' phone. He texts her as Harris, announcing the mission was accomplished. Kate is pleased ... Megan stands by angry Harris, who is now strapped to a bed. He growls and she taunts him. Rolf observes. She tells her soldier Rolf is going to get him back under her mind control. Harris refuses to cooperate. Rolfski gets his equipment ready and Harris shouts NOOOOO but no one else can hear ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 27, 2023