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Friday, June 29, 2018
Episode 13,366
1380 words

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Now without further ado ...


Brady sighs at the papers. Tate comes running followed by Eve. Maggie will take Tate to the park for the ducks. Brady squeezes his son before Eve sees him out. He is close to tears. Meanwhile mother Theresa is tormented about her baby as she gets ready at JJ’s place. He helps her with her bracelet which is Tate’s birthstone. She gets emotional about having to sue for full custody. JJ suspects she is having second thoughts ... At the Kiriakis mansion Sonny curses about the continued dropping of Titan stock. Suited Justin suggests he give it time and has to head to Brady’s custody hearing. He assures his son that in court Leo and his co-conspirator will be exposed. Sonny now sees the text from Leo and calls, agreeing to talk. Meanwhile at DiMera mansion Stefan holds his coffee mug with one hand and sends a text to Kate with the other about the pictures he sent her. She sees it at the square café and slams down her phone in fury. Ted suspects she is stressed and waits for her to explain ... Shirtless Paul is worried when Will wakes up, since he just got the serum. Will teases he took most of the covers and then stops. Paul perceives something is the matter ... Kate complains to lawyer Ted about Leo and Stefan’s photos of her with him. Ted tells her that is not good. He offers to contact Stefan but Kate takes care of her own business. He warns her the man is dangerous but Kate wrote the book on dangerous ... Leo meets with impatient Sonny and insists he will be interested in this information ... Will has nothing new to report and gets a bit glum. Paul is on his side regarding his memories and will accept his choice in the end. He wants him happy. Will calls him amazing. Paul lets him know he loves him and then laughs nervously. Pause. Will now remembers the first time Sonny told him he loved him. Back in the present poor Paul is still waiting for his response ...

Paul now realizes he must have had a flashback. Will comes clean about remembering Sonny’s declaration of love. He decides to shower. Paul stops him and wants him to remember even more ... Leo demands Sonny’s phone since he already tried to tape their conversation. He wants to check him for a wire as well and flirts. He lets Sonny check him too and flirts even more. Sonny demands his phone. Now it is just the two of them. He tells him to start talking ... Brady hates having any custody hearing and stresses the judge will side with the mother. Eve assures him he will win and they will have their happy ending. Tragic music plays ... Theresa hates having a custody battle and worries what the powerful Kiriakis clan can do. JJ states he is on her side. He plans to escort her to the hearing and points out he is team Theresa. She gets teary and asks about her outfit. JJ smiles she looks beautiful as a piano tinkles. He tells her the judge will see that Tate belongs with her. Then he gets their coffees and they go ... Once they arrive, Theresa and JJ run into Brady and Eve. Theresa calls her sis an evil beech whom she will not let near her child ... Leo calls the settlement offer a joke. Sonny exclaims he lied and threatens him with tough charges after Justin wins. Leo gets nervous and he notices. Leo blurts out the lawsuit was not his idea anyway ... Kate comes to see Stefan at DiMera mansion. He asks about her business with Leo Stark, who is accusing Sonny of sexual harassment. Then he sips his coffee ...

Will tells Paul he does not remember when or where Sonny said he loved him. He suggests they go to the lake to make new memories. Paul wonders whether he should repeat he loves him and then stands up to get coffee. Will grabs his arm and then remembers returning Sonny’s I love you. Back to the now. Paul assures him it is alright. Will updates him on returning Sonny’s declaration of love. Paul wonders what this means to their relationship ... Sonny blasts old boyfriend Leo for letting Viv put him up to it. Leo states but someone else took over. Sonny wants a name ... Kate informs Stefan that Leo is a masseur referred by Viv. Stefan is no fool. Ted the lawyer was also seen leaving her room as well. Kate claims he has nothing concrete and acts like there is nothing ... Eve and Theresa exchange words about their pasts. Justin and Ted enter. Justin warns no outbursts for the judge. Her Honor enters and agrees, sitting at her desk. She warns she will take into account any lapses of judgment from either side. Brady and Theresa both gulp ...

Paul feels like the odd man out again. Will does not want him to leave. Paul babbles but he promised to step aside. Will kisses him and muses his memory was the past. It does not define this moment and in this moment he loves him ... No name is forthcoming. Sonny starts to leave. Leo explains he needs to secure his future and informs him the purpose of the lawsuit was to destroy Titan stock. He knows how to save it ... Dangerous music plays as Stefan warns Kate that Victor would go after her blood if he knew she was the mastermind ... Theresa tells the judge how Tate changed her life. When someone threatened to harm him and Brady she left to protect them. She was a prisoner for almost two years but it was to save Tate. Her dream was to one day return to him. Ted lets her tell the court how much she loves her little boy ... Eve reminds Brady not to be taken in by her sweet demeanor. Justin now has his turn to question Theresa and notes the notorious drug lord was someone from Theresa’s life, which shows her lack of judgment. She replies she was young. The lady judge wonders why she is not after shared custody. Theresa wants to re-establish their bond and accuses Brady and Eve of poisoning her son against her. Brady denies it and the judge hushes him. However, Theresa must provide proof that Brady is unfit. What happened to her is not sufficient. Her Honor announces they are adjourned. Eve approaches her sister and calls Brady a great father. Theresa calls herself a great mother. Eve dares her to prove it by not trying to take Tate away from his great father whom he loves. She walks out and JJ gives Theresa a sympathetic hug ...

Leo reasons every day is costing the Kiriakis clan millions. Sonny has heard enough. Leo offers to make a deal and drop the lawsuit. Sonny questions him on his silent partner. No luck. Leo claims without his cooperation there is no case. Sonny needs to know what exactly he wants ... Kate calls Stefan’s bluff and dares him to contact Victor. He starts to make the call, then hangs up and smirks that would be too simple. He has something else in mind for Kate, who eyes him like a cornered cat ... Brady strolls with Eve at the square. She tries to make him feel more upbeat. After all the judge agreed Theresa had not enough to justify full custody ... Ted now tells Theresa and JJ he has an investigator who could dig up dirt on her sister and Brady. JJ warns her it would get ugly but she is determined to win at any cost ... Stefan knows Kate is nervous and wants her to suffer. He is just getting started. He calls her his secret weapon in his war with Chad ... Will and partner Paul smile in bed and Will gushes about that great new memory. Ring ring! Paul takes the call from John. Big news. They finally have dirt on Lothario Leo ... Leo lets Sonny know he enjoyed their time together. Sonny sneers he tried to destroy him. Leo now agrees to drop his lawsuit if he marries him today! Sonny soap stares ...


All the drama in Salem on Friday, June 29