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- Tripp is on a sad call about Abe to Steve ... Eric came to see Nicole about Abe. Nicole does not know ... Chloe wonders whether Xander's no appetite is cos of Gwen’s marriage plans ... Leo rages there is no ring so Gwen cannot say yes! Dimitri gets down on his knee with a ring befitting a princess. Leo refuses to accept the proposal. Gwen gasps. Leo protests ... Xander feels badly about hurting Gwen before but believes she got close to creepy Dimitri too fast. He threatened the cad not to hurt her ... Sloan pays Collin a visit to inform him that Abe Carver passed ... Nicole gasps Abe is dead??? Eric unhappily updates her on the blood, his hospital bracelet, the witness who watched him disappear in the water. Nicole breaks down. Abe was always on her side. Eric assures her he considered her like a daughter and consoles her in his arms ... Wendy and woeful Tripp discuss the Abe tragedy. They are finished his fish tacos so the date is done. Tripp asks for another kiss and she obliges ...
- Chloe shares her concern that Xander could still care for Gwen. He insists he is over her. Sarah, however, is the one that got away ... Nicole ends a call with unseen unheard Brandon, who got the news from Theo, whom she wants to check on. Eric breathes he is here for her and she thanks him. He says Sloan suggested he come. Nicole quips it seems she has a heart and bitterly brings up the fact that they are trying to have a baby ... Collin is relieved and claims Abe was asking for that hit he gave him on the head. He is still obsessed with Chanel and Paulina's suffering. Sloan is appalled. He reminds her she was no angel and she remembers swabbing her own cheek instead of Eric's. She sighs she is no good ... Dimitri praises Gwen to the heavens. Leo deduces he overdid it and is mad he assumes they are that gullible. Handsome Dimitri gushes they both want wonderous Gwen to be safe and happy. But if Leo cannot give his blessing he will take back the proposal. Leo looks ready to be sick but not Gwen. She swoons, states she needs no one's blessing ... Dimitri urges Leo to let them be happy and stares into his eyes so Leo now swoons too ... Xander points out he was honest about Sarah as Chloe has been about Brady. They decide the time to move on is now, discuss Nicole's reaction a bit and then the great Scot kisses her ...
- Johnny’s knocking ends Wendy and Tripp's kiss ... Collin wonders wot sister did. For some strange reason she admits she did something that could hurt Eric. Collin urges her to confess so she admits Nicole is having a baby that could be Eric's though no one knows ... Nicole states Sloan rubbed in she was having Eric's baby. Eric insists she was just happy and got the idea after she saw how disappointed he was that Nicole's baby was EJ.s Matter of fact he was wishing he was the father. Nicole winces in pain ... Sloan admits the baby could be Eric's or EJ's. She swabbed her cheek and admitted it as Eric's sample. Collin tells her to enjoy her victory and says sis deserves a win. She adds at least the baby she might have will for sure be Eric's ... Nicole's twinge has passed. Eric is concerned but she blames the peanut butter and other things. Then she says ow again and he offers to get EJ. Alas he is out of town on biz and she has no idea where he is. Eric hopes he is not bailing on her and ushers her to the hospital when she feels another pain ...
- Dimitri claims Gwen is the only treasure for him now. Leo grandiosely allows Gwen to marry him. Gwen snaps she did not accept yet. Dimitri invites her to the engagement party mother is throwing tonight in honor of Gabi and Stefan and hopes she will eventually accept his ring as well ... Johnny hears Wendy already had dinner and wonders whether he interrupted. Wendy explains after he cancelled she made plans with Tripp, who now is summoned to the hospital. He kisses Wendy and she kisses him back. After he leaves, Johnny suggests he get her dessert. Wendy smiles and bats her lashes ... Chloe and Xander get physical fast ... Gwen says yes to the party with a pause on her proposal response. Dimitri accepts that and kisses her passionately ... Johnny and Wendy are sharing ice cream at the square. He gives her his cherry and admits tis his first bite of cookies and cream icecream. She is watching him and he quips he is watching her back ...
- Eric arrives with Nicole and tells Dr. Tripp she needs a doctor now. She has a pain and is in a high risk pregnancy. Eric accompanies her as they follow Tripp ... Chloe and Xander make mad passionate love ... Gwen shows Leo her glittery dress. He wants her happy but has concerns cos guys who seem too good to be true usually are ... Dimitri greets young cousin Johnny, who intros him to Wendy. They are having a date. Dimitri hopes Johnny will be attending the engagement party mother is hosting at the bistro for Stefan and Gabi. Wendy would love to go and is glad for Gabi marrying the man she loves ... Collin senses sis is desperate. She argues Eric wants to be a dad and she wants to have a family. Collin wishes a happy outcome. She notes no one will ever know what she did ... Tripp reveals Nicole's vitals are fine but suggests bloodwork and a sonogram. He will get the obgyn on call. Nicole and Eric are grateful. After he goes, Eric assures her he is here for her and baby. She holds his hand and emotionally thanks him ...
- After the wild lovin Chloe and Xander are both out of breath. No regrets and they go at it again!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 29, 2023