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- Rafe confronts D.A. Melinda Trask for her big baby switch lie ... Suspicious Leo wants to know the real reason EJ paid him off just to keep his own son at bay ... Meanwhile back at DiMera mansion Nicole is about to call the cops on Sloan when Eric arrives, blocks Sloan's path and leers why is she here ... Stefan has insisted on speaking to Kristen at the square and complains about Trask turning on him. He is desperate to save Gabi ... Rafe demands Melinda comes clean so she claims client attorney privilege. He threatens to book her himself ... Outside the Brady pub Leo reminds EJ he is the great Lady Whistleblower. EJ lies he wanted more time to make certain this really was Nicole’s baby ... Nicole calls Rafe to come and arrest Sloan as Eric stops her from running ... At the pub Roman's heart is still heavy about losing grandson Jude. Glam Kate approaches and wonders what is the matter. Alas he just saw EJ at the pub with Jude ... EJ hisses he is full of goodwill and leaves with son to see wife. Leo wonders ...
- Heroic Eric stands by Nicole and warns Sloan she will pay. Sloan reminds him of his profound priestly belief in forgiveness ... Kristen curses and wonders what Melinda's problem is. In addition, why would she not want justice for Li, whom she even dated ... Rafe pontificates about punishment. Melinda quips that could hurt his sister's chances ... Saint Sloan insists she acted out of love. Eric scoffs and calls her deluded. Sloan tells him there is so much more to the story ... Kristen wonders how to make Melinda reopen Gabi's case. Stefan reminds her she would have a chance at securing the CEO position if she could solve the mystery. Kristen smiles like a cat, sips her wine and suggests Stefan seduce Trask ... Trask taunts Rafe that Gil's book with Li's blood could clear Gabi if only he could get it ... Eric demands Sloan explain. She starts to say there is more ... when EJ arrives and leers at her. Nicole states she said there is more to the story. EJ hears how Nicole slugged her and hauls simpering Sloan away to the police. So he says ...
- Diva Kate feels for Roman, who hopes those who hurt his son get their comeuppance. Perky Leo enters the pub and innocently asks what the special is. Roman snarls how about a knuckle sandwich! Leo chooses chowder but Ro refuses to serve him. Eric told him all about his blackmail of Sloan when he knew that child was not hers and Eric's. He gives him the boot from the Brady Pub. Naturally Leo lingers ... Outside EJ reminds Sloan of their deal and threatens to destroy her. She just wants to explain her actions to Nicole, who slugged her. EJ leers to do as agreed, spits to take the money and vanish foreva. Sloan starts to get spooked. She should be ... Eric updates appalled Nicole on Melinda Trask's involvement in the baby switch fiasco ... Trask smugly tells Rafe she had the book he needs and he gets even more enraged ...
- Stefan reminds Kristen he only cares about getting his beloved Gabi back. She taunts he also slept with Ava Vitali and he anxiously gulps his coffee. Kristen continues to taunt and warns him she knows all. How? She heard the whole sordid story from Ava the talker herself. Stefan bites his lip as she continues to make him cringe. He warns sis if she spills ... Kristen coos she never would but if Gabi heard about it oh oh ... Rafe is appalled by Melinda's dubious deal cos he knows her hands are dirty. She orders him to vouch for her not being near that baby if he wants to see his sister free ... Back at the mansion Eric emotionally tells Nicole he used to rock Jude to sleep. Now the baby can sing himself to sleep. Nicole notes like Holly did but thus far neither has made the connection ... Eric sighs tis too hard being here so he will get an update from EJ on Sloan. He smiles Nicole can make up for lost time and leaves ... Leo emphatically denies engaging in dastardly activities like blackmail, racism and homophobia. Then he turns to go. Roman calls him guilty. Leo insists he did not switch the baby and wonders how he heard about his blackmail. From Eric who heard it from Sloan. Leo suggests she is a liar and Kate wonders if HE stole the baby. Leo flashes back to blackmailing Sloan and alludes to his own mother being a narcissist nut who wished she had never had him. He suggests they not believe anything Sloan says ... Eric comes upon EJ outside the front door, pretending he was knocked out when Sloan made her great escape ...
- Stefan warns Kristen they will not discuss his mistake with Ava again and insists his heart belongs to Gabi. He refuses to sleep with the D.A. Kristen sighs ... Melinda gets sarcastic. Rafe is ready to arrest her. She warns him he will not bring Gabi justice. She offers to let him have the evidence in exchange for immunity and cackles. He warns her to keep her promise or else she will languish in the slammer forever. Then he goes on his way ... Kate warns Leo if Sloan is found she will betray him. Leo leaves after reciting a plethora of quotes about ladies ... Nicole tells sleeping Jude she dreamt of him every night. She remembers EJ finding her with Jude once upon a time when she took him. The whole time he felt alive and she is grateful she got him back. Then she rages Sloan will pay ... Eric helps EJ stand. The DiMera lies Sloan his him on the head and points in the opposite direction. Eric goes running. Sloan emerges and thanks EJ, who warns her to neva darken his doorstep again. Away she goes with the Salem wind ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 3, 2024