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- Medicine woman Kayla is done for the day and admires Sara's ring. Here comes Xander, who gathers Kayla assumes it is not gonna last ... Steve is good to go with his gun, his cool leather jacket and his attitude. Mad man Chad drops by and demands an update. He now knows that Clyde targeted Abigail ... Roman sits back down with Kate at the pub and complains about Leo the weasel, how Eric's happy little family was ruined. He feels for his suffering son. Kate can relate but is staying away from Lucas so she does not endanger him. Roman convinces her one call could not hurt ... Bound and gagged Goldberg is Ava and Lucas' prisoner at the cabin. When the gag comes off she screams for help so it goes right back on ... Harris catches snake, who sneers he has no jurisdiction to arrest him here. Harris is just after info on Clyde Weston ... Chad has arranged for the DiMera jet. Steve cannot convince him not to come. Chad argues he helped when they were in Greece and is ready to go. Steve cannot talk him out of it but runs into Kayla as he steps out the door in his cool leather jacket. Sweetness smells another secret mission and gives her man a mad stare ...
- After she hangs up, Kate reveals to Roman that Lucas apparently left the monastery with someone who matches Harris' description. She left a message on his burner phone. Roman assumes Harris and Ava are involved in the same case. Kate vows to destroy them both if anything happens to her beloved Lucas ... Ava finds Goldman's phone in the glove compartment and reads Clyde's recent messages. Lucas suggests they find him fast. Ava gets sarcastic about his reference to their happy camping days and Lucas remembers seeing the sign of that campground. Ava texts Clyde a fake message saying not to leave without her. Bound and gagged Goldberg struggles in protest ... Badass Snake fumes as Harris checks out his phone. Harris sees how many times he was at the happy camper campground. Now he has what he needs ... Sara and Xander discuss the Konstantin wedding plan. Xander hates thinking about that cad but loves being engaged to his dream girl. She suggests they put his MOTHER on the guest list. He reasons they have not had a relationship in years. Sara insists. He calls the woman a mean drunk who is no Maggie Horton even when sober but Sara reminds him HE got his second chance. Xander says he knows not where she even is. Sara wants to try to find her if only he agrees ...
- Harris leaves Snake tied up for the cops and heads for the happy camper campground ... Kate feels frustrated about not finding out where Lucas is. Roman reminds Katie he already got through two years in the slammer. If he helps Harris catch Clyde, he could return home a free bird. Kate quips or in a body bag ... Lucas wants to contact Harris. Ava wants to do something first ... Steve comes clean to mad Kayla about leaving for Montana to catch Clyde with Ava and Harris. Chad excuses himself. Steve will see him at the airfield. He insists he has to go cos he is to blame for what happened to Tripp. He was the one who helped Clyde go free. He refuses to stay on the sidelines but Kayla insists he do just that. She cannot lose him. He is sorry he did not check with her but must go cos he senses Ava wants to off Weston. She questions whether he would be stopping Ava or helping her kill him ... Clyde assumes the girl in the cap who meets him at the campground is Goldberg but tis AVA, who gets her gun on him in a split second ... Lucas taunts Goldberg about her Clyde romance. Mama Kate dated him too. He now sees Kate has sent him many messages ...
- Sara really wants Victoria to know her grandmother so Xander grudgingly agrees. She used to reside outside London and he texts her the last number he had. He warns it might end in disaster. Sara hopes she can find her before the wedding and notes they are next after Maggie and Konstantin ... Steve gets intense. Kayla implores him to stay instead of racing off to off Weston. He agrees to stay for the woman he loves and she grabs him in a hug. He apologizes. Then he chuckles when he gets a text from cheeky Chad, who already left ... Kate gets a call from Lucas. He lies he is at the monastery but she knows he is really with Harris. He assures her everything will work out ... Ava orders Clyde to drop his bag. He suspects she and Harris sold him out to the feds. She vows to make him pay. He vows to make HER pay. She suggests he say hello to the devil and gets ready to shoot the creep cos he tried to off her son. Here comes Harris who stops her and gasps what the hell is she doin???????


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 4, 2024