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- Xander is waiting with champagne that Chloe guzzles. She grumbles she quit ... Leo comes running to working Gwen, all nervous nellie about Colin ... Megan welcomes Dimitri to the family residence and Kristen sighs about the extra prodigal son ... Nicole yells at Eric and EJ to make nice about her baby. Here comes Kayla with the inaccurate results (as DaysCafe warned last week) Kayla makes haste as Abe is missing ... Stylish Sloan hopes Colin is banging on her door but tis Jada with a search warrant. Sloan scoffs she is not stupid enough to leave clues. Jada keeps searching. Sloan gets catty. Jada blows up about her brother likely making off with missing Abe ... Leo fears fake cop Colin will want to silence him about seeing him ... Dimitri has not forgotten Kristen and she notes she knew not who he was when they were on opposing sides. Megan wants them to make nice and marry ... Chloe complains beech Gwen gave her a broom closet office and badgered her about sales goals. Xander is sympathetic but implores Chloe not to quit and let the mean girl win ... Gwen asks stressed Leo to forget Colin and get her dirt on Dimitri ... Megan reminds Dimitri and Kristen they are not blood relations and reasons Stefano would approve of her plan for power ...
- Jada and Sloan clash over their siblings. Sloan is also admittedly stressed Eric might have knocked up Nicole ... Eric is concerned Nicole is upset. EJ tries to take charge. Kayla leaves Nicole with the results and must go. The two guys wait with bated breath. Everyone seems to be forgetting the history of sneaky survivor Sloan, who provided the swab ... Leo loves the pic and knows who the hunk is. He is surprised when Gwen reveals he is a DiMera and the son of Megan. She wants the scoop on why he is in Salem but Leo is too spooked ... Dimitri and Kristen are exasperated by Megan, who claims if Dimitri is wed before 40, he inherits a lot of Van Leuschner money but he must be married. It would be plenty for her plan to take over the world. Dimitri is listening ... Sloan says tis biscuit drugger Talia's fault if Eric is Nicole's baby daddy and brings up Jada's abortion of Eric's child ... Eric understands if Nicole wants to wait but EJ wants results now. Nicole stops the battling bucks and opens the results, sadly stating Eric is not the daddy. EJ is delighted and believes tis best. Eric wishes Nicole well and goes on his woeful way. EJ hugs his dahling, who forces a sad smile as Eric watches from the closing elevator ...
- Sloan is smug Jada found no clues and suggests she go grill Leo Stark, who saw Colin. Jada blasts her for not saying so before and leaves, livid ... Xander tries to talk down Chloe cos the Spectator could be right for her. Chloe is not scared of a bully so he reminds her to stand up and make it clear she cannot be broken. He asks her to stick with the job for him cos he would hate to face Gwen and her claim he had made a bad decision by asking to hire her. Chloe agrees to try and teases to pour the bubbly. He insists on a real celebration. The Cook claims he can cook and toasts to Chloe winning. The songbird smiles ... Leo is now terrified Dimitri would pose a danger since he foiled his peacock plans. Gwen will do the big scoop herself and it could lead to seven figures. Leo reconsiders but then changes his flaky mind. Gwen gets catty about his cowardice and sweeps out to go see Dimitri herself. Talk about timing ... Megan argues they could get the cash fast by keeping it in the family. Kristen and Dimitri appear to consider. Drums play.
- Eric heads home to Sloan, who assures him Colin would not have taken Abe. Eric whispers he was at the hospital as Nicole received the results. He was not a match. She feels for him and he tries to tell himself it was not the right time anyway ... Attentive EJ is over the moon. Nicole wants to wait to tell the news as she might not make it to term. He wants to get his beloved the best care starting now ... Xander has prepared a traditional Scottish breakfast with a dinner twist. He watches while Chloe tries it and is impressed with his skill. He states the Scots invented champagne and kissing too. Chloe is amused. He suggests they perfected it and kisses her on the lips to prove his point. She kisses him back ... Megan wants to plan a wedding. Dimitri says no and so does Kristen cos she has a custody battle on her hands. Megan deduces they still need to find someone special for Dimitri. Enter smiling Gwen and Dimitri's face lights up ...
- Leo is spooked when a knock sounds at the door. Tis Jada, who wants the lowdown on Colin unless he wishes to spend the night in the slammer Back in her office Kayla agrees to give a statement about Colin and Abe in an hour and ends her call. Here comes happy EJ and anxious Nicole. EJ updates her on the good news and she invites them to sit. Nicole is worried and EJ asks about advances in treatment. Kayla can give them a referral to a fertility specialist. She asks to speak to Nicole a little later and assures her she is on her side. After she goes EJ promises Nicole will be able to bring their baby to term. She prays as much. He tells her he loves her but she says nothing at all ... Sloan acts sorry for Eric's sorrow. He sadly says he looks forward to their future and they exchange I love yous. Then she remembers how she decided not to use his swab after all and instead swabbed her own cheek for a negative result. She whispers he is all she wants ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 5, 2023