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- Eric cannot find Sloan. Nicole curses her. Rafe now calls and she updates him on Sloan overpowering EJ on the head with a flowerpot and escaping. Bewildered Rafe asks for his whereabouts. At the hospital ... In reality EJ is confronting Trask at her office... Rafe suspiciously wonders how Sloan could outsmart EJ and calls in the order to find Sloan fast ... Lucas assures phone Kate he is safe and sound ... Ava is about to shoot Clyde when Harris calmly urges her to hand over the gun ... Back at DiMera mansion Nicole tells Eric Trask must have been arrested by now ... Trask wonders what EJ wants. He points out she is the only person in Salem who knows baby Jude is Nicole's but not his. It makes her a liability ... Ava fears for Tripp's safety. Harris urges her to put that gun down. Clyde agrees. Harris tells her to trust in him. Ava does and now Harris is the guy with the gun on Clyde ...Rafe orders more officers to all possible suspect locations including the lakefront. Here comes Stefan, complaining about Trask refusing to listen to his information. He could wring her neck and Rafe feels the same way ... Trask is livid that Sloan outed her to EJ, who wonders why she took the risks. She claims she has a heart and wanted to help Sloan, who had already lost a baby. EJ is livid about what she did to his wife. She made Nicole go through hell. His wife did not deserve to have her child snatched away. Trask sarcastically states but Eric did?!
- Back at DiMera mansion, Nicole and tragic Eric continue to discuss the dramatic developments. She is sorry for his sadness and knows he loved Sloan. He sighs it was not real and never was ... Harris has cuffed Clyde and sent Ava back to the motel ... Here comes Chad and now he aims his gun at Clyde. Harris urges him to let him deal with it but mad Chad demands answers on why he offed his beloved Abigail. Clyde scoffs dead is dead. Chad wants him to admit her killing was premeditated. Clyde smirks ... Stefan wonders why Trask is refusing to release Gabi. Rafe reasons she put the black book somewhere else and is now demanding he help her with her legal problems in exchange for helping Gabi ... Trask accuses EJ of being scared he will lose Nicole to Eric aka the love of her life because of the baby she and Eric share. EJ insists it is their baby! Trask hisses at him for ruining Sloan's life and making Jude go to an unfamiliar home. In addition Jude is the son of a man EJ hates and in time she knows EJ will hate his traits that remind him of Eric Brady ... Nicole and Eric admire soundly sleeping Jude. Eric is surprised he is sleeping so deeply. Nicole wants to keep his first name Jude, which suits. Eric would love that and admits Nicole was the reason he called him Jude. Nicole looks stunned and touched at the same time. Eric elaborates. Jude was the symbol of faith and hope. Deep down he was really thinking of Nicole ...
- EJ arrogantly insists Jude will be a DiMera who wants for nothing. It will be a wonderful life. Trask sarcastically doubts it. EJ offers to keep his silence if she does the same. Tis win win. She glares ... Stefan sits with Rafe at the square and wonders what comes next. Rafe has been trying to get more evidence. Stefan suggests they take it to the mayor. Rafe suggests it would be too tangled now. Stefan offers to beg or bribe the governor. But he would not seduce Trask as sister Kristen suggested. Rafe gets it and praises Stefan for trying to keep his sister safe. Stefan's faith and fidelity are helping her through. Stefan flashes back to getting frisky with Ava Vitali and blinks. Then he insists Gabi is the love of his life ...
- Ava returns and asks Lucas where Goldman went. The feds carted her off. Ava updates him on Harris arresting Clyde. She is surprised to hear Chad also came to get the truth about Abigail's death ... Chad threatens to shoot Clyde unless he comes clean. He knows he came after Abigail cos of her investigation into the drug operation. He knows he stabbed her to death. Now he intends to get his revenge ... Trask lets EJ know she knows about him paying off Leo stark, who blackmailed him. EJ makes nice and smiles his son will have a wonderful DiMera life ... Nicole is sorry for Eric's loss cos she knows he and little Jude love each other. He can spend as much time as he wishes with him. Eric breathes it would be too tough and EJ would not approve. She stops him from leaving ... Rafe updates Stefan on the developments in the Clyde case, the black book that has been decoded. Stefan asks how that could help Gabi. Cos Weston would have known about Li's murder. Stefan wonders how and when he would start talking ...
- Lucas seems worried about getting his freedom as promised. Ava worries Harris will not be able to forgive her for everything ... Clyde leers Abigail got what she deserved. He calls Chad weak and dares him to be a man and shoot him. Chad blinks. He is no natural born killer ... Rafe believes Clyde would be keen on any deal at this point. Stefan wonders whether physically convincing him would work. Rafe suggests they have a certain power and points out their belief in Gabi's innocence will win. He heads off to the station and Stefan anxiously touches his wedding band ... Trask cackles tis good to be back and gets comfy at her D.A. desk ... Nicole will forever be Eric's ... friend. He breathes he knows and their eyes lock. Here comes EJ, who wants to get back to his lunch with his wife. Eric bids Jude goodbye. Nicole asks him to look after himself and he leaves. EJ and wife kiss and he calls himself lucky. She feels lucky too and they hug but her smile seems to have left with Eric ...
- Lucas offers Ava free monastery advice and smiles not to assume the worst. He can see how much she means to Harris. She questions his ability to give advice since he did kidnap ex wife Sami. He sighs they would still be together had he not done that ... Meanwhile Harris tries to talk Chad out of shooting Clyde. Clyde suddenly blurts he did not kill Abigail cos she is still ALIVE.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 5, 2024