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There is only one DaysCafe :)


- - Xander and Chloe are smooooching ... until she smacks him ... Rafe ends a barking call to all units. Belle appears with Talia, who made bail. Belle told the judge she agreed to testify against Colin. Rafe grumbles about his great escape ... Leo tells Jada he was too spooked to report seeing Colin. She agrees not to lock Leo up if he tells all. He will and also lets it slip another bad boy hunk has it in for him - Dimitri Van L ... At the mansion Kristen and Dimitri have turned down Megan's marriage idea. But then Gwen flounces in fresh faced. Dimitri is delighted to meet her. She seeks the scoop on the tall dark handsome Dimitri. Kristen is pleased to see her pal and Megan is pleased to meet her. Gwen is gracious. Megan wants to know how Kristen and Gwen came to be acquainted. The gals giggle about Kristen blackmailing her to help her escape the cops and Gwen getting Kristen's help with a pardon from their Statesville days. Dimitri wonders why she was in prison. Gwen felt Abigail was a threat and so she had her hauled off to a deserted island until she was found. She regrets it still and asks Dimitri for an interview. He says sorry no press. Mama Megan disagrees ...
- Leo tells note taking Jada when Colin left he did not dare follow him. He now has questions about Talia ... Talia is upset that Colin could have Abe as a hostage. Rafe reveals Jada is speaking to a possible witness ... Chloe is mad but Xander makes light of his actions as he felt something from her. The diva does not deny it. However she is unhappy about being attracted to him ... Belle assures Talia that she is still free but be careful cos Colin is out there. Talia is grateful she got her out and Belle heads home. Rafe grills Talia about where Colin could have gone. She has no clue but wants to apologize to the commissioner ... Leo calls Talia and Colin Bonnie and Clyde. Testy Jada tells him her sis was abused by the creep. Leo is surprised by the scoop ... Dimitri claims jet lag and acts suspicious. Megan knows this girl is Kristen's friend. Gwen offers to give him a chance to explain his side of the story. He gets his back up but Megan demands a word alone with the prodigal son. She tells him to marry Gwen for his great inheritance ...
- Gwen sarcastically congrats Kristen on her magical immunity. Kristen credits Megan but does not trust the DiMera. Gwen vows to get her interview with Dimitri DiMera ... Dimitri acts indignant. Megan insists he wed Gwen, never mind love, make Lois Lane marry him ... Jada informs Lois Lane Leo the interview is over. He admits his mother emotionally abused him and can feel for Talia. Jada tells him she has a job to go do and he forewarns her he will print her words. She hopes he will find it in his heart to leave Talia's name out of his column ... Talia blames herself for hiding what she knew about Colin and is sincerely sorry. Rafe appreciates the apology. She never knew Colin was so dangerous. Rafe deduces he hid that side. Talia feels badly for her sister too. Rafe suggests she do as lawyer Belle suggests ... Belle hugs Shawn, who is at their home, and smells the booze on his breath. He takes another drink and does not deny needing more, much to her horror. She hears Bo is still in a coma and wonders why Shawn is boozing. He sighs he shot his dad and is to blame for the coma. She insists tis not the case and suggests the good doctors will be able to bring Bo back. He hopes his folks will not be found by Megan. When he hears she is at the mansion he wants to storm over to confront her ...
- Dimitri insists he is not that close to 40 and wants to look into his options. Megan snaps he has none but he has big inheritance money and she has big plans so propose to Gwen! She lists her attributes. He notes she might not be single but Megan saw no ring and orders him to sweep the girl with the lovely English accent off her feet ...
- As they catch up Kristen hears how Gwen loves doing the paper like her dad. Kristen gets catty about her stealing his and Jen's paper. Gwen snaps they have their own paper in Boston. Kristen wonders about Xander. Gwen gets a drink and complains about his little bird Chloe. Kristen heard from the Rachel grapevine that Xander and Chloe are playing house. Gwen sighs they will get together. Kristen feels for her cos she used to be attached to Brady. She offers to help her get back with Xander but Gwen is officially off his maddening merrygoround. Tis time for someone new! Megan and Dimitri have returned in time to overhear ... Meanwhile Chloe lists Xander's transgressions and he wonders why she has feelings for him then. She knows his other side, the one with remorse and heart. And he has helped her and been so kind. Then he made her a lovely dinner. He realizes she likes him for real and suavely suggests giving in to her heart's desire. Momentarily mesmerized, Chloe looks up at the great Scot ... She stops and suggests tis complicated. He suggests they go slow. Chloe teases she has been involved with half of his male relatives and wonders whether another Kiriakis man would be a mistake. He boasts he is the best by far and steals another kiss. She kisses him back ...
- Leo writes his latest dirt on Talia and Colin according to Detective Jada but his conscience wins and he deletes his story ... Jada is happy to see her free sister at the station with Rafe. She reveals when Leo saw Colin there was no sign of Abe. Talia wants to help find Colin. Rafe and Jada know he must be mad at her and insist she head home in a cop car - and open her door to no one ... Megan smiles her son agreed to the interview. Dimitri agrees but wants to reschedule. Megan suggests a dinner tomorrow. Gwen suggests lunch so she can get the scoop on his presence in Salem first. He gallantly tells her to call him Dimitri. Megan gushes about the opportunity and Kristen gets a knowing glint in her eye ... Belle tells Shawn to give her the car keys cos he is in no state to confront anyone. He hands them over and sighs he is really to blame for Bo anyway cos he pulled the trigger. He plans to keep drinking and warns her to leave him the hell alone ...
- Xander and Chloe kiss up a storm. He stops and wonders. She gasps it was nice. He wants more but is pleased with the progress. Now what? She suggests they finish his ... dinner and sits with him on the sofa ... Shawn insists Belle leave him alone. She lets him know she loves him. He guzzles more beer ... Kristen knows Megan thinks Gwen would make Dimitri a good wife to get what she wants. Megan wants him to inherit is all and suggests there could be a real love match between her son and the British charmer ... Gwen returns to Leo and boasts Dimitri is giving her an exclusive over lunch tomorrow. He glumly admits he almost had a great scoop ... Back at the station Jada worries Leo will print what she told him. Rafe assures her they can deal with it. He also promises they will find Colin so Talia does not have to take the fall ... Talia locks her door and soon spies a badge belonging to Officer Henshaw on the floor. She gasps and races to the door but a cruel hand clamps down on her mouth before she can scream for help!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 6, 2023