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- Maggie marvels how Julie made the new Horton home feel like the original. She wonders about the time capsule. Julie knows not where the key is and changes the subject to Konstantin. She implores her not to marry the cad ... Konstantin is enjoying a drink with his feet up in front of Victor's portrait when Teresa enters, then decides to depart. He stops her and nags her about marrying Alex the Kiriakis heir ... Loverboy Alex comes by to see Kristen and gives her a passionate kiss. This would be their third round of the day. She tells him the candy store is closed ... Harris tries to get Chad to lower his gun, which is aimed at Clyde. Clyde claims he did not kill Abigail and she is alive and well. Chad stares ... Clyde repeats. Chad orders him to tell him the truth that he offed her. Harris cannot stop him. Clyde dares the DiMera to off him and leers he would lose his only shot at getting Abigail back ... Maggie sticks to her expiring visa story. Julie suggests Konstantin hated Victor given what happened to his daughter. She senses he only came to Salem for revenge and worries he will use Maggie ...
- Teresa tells Konstantin to mind his own biz but he will not because in his mind she owes him his lion's share of Victor's fortune after she ties the knot with heir Alex. They made a deal and he even got the forger to alter Victor's letter. He orders her to wed asap and alludes to the true heir. In walks bewildered Brady ... Alex wants to seduce Kristen with his honesty. She admits he is fun but adds she is not into him ... Colorful Julie and Maggie continue to talk Konstantin. Julie knows Victor would never have made amends as Konstantin claims and wonders how Maggie became so gullible. The redhead alludes to a plan and Julie wishes she would share. Maggie asks after Chad. Julie sighs he went after Clyde cos he is convinced Abigail was his intended target all along ... Clyde swears he is innocent and dares Chad to shoot. Harris urges Chad to consider his kids, who need him and not let Clyde win. Chad decides to let Clyde live cos he needs to know if Abigail could be alive and where. He gives Harris his gun and Harris promises to get answers ...
- Brady wonders what he stumbled upon. Teresa covers and he repeats what he heard about diverting the true heir's funds. Konstantin claims he meant divide the true heirs their money. Teresa babbles about Maggie being able to share the wealth. Konstantin goes on his seedy way. Brady and Teresa agree they do not trust him. Brady is surprised to hear Teresa will not be seeing Alex tonight. She complains about his open relationship with her as well as Kristen ... Kristen gets herself a drink and claims she would rather not be friends with benefits. There are consequences. Alex disagrees. She accuses him of really being in love with Teresa. Alex gets sarcastic and she reminds him they were originally out to make Brady and Teresa jealous. The other night Alex spoke words of love in his sleep - to Teresa! Kristen decides they are done cos she is in love with Brady and she was only his distraction to make him forget Teresa ... Back at the Kiriakis mansion Brady senses Teresa is bothered by Alex and Kristen's fling. She does not deny it but wants to be mature. She coos if Alex is not exclusive that means she does not need to be either. Teresa and Brady come together in a passionate kiss ...
- Maggie wishes Chad would realize what a danger Clyde is. Julie says the same about Konstantin and urges her to cancel the wedding. Here comes cocky Konstantin himself ... Back in Montana Lucas and Ava are snacking at the cabin. Chad arrives and explains Harris has Clyde and is waiting for the FBI. Ava races off to join her fella. Lucas senses Chad's upset. He is floored to hear Clyde claimed Abigail is alive ... Alex admits he has feelings for Teresa as charged. Kristen quips she is a better shrink than Marlena and gets another drink. Alex admits he has been keeping the girl at bay due to truth issues ... Brady stops and Teresa calls it impulse. She knows he liked it. Brady needs to think. She whispers she wants him and knows he wants her back ... Julie is less than thrilled when Konstantin enters and promises to keep Maggie safe until death they do part. Julie suggests the fact that Victor was to blame for his daughter's death could come between them ... Lucas agrees Clyde would lie about anything. Chad gets it but wonders what if his beloved Abigail is indeed alive ...
- Kristen teases Alex about untrustworthy Teresa. Alex admits he sensed she wanted to tell him something sometimes ... Kristen asks confess? Alex adds she always changed her mind and did not confess so there could be a big lie she is covering. Kristen urges him to get to the truth. He thanks her for being a friend and she calls him sweet. He says the same about her and hopes things work out with Brady. Then he goes on his way ... Brady the everything addict believes he and Teresa are a bad idea. He does not want to ruin their good co-parenting relationship but she continues to seduce him and promise no drama ... Brady feels the temptation ... Ava catches up with Harris, who already handed Clyde over to the FBI. Ava senses he is not pleased she was about to off Clyde but refuses to apologize cos Clyde kept threatening Tripp. She reasons she did not shoot him and Harris got his man. She wants them to move on but he sighs ...
- Maggie continues to pretend she is perfectly happy with Konstantin, who grovels he regrets blaming Victor for his daughter's death and has moved on. He now announces his visa expired so for him to stay in the USA he and Maggie must wed tomorrow. Julie mouth drops. The redhead is clearly caught off guard. Konstantin coos he cannot wait to be man and wife tomorrow ... Kristen looks at Brady's photo on her phone and vows to get him back forever ... Alex races back to the lavish Kiriakis mansion and wonders where Teresa went. She is upstairs getting hot and heavy with Brady ... Harris excuses himself to help process Clyde and tells Ava they can talk after they return to Salem. Ava gets a bad feeling ... Lucas warns Chad that Clyde was playing mind games. He never said Abigail was alive before. Chad gets upset. Lucas reminds him he saw what had happened to her when he found her. They hug in their sorrow together. Lucas breaks down ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 6, 2024