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- Johnny is on a call with Wendy at the mansion. He suavely offers takeout at her place where they could be alone. She agrees ... Wendy is now stunned to see Tripp return with his stuff ... Station Rafe and Jada are trying to track Colin, whom they assume snatched amnesia Abe. Rafe fears for him ... Abe looks bored and annoyed when Whitley offers to make him something to eat. He finds everything unfamiliar and questions whether she is even his wife ... Salem patient Paulina is upset about Abe. Stylish Chanel urges her to be calm and eat to stay strong. Julie seconds that. Chanel goes to get the gals burgers. Julie assures Paulina that Abe could handle a Colin ... Creepy Colin agrees to remove his hand from her mouth if Talia does not scream. She gasps what does he want! To settle a score. Ooo ...
- Wendy greets Tripp, who left Joey with his gal pal. Wendy was his reason for returning ... Chanel runs into Johnny at the pub. He was sorry to hear of Abe's vanishing and Paulina's predicament. She shares her worry and he hugs her. He is getting takeout for himself and Wendy and complains about Leo. Chanel blows up when she gets a text about Talia's release. Beech must be upstairs ... Talia cries not to hurt her as Colin locks the door. He shouts at her for shoving him off a building. She was trying to save Chanel. He accuses her of betrayal ... Jada gets more coffee. Rafe explains the hospital surveillance is being studied. Jada wonders about someone called Whitley ... Whitley reminds Abe his daughter showed him their wedding photo and annoys him with a stuffed animal. He senses something is off and gets more depressed by the second about their lives with stuffed animals ...
- Paulina blames herself for Colin going after Abe. Tis the second time the good man was attacked because of her past! Julie blames herself for that TR mess since she was the one who told Abe to go talk to him that fateful night. She praises Paulina the Salem treasure so the tears stop. Julie promises the police will crack the case ... Rafe obtains the contact deets of nurse Whitley ... Abe is left alone to watch TV and sees the latest on the search for fugitive Colin ... Colin blasts terrified Talia, who wonders why he showed up at her sister's room instead of running. He claims he wants her to come with him ... Johnny tries to calm down enraged Chanel about Talia walking free. She wants to go demand answers in case she knows anything about Abe. Concerned Johnny wants to come with ...
- Wendy texts and wonders where Johnny is. Tripp offers to make shrimp tacos. She is waiting for takeout with Johnny. Tripp says too bad and boldly suggests he is the right guy for her ... Chanel wants to go alone. Johnny texts Wendy he will be there soon. He agrees to wait for Chanel down in the pub just in case ... Rafe is ready to call nurse Whitley ... Whitley turns off the TV but Abe wants to know what went down. Rafe calls but she does not answer ... Crazy Colin tells Talia they will leave Salem together. She asks what happened to Abe. He knows not what she means. Chanel suddenly bangs on the door and bellows to open. Colin gets his gun ready ...
- Julie and Paulina are troubled Talia was freed. Paulina notes at least the girl is not on Colin's side. She worries crazy Colin could be punishing her by holding Abe. Julie gives her a pep talk. Soon Abe and Paulina will celebrate their first anniversary with Salem celebrating Juneteenth ... Whitley claims to curious Abe the call was spam and takes off to the kitchen. Abe massages his throbbing head ... Rafe sighs it went to voice mail. He leaves Miss King a message concerning Abe's abduction and needs to hear from her. Jada suggests they pay her a visit ... Wendy hears Tripp crystal clear. He states he will sweep her off her feet this time ... when she is ready for something better than takeout with Johnny ...
- Chanel pounds on the door with all her might. Inside Talia whispers with fright. She promises to leave with Colin after she convinces Chanel to go away. He agrees and hides in the closet. Talia opens the door. Chanel shoves her way in and tells her off. She demands she reveal where Colin took Abe. Talia has not seen him and now hears how Colin is suspected of bashing and abducting the mayor. She knows nothing about Abe and claims she only saved Chanel so Colin would not get a murder charge. She shoves her out, mouths help me and hands her the officer's badge that Colin stole. Then the door is closed. Stylish Chanel is shocked when she sees what she has in her hand ...
- Tripp is wearing an apron that says kiss the cook and has made something that smells delicious. He assures Wendy when the late Johnny arrives, he will set it aside ... unless she wants to be with him ... Chanel is a nervous wreck when she comes downstairs and tells Johnny what happened with Talia. Johnny calls Rafe right away … Abe is disappointed that Whitley brought him a microwave meal. She will make their bed. He quips he will not be in it … Rafe gets the call from Johnny and takes off with Jada ... Colin comes out of the closet, pleased with Talia's performance. They kiss. Colin decides he will finish the job later. She suggests they go now. He sees the badge is missing and deduces she gave it to Chanel. He grabs her arm and she winces ... Johnny gets another call from waiting Wendy. He is with Chanel ... Rafe and Jada show up so he hangs up ... Chanel shows them the badge Talia gave her when she asked for help. Rafe and Jada race upstairs ... Wendy chooses triumphant Tripp's tacos ...
- Talia screams and cries as Johnny terrorizes her and vows to make her pay. Rafe breaks down the door, Jada at his side, both with guns drawn. The perp is ordered to release Talia. Rafe gets his weapon and arrests him. Jada hugs her traumatized sister ... Paulina waited too long for Chanel to bring a burger and hopes she did not see Talia or creepy Colin ... Abe cannot sleep with someone he cannot remember. Whitley will pull out the sofa bed and sweetly suggests they have the rest of their lives to snuggle. Abe is appalled ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 7, 2023