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- Shirtless Tripp bids Wendy a good morning in the kitchen and gets a cup of her coffee. He suspects AWOL Johnny of still being with Chanel ... Chanel and Johnny are tired at the square, having given their statements to the Salem, P.D. last night. Both want Colin locked up a loooong time ... Talia has a night terror of Colin coming after her and wakes up with a cry ... Force of nature Paulina confronts Colin at the station and demamds he admit what he did with her Abe! Rafe is astonished she managed to sneak in ... Whitley hears Rafe's voicemail about wanting to ask her about Abe as she was on duty when he went missing. Meanwhile Abe dreams of Paulina, only to wake up to Whitley!
- Wendy warns Tripp she will give Johnny the benefit of the doubt regardless of his comments ... Johnny holds Chanel's trembling hand at the square. She blames the coffee. Johnny regrets letting her go to Talia’s room alone. Chanel is livid at Talia. Johnny argues she apologized and was under the influence of Colin the cad. Chanel fumes she will never forgive her ... Jada assures Talia that Colin will not get near her. Talia hears he is not talking but doubts he abducted Abe. Sis states he is the only possible suspect ... Whitley wonders so Abe explains the Paulina in his dream did not look like her ... Rafe tries to calm Paulina, who screams she could strangle Colin! Stylish Sloan denies her brother has any knowledge of where Abe is. Colin claims he can take them to Abe if he is released ... Tripp did not mean to trash talk Johnny and offers breakfast before Wendy goes to work. She thinks he is sympathy cooking. He only feels sorry for Johnny blowing his chance with such a great girl ...
- Johnny's phone is dead. Chanel agrees he should go to Wendy and explain what happened. She now gets a call about Paulina vanishing from the hospital ... Rafe is enraged Colin claimed to know Abe's whereabouts. Sloan wants a moment alone with her client and wonders why he confessed. Colin states he simply stated he knew where Abe was. Sloan wants the truth ... Abe tells Whitely of his clear dream about her ... but she looked and dressed different. She babbles about making him breakfast and the s word makes him lose his appetite. Sausage, which the mayor cannot stand ... Wendy likes Tripp's waffles as well as two guys fighting over her ... She seems surprised cos she does not even wear makeup. Tripp praises her innate beauty. She calls him a catch who could have any girl. He only has eyes for her and they kiss ...
- Johnny sticks to Chanel like glue upon hearing mama went missing ... Rafe reminds Paulina they must follow the law and adds Colin could be lying. She dramatically disagrees. Chanel now calls Rafe about her missing mama, who was supposed to be resting in hospital. Rafe reveals she came to the station to confront Colin and suggests she come get her. Paulina refuses to budge until she knows what psycho Colin knows about Abe ... Abe wants only toast and tea. He does not deny his head hurts and wants to watch TV. Whitley disagrees. Angry Abe turns on the tv ...
- Talia wishes Jada would stop fussing and feels like a heel. Jada is upset Colin manipulated her and adds the papers called her a hero for taking a stand. Talia is tough on herself for almost running away with Colin and bawls about betraying him ... Colin comes clean to Sloan that he knows not where Abe is but he wants to escape. Sister Sloan blasts him for his actions. She warns she cannot get him cleared and he must admit to everything. He gasps he cannot go to the slammer. She tells him tis inevitable ... Wendy stops kissing Tripp and opens the door to Johnny, who has food a day late. She coldly claims she ate Tripp's dinner last night and delicious breakfast today. Johnny tries to explain he was stuck at the police station. Tripp steps away when he asks for a word alone. Wendy demands he explain ... Jada suggests Marlena could help emotionally abused Talia, who tells her she was never strong. Jada calls sis smart and gifted and refuses to let her give up. She asks her to please see Marlena – for her. Talia says yes and they share a tearful embrace ...
- Whitley has unplugged the cable and lies to Abe she was unable to pay the bill. Abe is shocked to hear he owned an ice cream shop called Marshall's and is now retired. Wonky Whitley must head to work and alludes to Chanel being busy with her bakery. She suggests Abe watch her old videos today ... Rafe wonders why Paulina took off from the hospital. She is peeved no one let her know her Chanel played a part in Colin's arrest. Sloan approaches and is sorry to say her brother was bluffing. He knows not Abe's whereabouts, just as Rafe suspected ... Johnny sits on the sofa with sullen Wendy and apologizes for disappointing her. She pouts the problem is he did not contact her all that time and when his phone was dead he did not use someone else's phone to reach her. He offers to take her anywhere she wants for dinner ...
- Paulina does not like being back in her hospital bed, without anything new on Abe. Chanel urges her to keep calm ... Rafe informs Jada that the nurse did not return his call. He agrees to let her deal with the Colin case while he checks out the nurse ... Whitely warns Abe not to open the door to anyone claiming to be a cop cos the guy who attacked him also impersonated a cop. She heads to work and Abe tries to watch her favorite old show ... Chanel glares daggers at Talia when they cross paths at the nurse's station ... Shirtless Tripp hears Johnny and Wendy agreeing to a bistro date tonight. When Johnny makes a comment about his running around half nekid, Tripp offers Chanel her fave meal should Johnny be a no show again ... Talia tells Chanel she is here to meet with Marlena, at Jada's request. She is sorry for everything and woefully walks away ...
- Jada warns Sloan of all the tricks Trask will throw at Colin. Sloan counters Colin has not been himself since they lost their parents. Jada warns not to try an insanity defence. Sloan suggests she do something useful like go find the missing mayor ... Meanwhile Rafe is knocking on Abe’s door ... On her phone Paulina sighs she will be alright after Abe is found. Whitley enters and stares at her new patient in shock. Paulina looks right back.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on June 8, 2023