All Rights Reserved. Link Only ABE SEES LEXIE AND GETS HIS MEMORY + PAULINA BACK, TRENDY FOUND BUT TIS TOUCH AND GO, TATE IS ABOUT TO GET BUSTED BY EJ AGAIN! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Holly gets Tate's frantic message sent from his mother's phone. He hopes she will call ... Wendy and Tripp are slowly slipping away together ... Ava is frantic to free herself. Here come Steve and John ... At the Salem PD Rafe and Jada reel over Goldman's deception. Here comes Harris, who checked himself out to help ... Abe holds Paulina's hand and prays. A light shines down and they both see a heavenly apparition. LEXIE. Alas only her hands are shown. Abe has read about her and gasps she perished many years ago ... Jada and Rafe update Harris on their investigation of Goldman, who played them all. Harris suggests they think ahead ... Ava is stunned Steve and John overpowered her goons. They are livid Clyde got away. Ava sadly tells Steve Clyde said Tripp was dead. Steve refuses to buy it and insists they find him now ... Tripp and Wendy agree they would have two kids and exchange I love yous ... - Holly hears a sound at her window. Tis Romeo Tate ... Paulina updates Abe on Theo being his and Lexie's son. He worries Paulina will be taken and refuses to let it happen ... Jada and Rafe are livid they were hoodwinked by that Goldman. Harris sighs she was good. Officer Philips - now on desk duty - is also said to be mad ... Tate climbs in and hugs Holly. She is all woken up from her coma. She takes his hand and smiles. She feels fine. Then the lad kisses her. Holly is breathless and calls him Romeo. Then she innocently wonders why he showed up. Cos the texts went unanswered. She is sincerely sorry ... John proceeds to call Rafe as Steve sits at the computer with the video they want the cops to help with. John advises Ava against saying anything about Clyde’s escape. She cares only about finding Tate. John now calls Rafe about the video that Ava was sent of Tripp and Wendy the hostages. Rafe wants to see it and it gets sent. John, Ava and Steve watch it again and scan for clues. Steve suddenly sees something ... - Tripp prays aloud while Wendy moans on his shoulder. Then he stops ... Lexie reminds Abe she last saw him in heaven. It was ten years after he had lost her. He had emotionally told her how Theo reminded him of her for she was in his heart and smile. Then they hugged. Abe sees her ring and remembers everything from when they were policing partners and the rest of their love story. He is amazed but Paulina looks very worried ... Holly is ashamed of not heeding Tate's warnings that fateful night. She had no idea what she was really taking. He updates her on EJ accusing him of forcing her to take opioids and ordering his arrest ... - Abe remembers his and Lexie's wonderful life. She was chief of staff here. Lexie remembers and adds now he must focus on the woman he is currently committed to. He remembers his wedding with Paulina and tells his tired wife as she drifts in and out of consciousness. She suddenly flatlines, much to his horror ... Harris complains to Rafe and Jada about Clyde the mastermind snatching Tripp and Wendy to put the squeeze on Ava. Now with Goldman tis a criminal conspiracy. Rafe remembers she filled out Tripp and Wendy's missing person report. She made herself the contact person for any intel. He tells Jada to get her GPS information on the day Wendy and Tripp went missing. Harris is still sore but agrees to call the slammer to check for any communication that occurred between Wendy and Goldman ... Jada gets the GPS ... Steve notices Wendy made some circular movements with her hand on the video. It looked like sign language. Online they learn it was the sign for beer. John notices the brew tank in the background. There is such an abandoned place at the airport. Time to double back! - Holly is horrified to hear what happened to Tate. He asks her to help by telling the truth - that they were her pills. He is innocent. Alas she cannot ... Harris' call got no answer from Statesville ... Jada sees an address where Goldman stopped several times. The old airport brewery. Rafe and Harris are on their way ... Steve, John and Ava get into the old brewery first and holler for Tripp and Wendy. They guys get to the locked airtight door and open it. John suggests Ava wait outside as they go to the hostages ... Abe reminds Lexie that last time she appeared she had said he was needed on earth so t'was not his time. He knew many needed him on the earth. She serenely states he still is needed. And he needs Paulina still. Lexie came to help him help Paulina and tells him to find the love in his heart and send it to her. Believe. He shuts his eyes and does just that. Then he sits at his beloved's wife's side ... - Tate is appalled Holly will not help him so she agrees to another story to save him. He snaps why not the truth. Cos Nicole would be crushed if it came out they were her daughter's drugs. Tate accuses her of sacrificing him and hollers at the fake golden child. Then he implores her to help him again. The door handle starts to rattle. The teens stare ... Steve and John are frantically trying to revive Tripp and Wendy. Ava calls for help again. Steve gasps. Harris and Rafe arrive ... The nurse returns and realizes the patient is breathing again. Abe is amazed. Paulina wakes up. Lexie is gone. Abe whispers he belieeeeeeves ... STAY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DETAILED DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on March 11, 2024 |
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