All Rights Reserved. Link Only THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT BUT JOHN AND STEVE WORRY ABOUT RAFE’S INVESTIGATION, HARRIS GETS AN OFFER FROM AVA HE CAN’T REFUSE, TATE ARRESTED AGAIN! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Replay of John and Steve trying to revive Tripp and Wendy while Ava watches with bated breath ... Holly agrees to say the drugs were not Tate's but refuses to admit they were hers. It would devastate mama Nicole, who would never trust her again. He accuses the girl of destroying his life and begs. EJ enters and makes his own assumption. He calls the cops ... Brady is en route to the gym when he runs into medicine woman Sarah at the square. He asks about comas ... Ava prays at the old beer factory. The sound of sirens. Replay of Rafe and Harris arriving on scene. The commiss calls for help ... Brady wonders if a coma could affect memory. He has Holly in mind. Sarah confirms it could. Memories may or may not return. She wishes him the best with Tate. Brady remembers his son's insistence they were not his drugs ... - Holly urges EJ not to call the cops. EJ accuses the boy of giving Holly drugs and Tate tells him they were not his. Here comes Nicole. EJ calls the cops much to Holly's distress. Nicole calls Brady to come and get his son. She now demands the teens tell her the truth ... Rafe announces Wendy has a pulse. She squeezes his hand. Steve tries to revive Tate while Harris holds distraught Ava. John helps Wendy breathe. Steve gets a pulse and Tripp calls out to his mom, then asks about wife Wendy. Steve emotionally kisses his son ... - Rafe gets a call about Clyde escaping from the slammer. Harris wonders whether Goldman helped. Of that Rafe is certain ... Brady arrives at DiMera mansion and disagrees with EJ when he suggests his lad was threatening Holly. The doorbell rings. EJ has summoned the cops. Brady can only stand by as Tate implores Holly to clear his name and two burly cope come in. EJ orders his arrest. Brady insists his son only wants Holly to be truthful. EJ accuses Tate of trying to make Holly cover up his crimes. Holly exclaims that is not true and then faints. Nicole catches her ... Rafe is at the hospital on a call with the station. Wendy and Tripp are alright. Harris steps away with the commiss to talk Clyde ... John is still miffed Ava went rogue. Sarah appears and announces Tripp and Wendy may now have visitors. Steve and Ava head for Tripp's room and John asks about Wendy. The good doctor lets him go see her. She now wants to take a look at Harris and sends him to an exam room ... - Tripp smells Ava's perfume as she enters with Steve. She gushes his dad saved him. Steve makes light of his heroics, just grateful they got there in time ... Rafe and Steve greet grateful Wendy in her room. She asks after Tripp and hears his folks are with him. Rafe asks what went down so she gives them the whole story about Goldman luring them, claiming the commiss wanted her to take them somewhere safe. Rafe frets about the crooked cop right under his nose. John praises Wendy for her smart sign signal that led them to the brewery. Rafe is impressed but wishes Ava had let the cops see that video from the start. Harris is now in the room and stares ... EJ shoves Tate aside and carries Holly back upstairs. Tate gets arrested on the spot ... Wendy urges Rafe not to blame Ava. Harris defends her but Rafe suggests tis a strange coincidence Clyde escaped at the same time. He still has questions about Ava ... Ava thanks God that John and Steve did not miss the video clue and suggests her son relax. But she wants to stay. He tells both his parents to stay and grins ... - Sarah suggests Harris is fortunate his stitches lasted through the ordeal. She hands him a prescription for pain meds and antibiotics. She hopes he will solve his case and complains Xander is still considered guilty. She hopes Harris will remember and urges him to keep digging so her daughter's wrongly accused father can get exonerated and come home to his family who need him. Harris stats to feel guilty ... Leather jacket dudes John and Steve discuss the case. John is concerned cos Rafe seems suspicious of Ava. Steve sighs it could lead to them ... Harris joins Rafe and they discuss the ongoing investigation. Rafe orders him home to rest cos he does not want to lose the committed good cop ... Sarah surprises Tripp when she wheels in Wendy. The romantic reunion gets underway. She marvels they made it and loves him. He loves her back and they cutely kiss ... Holly sulks on her bed but feels better. EJ and Nicole will be nearby. Holly begs EJ not to send Tate to jail. Nicole says to rest and EJ agrees. Then they leave the room. Holly remembers that fateful night Tate tried to stop her from using. Now he needs her help but she is letting him down. It weighs heavy on her mind ... - Brady gets but a minute with Tate. He tells his son no one can help him for breaking into the house of the D.A. right now. The cops haul him off and his dad assures him he will talk to Justin ... Harris and Ava hug and she emotionally thanks him and thanks God he is alright. He sensed her nearness for his own recovery. She suddenly suggests he stay with her. She knows he is not completely recovered and wants to look after him the way he did her. Harris give her a long look ... STAY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DETAILED DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on March 12, 2024 |
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