All Rights Reserved. Link Only JOHN IS ACCUSED, MARLENA IS INFORMED, EJ IS CONFRONTED, TATE AND HOLLY ANGST ... These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Harris joins Jada at the station. He asks how Clyde made his great escape. Jada tells him and sighs now they know not where he is . Also at the station Teresa and Brady lecture Tate for the breaking into the bedroom of angry D.A. EJ's stepdaughter ... Meanwhile Nicole and EJ enter the angry teen's room. Holly blasts EJ for having pal Tate arrested ... Steve is dead serious as he proceeds to tell Marlena the tale of the pawn ... Konstantin shows John a photo of his late daughter and declares he offed her. The silver fox is flabbergasted ... Harris hears that Goldman is long gone with 50,000 from her bank account, her car abandoned. Harris insists this was Clyde's plan cos Goldman could not have acted alone. He senses the rat will stay close to Salem. Jada wonders about his accomplices. Harris suddenly excuses himself ... - EJ pontificates to peeved Holly about the LAW. Nicole argues Tate and Holly are only teens. She was far worse and suggests so was EJ. Holly implores him not to send Tate to the slammer ... Marlena wants the whole truth. Steve sighs back in the day when he worked for Victor, John was the pawn and Steve was his handler. One day Victor gave them a mission ... Konstantin continues to raise his voice as he tells the tale of his innocent Katarina to former pawn John ... Tate explodes at his parents and insists he is innocent. Brady reminds him he broke into the DiMera mansion and thus broke the law. Tate feels like the victim ... Holly insists to Nicole that Tate was a great guy on the New Year date. Nicole wonders if she really remembers more ... - Downstairs EJ denies knowing Stefan's whereabouts to suspicious Harris, who knows he knows more about the coincidental vanishing of Stefan and the escape of Clyde ... Steve recalls that fateful day he and John were sent to give a man who was challenging Victor's power a message ... Meanwhile Konstatin admits to John that he and Victor were criminal adversaries who fought over territory. One day Victor sent his pawn to give him a message. John does not believe it but K insists it was HIM ... Steve reveals the message was supposed to make it clear to Konstantin it was time to back off. John and Steve flew to Aria to deal with the man who is now known as KONSTANTIN ... Holly lies she does not remember but defends Tate. Nicole agrees to speak to EJ and suggests they check out some colleges online. Once alone Holly gets her running shoes and jacket on to go do something ... Tate exclaims his life is over and is now down on himself. Brady explains to err is human ... Sanctimonious EJ sarcastically states he knows not where Stefan is. Harris accuses him of covering. EJ shows him the door. Harris knows for a fact that brother Stefan was doing Clyde's bidding ... cos it was Stefan who shot him! - Marlena learns that Konstantin has been conning Maggie and was really Victor's ancient mafia enemy. Steve continues his story. He was supposed to wait outside while the pawn dealt with him... Konstantin recalls how John pounded him into unconsciousness ... Steve recalls how he heard a shot, went in and saw John standing in a trance, gun in hand. Marlena gasps. Konstantin was out cold but alive on the floor but the young girl beside him was stone cold dead ... John is overwhelmed to hear that as per less than credible Konstantin his daughter was shot dead by HIM. He looks at the poor girl’s photograph and falls for it hook, line and sinker. For now ... Nicole briefly interrupts EJ with Harris and continues looking for Holly in the huge mansion ... Harris tells EJ they are not finished and he means business ... Holly arrives at the station asking to see Tate. Jada says no cos he is with his parents and facing serious charges. She decides to call Nicole to let her know where her wayward daughter is ... Steve admits to Marlena he did not witness the shooting but back then John was a weapon. The blonde is well aware he was a trained assassin. Steve suggests he snapped. After the fiasco he grabbed John and they fled for Salem ... Konstantin gets to John with his tragic tale. Konstantin vowed to make the murderer of his daughter pay! Now he has found him! John stares through his tears of torment ... - Marlena is surprised to hear Konstantin claimed to recognize John's eyes as the eyes of his daughter's killer cos he only saw said killer when he was wearing a mask ... Marlena was his doctor and wonders why she did not know this intel. Steve is sorry and admits he did not tell Kayla either. It now haunts him and he wishes he could have protected his pal. But along came Konstantin ... John shouts and weeps he does not remember but believes he knew deep down ... Konstantin rages he will avenge his daughter's death and storms out ... EJ denies knowing where Stefan is or was and insists Xander shot Harris. The former navy seal snaps he actually saw Stefan shoot him ... Holly is arguing with Jada to let her see Tate, who notices. So do Brady and Teresa. Nicole runs in and hauls her daughter home ... EJ suggests there is no proof. Harris reminds him he is a credible detective and navy seal. EJ calls him unstable. Harris warns he will track down Stefan and bring down every dirty bastard involved. EJ plays it cool ... - Jada has an update for Tate et al. EJ is not pressing charges. Tate will return to the halfway house with an ankle monitor. Tate is relieved until he hears there is now a restraining order prohibiting him from coming anywhere near Holly... Konstantin is drinking alone ... John is devastated when he gets home, only to overhear Marlena suggesting the truth could destroy him. John reels from the realization that Steve knew all these long years ... STAY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DETAILED DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on March 15, 2024 |
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