All Rights Reserved. Link Only BRADY IS GONNA BE A GODFATHER, LEO GETS MO MONEY, HARRIS CATCHES STEFAN WITH AVA ...! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Papa Eric has put baby Jude back to sleep. He plans to get Brady on board as godfather. Sloan sweetly suggests they have the reception at the pub as per the earlier plan. She pretends tis for John but Eric gets suspicious as they already accepted Nicole's nice offer ... John is appalled Steve informed Marlena he offed Konstantin's daughter. He curses and rages would he ever have told HIM ... Harris returns to Ava and admits he was busy dealing with stuff ... Stefan emerges from the secret DiMera entrance and gets an update on Harris' visit from sarcastic big brother, who grins this will be his last night as a DiMera. He is delighted to be the only one who can help Stefan save himself but brother is not smiling ... Sloan gets testy about Eric agreeing to let Nicole host the christening party. He argues Holly is like a daughter and Jude feels like her brother. Brady arrives and Sloan storms out ... - The silver fox feels like a pawn betrayed and believes what K said. Steve argues no one knows the whole story. John believes he offed the girl ... Harris asks Ava about the last time she saw or communicated with Stefan. Just when he woke up at the hospital. She wonders why. Harris wanted to discuss Clyde but Stefan seems to have vanished ... EJ has a new identity and passport for Stefan, who will be leaving Salem foreva. He is sending him to North Korea. Stefan gets mad so he sarcastically dangles Siberia - which is actually a beautiful place for nature lovers - government aside ... - Ava pretends not to know anything. Harris senses Stefan would do anything to protect Gabi if Clyde threatened her safety ... Stefan snaps he cannot speak Russian or Korean. EJ now mentions Afghanistan and reminds him fatha said a fresh start was good for character ... Leo is hungover and wearing shades at his outdoor table. Snarky Sloan sits down. He needs more money honey ... Eric assures Brady that Sloan was just tired and brings up the christening. He asks his brother to be godfather to Jude. Brady does not believe tis a good idea ... Marlena argues John is a perfect hubby and dad. Steve adds he is also a fine friend but the guilt-ridden ex pawn wants to do the right thing and turn himself in for the crime he is convinced he committed all those years ago ... Ava claims Stefan hates Clyde and tenderly tells Harris tis time for bed. Tis an offer he does not refuse ... EJ sarcastically suggests Stefan pack light. First he wants to tell Gabi goodbye. EJ warns Clyde's tentacles extend to Statesville and offers to tell Gabi goodbye for him. Stefan implores him to tell her she loves him. EJ refuses and suggests to hide he should ride in the trunk. Stefan glares daggers ... Sloan sighs and hands Leo a check. She is on budget. Leo blames her for having to buy the best suit for the baby Christening so she snaps to return it cos he is not even invited .... - Eric disagrees when Brady complains he is not good dad material. He lost custody of Rachel and Tate was slapped with a restraining order from EJ for going to see Holly. Like dad like kids ... Steve and Marlena insist John is a good guy. He recalls how Yo Ling trained him so he must have killed and is a monster same as that man was ... Back at DiMera mansion Stefan is furious and suggests EJ D.A. offer him a deal. No can do and he refuses to give up his perfect powerful position. Stefan thunders he is taking away everything. Stefano must be appalled. EJ suggests Stefan would consider HIM a failure and EJ the best son ... Ava thinks Harris feels hot. He flirts he is hot for her and they smooch ... Leo boasts he was officially invited by Eric. Sloan is exasperated. He calls himself Jude's fairy godfather who brought him into the world. Sloan scoffs the real godfather will not agree ... Eric implores Brady to step up for his son and be Jude's godfather. Brady tells bro he would be honored and accepts .... - Marlena argues she forgave herself after she had the devil inside. With John's love and empathy she overcame. John believes he is beyond redemption and admits he recently helped Clyde break out of the slammer. The blonde looks surprised. John hangs his head. Steve reasons it was the only way to save Wendy and Tripp. He blames Ava for his escape. John insists on apologizing to grieving father Konstantin. Steve wishes he wouldn't ... Eric hears all about Holly and her memory loss, how innocent Tate said she had used drugs for weeks before the overdose. Brady complains he could pay the price for a crime of which he is innocent ... Leo promises to put Jude's pic in the Spectator but Sloan is mad about his blackmail. He insists he has loved the baby since he was born and boasts he has been part of his life since the start. He demands a seat ... - Ava stops but Harris insists tis what the doctor ordered. They continue kissing ... EJ sarcastically hopes Stefan likes borscht and assures him he will tell his beloved Gabi where he is if she ever gets released. He suggests he return to the tunnels cos Harris could come back. Then he bids him bon voyage and downs his drink. Stefan looks ready to explode ... Sloan warns Leo not to show up. He threatens to expose her and reveal Nicole is the real mother, then states he will see her at the party after all and flounces off on his merry way ... Brady believes Holly is hiding the truth. Eric also sensed something and will make her come clean ... Steve is sincerely sorry he did not tell John and adds his memories were not all there for a while. Marlena wants the man she loves to wait and says to remember she loves him ... Ava and Harris are basking in the afterglow and he steals another kiss. But then she suddenly remembers her passion with Stefan and excuses herself out of bed to get her lover's pain meds and water. Knock knock! Tis Stefan who begs her to help him. Ava panics and tells him to go. Harris emerges and refuses to let his would be assassin make his great escape again ...! STAY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DETAILED DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on March 18, 2024 |
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