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- Marlena and Steve meet in their Washington hotel. She is worried. Steve admits Shane's flunkies and his sister in law went quiet but some buddies might help them get into the ISA building. Marlena is on board ... Meantime Shane is on a call about a very grave situation. Back at the Salem Square Teresa is unable to reach her ISA father on the phone and leaves another message. Xander approaches in a suit and makes a snide remark ... Steph emerges in only her robe as shirtless Alex has breakfast. They are relieved Joy is not preggers. Knock knock. Tis hugely preggers Joy. Steph wakes up with a gasp and Alex wonders. She dreamt Joy was really pregnant! Alex reminds her she is not and holds her close ...
- Joyless Joy takes another look at her test results as Phil enters the office. He wonders what she is looking at and the girl gets rattled. She fibs she donated blood and also brought him a pub breakfast. Phil loves having her at Titan but she seems rather down ... Alex admits if Joy had been preggers he would have done the right thing but it would not have come between them. Sixth sense Steph is still nervous ... Xander hisses he will call the cops on fugitive Teresa. She reveals she was released. He is still livid she stole his daughter temporarily and alludes to making her pay ... At the Brady pub Roman leaves Johnny an apologetic message. Kayla is at a table and notes his long face. Ro suggests they talk fundraiser. Kayla is working hard and coordinating with Steph. Roman senses she is worried about awol John. They all are ...
- Shane informs his superior he is uneasy keeping the truth secret. Here come Steve and Marlena seeking answers. His is stunned they were let it but plays it cool and warns he could have shot them. Steve reminds him he is still connected. Shane wonders why they are here. The blonde demands to know where John is. Shane repeats they lost contact with him. Steve demands the deets of his mission. Shane knows they will not go quietly into the night ... Xander fumes he will never forgive Teresa for snatching his little girl and trying to rip him off with his inheritance. She taunts he only got half his birthright and wonders how he is sharing with Philip ... Phil assumes Joy misses being a soap star. She stammers she is grateful for this gig but worries her presence could make Alex and Steph uneasy. Phil wonders why ...
- Stephanie the sophisticate sounds a tad worried about things being too good to be true. Alex quotes something Marlena said to put him at ease about his own worries and suggests they focus on their tomorrow. She agrees and then he kisses her ... Ro insists Steve and Marlena will get some intel from Shane. Still Kayla wonders. So does Roman. She sighs Steve like John is the kind of hero who lives to save the day. She hopes the danger did not catch up with John ... Steve asks Shane to give him John's last location. Marlena emotionally agrees and vows to bring hubby home if the ISA does not ... Teresa taunts Xander for being only half an heir. He boasts he and Philip have become a good team and scoffs at least Phil's letta was the real deal - unlike hers ... Phil wonders. Joy exclaims she and Alex are over. Phil suggests Alex has no integrity. She admits she did not tell Alex something big. Phil assumes she still cares for the guy and suggests she clear the air with him. Then he sighs he must meet mama Kate at the pub ... Steph and Alex bask in the afterglow and she gasps she was supposed to meet Kayla. Alex does not have any worries about being late cos he is in like Flynn at Titan. Steph remembers the secret she is keeping from him ... Xander starts to walk away. Teresa suddenly apologizes for the Constantin chaos. He suggests she stay away from his loved ones and she agrees ... Then she tries to call Shane again ...
- Marlena makes a most emotional appeal to Shane to help her bring John home or at least not block her. She knows he would do the same for a loved one. His eyes flicker. He admits John's handler lost contact with him in Estonia. But he would never admit to telling her. Steve senses he has more and Shane touches a file on his desk. Then he stands and states he is not authorized to say more. Marlena is the first to leave. Steve thanks him. Shane is torn ... Kayla wonders when Roman stopped trying to save the world like John and Steve. He reached a certain time in his life when it was more important to focus on family. Here comes Steph, followed by Phil, who is sorry to hear mama Kate is outta town visiting Cassie. Phil now peers at Steph and asks for a word in private. The pair step outside. Roman makes a comment about Steph's new boyfriend Alex being a magnet for trouble ... Alex sees Sullen Teresa at the square. He hears she was released and notes he has overcome and is seeing Stephanie. Teresa seems down. Alex wishes her well and admits to being a jerk sometimes. She thanks him for that and wishes him well with Stephanie ... Meanwhile Joy wonders how Alex and Steph will deal with her baby news ...
- Phil and Steph sit outside the Salem Inn to talk. He wonders whether she will ever tell Alex that he forged Victor's letter. The prodigal son has certain Titan responsibilities and likes being in like Flynn ... Roman updates Kayla on Maggie buying the hospital staff endless coffee until the financial crisis has passed and hopes she can help him until Kate returns. Kayla sighs he is trying to distract her since Steve is away. He suggests Steve and Marlena are making progress in John's case as they speak ... Marlena and Steve head back to her room. He will book the fights to Estonia if she believes what Shane said. Marlena did believe him but still sensed he was hiding something ... Shane finally returns Teresa's call and sighs he just got some devastating news ... Philip seeks Steph's reassurance she will not blurt to her boyfriend that he forged the Victor letter. Steph agrees to keep the secret. Xander peers at the pair from behind a shrub ... Alex runs into Joy at Titan and apologizes for not being more sensitive about her pregnancy test. She cringes and says thank you. He turns to go but she stops him to tell him something ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on MARCH 18, 2025