All Rights Reserved. Link Only HARRIS LAYS DOWN THE LAW WITH STEFAN, XANDER IS HOME BUT NOT OFF THE HOOK, ABE UPDATES ROMAN ON THE LEXIE MIRACLE ... These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Xander is anxious as he waits ... Justin calls Sarah, who gasps and gets going ... Abe, Johnny and Chanel marvel at the miracle of Paulina. The big happy family is back! ... Ava has opened the door to Stefan and Harris confronts his almost assassin. He tells Ava that Stefan was the one who tried to kill him down at the loading dock. Ava slugs Stefan when he does not deny it. He gasps Clyde would have offed Gabi. Harris lectures Ava for not entrusting him with the information about Clyde ... Xander is out on bail and Sarah kisses her Scottish hunk ... Paulina gushes about Eli saving the world and Lani and beautiful babies. Abe suggests a summer visit. Paulina suggests the young newlyweds get some rest so Johnny and Chanel cutely get going. Now she wants a kiss from hubby Abe, who suavely obliges. Here comes stylish Kate with casual Roman, who are elated to see Paulina and learn of Abe's returned memory. Paulina cannot wait to go home tomorrow ... - At the square Chanel and Johnny call their small wedding perfect. He muses they missed having a first dance and they decide to slow dance right there in the square. They only have eyes for each other ... Sarah is sorry for the mess but Xander loves everything about home. Victoria is with Maggie. The Scot suavely states the night is theirs and gives her a romantic kiss ... Stefan snaps Clyde is to blame but Ava wishes they had told Harris the truth. Harris lectures so livid Stefan brings up his fling with Ava ... Paulina cannot wait to get back to her mayoral duties. Abe insists she not return to work too soon. Kate wonders how the misdiagnosis happened so she tells Roman and Kate about the miracle of being healed. Abe marvels his memory returned at that moment too. He invites Roman to come have a coffee and they step out together ... - Xander and Sarah get frisky on the sofa ... Johnny and Chanel's first dance without music ends with a kiss. They take their honeymoon to the Salem Inn ... Ava cannot deny the fling to Harris and insists she was pretending to be with Stefan to protect him. She admits one night they drank too much. Harris does not care and blasts Stefan for trying to off him twice. He orders him to turn himself in and confess only HE was Clyde's partner. He must leave Ava's name out of it and orders him to take the rap. He would have a lighter sentence than he would get for shooting a cop. He demands Stefan's immediate answer ... Johnny and Chanel get frisky fast in their hotel room ... After the lovin Sarah wakes up to weeping Xander, who dreamt he was in a park but could not reach her or Victoria before they vanished. She says t'was just a dream. He worries he might still be charged with attempted murder. He could not deal with the separation. They hug and kiss like there is no tomorrow ... - Abe and Roman have coffee and agree their blue will always run blue ... Kate is elated to see Paulina is her formidable self. Paulina worries whether Abe will be able to get used to her big personality again. Kate used to think the same about Roman but both are in a good place with their opposites. Paulina feels her heart is strong ... Harris wonders why Stefan targeted Xander. Cos he was believable. Appalled Harris warns him to take the deal before he changes his mad mind! Stefan insists Ava was in deep but Harris cares not and rages he has until tomorrow 9am to turn himself in or the deal is off. There will be fallout! Stefan storms off ... Roman senses Abe is hiding something. Abe swears him to secrecy and admits they saw Lexie, whose bright light brought Paulina back to life. Amazed Roman says God bless Lexie, who also brought Abe's memories back. He feels badly for Paulina so Roman tells him to stay in the present ... Paulina and Kate discuss the trouble with men who do not like to discuss much. However Abe and Roman are different. The gals appreciate their men and their friendship with one another ... Shirtless Xander could not bear to lose Sarah and Victoria again and suggests they would be better off without him. Sarah insists they need him now and forever. She gushes she loves him and they smooch up a storm ... - Roman and Abe return from their coffee time. The mood is light and Roman agrees to plan a barbeque for them all after Paulina brings it up with a giggle. Roman and Kate get going leaving lovebirds Abe and Paulina alone ... Johnny suggests he and Chanel stay in their hotel room longer and wishes his beautiful wife goodnight as she sleeps in his arms ... Sarah assures Xander there is light at the end of the tunnel and he gushes he loves her. She loves him back and they kiss in bliss ... Ava stammers to Harris her moment with Stefan was nothing. He suggests they move forward and leave the past in the past. She wonders why he helped her. Cos he loves her and knows she loves him as he overheard her while he was sleeping. They share an emotional hug ... Stefan is desperate for a drink but the pub is closed. He rages about Ava getting away with everything and stomps off to do something about it ... STAY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DETAILED DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on March 19, 2024 |
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