All Rights Reserved. Link Only THE LEO-JUDE BOND, TATE TEXTS HOLLY, ERIC AND NICOLE ARE IN EACH OTHERS SPHERE AGAIN, BLACK PATCH PREPARE TO POUNCE ON CLYDE! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Teresa visits Tate, who is upset Holly cannot remember. Teresa vows to fight ... Nicole opens her door to Eric and they hug oooooo. Hunky former father came to see Holly, who awaits. Nicole admits she is upset about not remembering but is improving. Eric asks about Italy and she flirtily asks about his photography biz. He has been busy being a parent and they agree tis a wonderful thing. He gushes he is glad to see her. She gushes she feels the same way ... Temp Sloan lookalike opens her door to babysitter extraordinaire Leo. Jude gurgles. Sloan has a new client to meet. Leo warns he is not cheap as a sitter. She scoffs and gets going ... John and Steve have the prison blueprints and John shows where Clyde's cell is. Woman in black Ava ends a call with Angelo, whom she owes bigtime for his favor. She tells the guys team Vitali is in and Steve wonders what it will cost her ... Nicole brings happy Holly her visitor. She gives Eric a big hug. He calls her their little miracle ... Teresa intros Tate to new lawyer Sloan. ... Ava will deal with the family if they make demands one day and tells Steve she knows how to dodge them ... - Yellow pants Leo gets the baby formula when Jude fusses. No luck. He checks for a fever. Negative. Then he gets ready to change a diaper ... Tate tells Sloan his whole story. Sloan warns Teresa and son it will not bode well that he initially refused help and was found holding those drugs. Teresa insists he was trying to help. Sloan warns the jury would need to be convinced ... Alone with Holly, Eric brings up her foggy memories of that fateful night. She plays with her hair and Eric senses she is not telling him something. He knows her so well ... John and Steve coordinate. Ava goes over the list of what they need. Angelo will have a plane ready to leave when necessary. Steve concludes they are ready. Ava agrees. Tonight they break into prison. Drums play ... - Leo has done the diaper change and decides to rock walk Jude as he tells a story. Once upon a time a prince was born at the roadside, where his fairy godfather delivered him. He continues to tell the true story with aliases and alludes to Sloan as the bottle blonde witch. He knows it sounds bad but promises the prince he will always protect him. Unseen Jude smiles and Leo gets emotional ... Holly insists that night is a blur and asks Eric about Jude. Proud papa has pictures and they admire them. Nicole arrives and admires them too. Eric waited for Holly to wake up to have the christening. A small family gathering with a pub reception. Nicole insists on having the reception at the mansion. He doubts Sloan would agree but Nicole and Holly convince him it would be best ... Tate is terrified about going to trial. Sloan suggests the case is a personal one for the D.A. She wants to go after Holly and Teresa agrees. Tate does not like the sound of it. Sloan talks plea deal but he insists he is innocent as he tried to talk Holly out of taking the pills ... Chez Ava Team Black Patch are good to go. Steve will have an unmarked vehicle take clueless Clyde to the airport. Ava will see them at the airfield. John reminds Steve they need to drop by the office for their special equipment. They intend to interrogate Weston and Steve announces they will not be letting him go. Like hell says Ava ... - Leo does a rap for Jude. Eric enters and applauds. He wonders where Sloan went. To a client. Eric wishes Sloan had said something but Leo gushes he and the special lad have a connection ... Nicole and Holly are already planning what to serve at Jude's reception. Nicole looks forward to the happy occasion. There has been so much sadness in Salem. Holly senses she has the baby boy she lost on her mind. Nicole is grateful for her precious girl and gives her a heartfelt hug ... Tate hates the guilty plea idea but Teresa argues it would mean a lighter sentence. He still believes Holly could come around. Teresa does not want to chance it. He wants to know if Holly even knows he is here. Sloan leaves for a private convo with Teresa, who forgets her phone. In the other room Sloan states she will try to have EJ taken off the case due to bias. It is still a longshot and they could still go to trial so Tate must be focussed on his defense ... Steve and Ava clash about the Clyde question. Steve wants to hold Clyde until Tripp and Wendy have been freed. Ava warns the Black Patch guys that the Texas terror is on top of his game and refuses to compromise the safety of her son. Steve stands his ground and John admits they had to alter the plan. Steve explains at the airfield Clyde will be warned how things will end unless Tripp and Wendy have been returned safe and sound ... Nicole remembers how hard things were and has high praise for EJ and Eric. Holly states she is a survivor but would rather forget the past ... Teresa sadly states it has been tough on Tate and all of them. The gals compare family notes and Sloan sadly brings up brother Colin. She promises to help good boy Tate ... - Tate takes the phone and slips it in his pocket ... Teresa returns, pep talks her son and gets going ... Eric remembers Sami running before him even though they were twins. Leo laughs he ran first to get away from his mom. Sloan returns home to the boys who have bonded. Eric invites Leo to stay longer. He also tells honey that Nicole wants to host baby Jude's after party at DiMera mansion. Leo loves it. Sloan ... not so much ... Ava agrees to Steve and John's altered plan cos she cares not what befalls Clyde. The Black Patch guys are on the move and will contact her soon ... Tate finally finds Holly's contact number ... Nicole has gone pastry shopping ... Holly ignores a text from Teresa (really Tate) and walks away to party plan. But Tate's plan is just getting started ... STAY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DETAILED DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on March 7, 2024 |
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