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- Tate finds Holly at her school locker. He can see something is wrong and she states she has stress about homework. She really regrets he witnessed her fight with her mom and complains she now cannot attend prom ... Teresa comes home to boxes. Lots of boxes. Alex tells babe he went shopping. The life of a billionaire. He updates her on the fancy coffee maker he got them. He got them matching diamond watches as well. Teresa drinks in the wealth but ... Marlena is happy to have Brady home from his biz trip. He plans to spend more time with his parents and kids. He praises Marlena for being a great mom and they exchange I love yous. He wishes her Happy mom's day and whips out a box ... Rafe and Jada are astounded by Gil's connection to Li Shin. This could be the break for Gabi they were waiting for ... Kristen races over to Stefan at the Bistro and updates him on Gabi's soon to be proven innocence.
- Tate sighs Holly's situation sucks. The talk turns to Aaron and Sophia, how that girl really wants Tate ... Shallow Alex assumes the cool car he got somehow makes up for Victor not acknowledging him as his son. Teresa gets tense when h admits it was a downer for him to hear he was not Justin's son and his brothers were not brothers. The cool and costly purchases make him feel better ... Marlena thanks Brady for gifting her with her fave perfume, which he found out from John. They share a sweet hug and good guy Brady praises her to the heavens ... Rafe wants to get all they already have on Gil and Li's murder. Jada is in ... Kristen updates Stefan on the call Ava got from Harris about the bloody fingerprint. The analysis indicated Gil's print IN Li's blood on Gil’s book! Stefan says wow. This could be the big break his beloved Gabi was waiting for ...
- When Sophia appears Tate lies he was only asking Holly's help with Spanish. Interested Sophia offers to help him instead. Tate stammers he has to help at the pub. She gushes she cannot wait to go to prom with him ... Alex is opening more boxes. Teresa suggests a trust fund for his future kids. He has no interest in Kiriakis heirs and the doorbell rings with ... HIS OWN DRONE! Alex is in shopaholic mode but when he mentions moving to the mansion Teresa is stunned ... Brady recalls how his last trip to Chicago was with Rachel. Marlena wishes Kristen would share custody and he admits it bugs him that Alex gets to see her more. Marlena wonders what Teresa thinks. She hates the situation as does he ... Kristen concludes Gil could have been waiting for Ava when Li showed up instead. Poor Li was in the wrong place at the wrong time when he encountered deadly now dead Gil!
- The school bell rings. Happy Sophia heads off to chem class. Tate hates leading her on. Holly would rather he enjoy his prom with Sophia than be saddled with her restrictions and tells him to give the girl a chance. He only wants Holly, who argues she is bad news ... Brady calls Alex shallow. Marlena disagrees. Brady is still livid he gets to see his daughter more ... Stefan is pumped about the possibilities. Here comes tough commiss Rafe with Jada demanding personnel records. Stefan is happy to help the cops and claims Harris already told him the latest ... Alex is not looking forward to living under the same roof as Maggie and her new hubby. Teresa stares and he promises to keep paying her rent here. Teresa is mad he is missing the point cos she does not want to live here without him! Alex seems surprised and argues they rarely see each other anymore. She wants to be with him and live with him and stay together. He does not get it. She insists she does not wanna be friends, never did ...
- Woman in red Marlena suggests Brady speak to Alex but he did and the guy claimed he did not want to be Rachel's new dad. The blonde senses his jealousy. He admits he hates the idea of Alex doing parental things but decides to chill. Marlena updates him on Tate getting his prom tux. Brady is glad about that and glad he is taking another girl to the prom, not troublemaking Holly. They discuss the possible perils of prom. He now asks Marlena to sign his trust documents for Rachel and Tate. Marlena sees the big number and hears Maggie shared a portion of the late Victor's will. Rachel and Tate will be set for life with this ... Stefan believes he and Gabi will soon get their fresh start. Rafe emerges with the personnel files and states tis a top priority to free his sister. Stefan will do what he can ... Tate hears Holly's belief tis best for them to break up and argues he only wants to be with her. Then he passionately kisses her ...
- Teresa tells Alex she wanted no breakup, she was just upset he did not propose and decided to put a distance between them. He wishes she had talked to him. She had hoped he would miss her but alas miscalculated. She promises no more games and hopes tis not too late ... Brady tells suspicious Marlena he suspects fortune hunting Konstantin must me mad about Maggie sharing her newfound wealth. He cannot stand her Mediterranean man and Marlena feels the same way ... Stefan learns that Li Shin's murder case will be re-opened and the burden of proof is on the prosecution. Stefan, Rafe and Jada have high hopes for Gabi. Kristen too cos then she would have Stefan on her side against EJ ...
- Tate tells Holly them being together is best for him. Her too but it got complicated. He can weather any storm with her in his life. They kiss again and she gets going to class. Tate gets an idea ... Teresa waits with bated breath. Alex sighs and she wonders if he wants and missed her. He talks confusion so she grabs him in a passionate kiss and they get frisky, surrounded by the big boxes which will never replace LOVE ... Brady heads to the office. Marlena calls John. They need to discuss Maggie ... Rafe suggests Stefan say nothing until they get difficult D.A. EJ to reopen the case. Kristen's eyes narrow as dangerous drums play ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on MAY 14, 2024