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- Elegant Ava must meet Rafe, to discuss Gil's bloody print and how he is suspected of stabbing Li. He wonders whether she can help the Salem PD with proof ... Eric greets Thomas at the Spectator. When he says he wants to be a reporter like Abigail, Chad smiles ... EJ seems surprised to see Nicole still at home. He feels badly about Holly but Nicole acts like he is hubby of the year ... Stefan is looking for leads at the bistro and toasts Kristen to Gabi's return. She wishes them the best but wants the beech nowhere near her ... Sloan stumbles upon sloshed Leo at the park and blasts him for blowing up her life. He insists he was loyal and assures her only EJ now knows Jude is Nicole's not so dead baby ... Nicole believes she was not the best mom but EJ insists she was. She wishes she had raised Holly from day one. She believed she would have that connection with their baby boy. Alas it was not in the cards ...
- Rafe senses Ava could have some useful intel. She swears she knows no more but he urges her to help. She will try ... Eric offers Thomas the use of his extra camera, Thomas is excited about taking pics and gets going to get said camera. Eric thinks he is a great person. Chad points out like Abigail ... Rafe grills Ava about why Stefan took the fall for her. Was he cheating on Gabi with her ... EJ tells Nicole she is a cakewalk compared to Sami and calls her extraordinary. She asks him to tell Holly she will be working late and did return to see her on her break. He invites her to be his date for a City Hall fundraiser and she is all for it since so many charities need more funding ... Eric praises Abigail to Chad, who misses her. At least he sees her in their kids. Eric believes she is with them always... Sloan wonders how long it took Leo to tell EJ the truth. He was drunk, heart broke and still is. He also senses something is verrry off ... Kristen stops Stefan from paying EJ a visit to demand he reopen Gabi's case cos he could find more ... Rafe tells Ava he suspects seedy Gil came looking for her and found Li instead, then offed him. Gabi came in and foolishly picked up the knife. Ava agrees it could be a theory. Rafe knows she knows she was the real intended victim!
- Eric smiles as he tells Chad how blessed he feels for being Jude’s dad ... Leo argues he needed money. Sloan blames him for everything. He is sorry and insists he cares about baby Jude. He believes he should be with his real mom cos she loves kids. Sloan warns Jude will never go back to Nicole. Leo wonders what she means ... Woman in black Ava gets Rafe believes she was Gil's real target. He does and needs the whole story. She complains about Gil's aggressive interest. Rafe wonders why he showed up then. Ava tells him he was a predator with plans for sexual assault. Rafe suggests she killed him. She remembers pulling the trigger once upon a time and says it was self defense ... Leo has been driven to drink because of the baby switch and wonders how Sloan can be so cold ... Chad asks how it is for Eric working with his ex and here comes Nicole. She hands Chad a book she found in the desk and he realizes it was Abigail's. The most recent entry was just before her murder ...
- Ava cries it haunts her she felt like she had to kill Gill and hates the idea that Wendy's brother got killed cos of her. She does not know more. Rafe warns he will continue digging until he saves his sister ... Chad has never seen Abigail's crime notes before. Nicole suggests editor-in-chief Jack might now more. Chad calls unseen unheard Jack long distance and wonders what Abigail was working on before she perished ... EJ is drowning his sorrows when Kristen and Stefan arrive. Kristen and EJ get catty but EJ still believes the board will want to keep him after the next election. He taunts Stefan, who humors him. Stefano’s somber portrait watches and waits ...
- Sloan scoffs guilt is wasted. Leo finds that frosty cos they told a grieving woman her baby was dead! Sloan suggests DiMera wife Nicole will overcome and threatens to tell EJ about his loose lips ... Alone in her room anxious Ava leaves Harris a message to call her. She hopes Rafe was wrong about Li's real killer being Gil, who was really after her ... Chad ends the call with Jack, who was aware Abigail was working on something big. He believed she had dropped it but she had not. Chad knows she was onto Clyde but did Clyde know too? ... Stern Rafe comes to the mansion to talk to EJ. Kristen and Stefan hear him present the new evidence in Gabi's favor including Gil's print in Li's blood on the book. EJ scoffs Stefan discovered the book. Stefan insists he immediately gave it to the cops. Kristen argues Gil only managed the bistro a few months but arrogant EJ refuses to listen to more. Rafe is enraged as EJ goes on his haughty way. For now ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on MAY 15, 2024