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- Marlena and John admire Jude when Eric comes by. John notes how close they are. Eric could not love the lad more and praises his 3 role models, including Marlena. The blonde seems surprised Jude's smile is just like baby Eric's was ... Nicole wants to spend time with Holly, who snaps she needs to catch up on her schoolwork and snarks away. Nicole is hurt ... Steve runs into Ava outside the pub. Patch knows about Clyde's book, Harris' involvement and deduces she too is connected to that case ... Meanwhile At DiMera mansion Stefan tries to get EJ to read the new proof that shows it was Gil not Gabi who offer Li. EJ coldly refuses and gets sarcastic about Gabi's brother Rafe giving him the file in the first place. Stefan strongly suggests he put the law and his job first. EJ excuses himself to more important matters. Stefan warns he will make him regret it ...
- Eric is elated about the baby looking like him. Marlena assumes tis the mannerisms. John sees the resemblance as well. He now asks how things are at home with Sloan. Marlena told him about the tight finances and they can help. Eric assures his folks he has enough funds ... Holly acts like she hates Nicole ... Steve suggests elusive Ava stop the denial routine. He has done the Clyde-wants-his-black-book-back math ... Stefan storms into Paulina's office to file a complaint. He also has damning intel on EJ. She is alllllll ears ... Phone EJ instructs assistant Rita to buy more DiMera stock so he will be ready to pull rank with the board ... Eric updates John and Marlena on working with Nicole to do an important piece on the homeless situation. John and Marlena wonder if Sloan minds the former flames spending so much time together. No and they are just friends these days - friends with a connection ...
- Holly throws all Nicole's guys who left in her face. Nicole insists her daughter always came first. Holly hisses she never wants to be like her ... Steve knows about the secret black book and reminds Ava he and John illegally sprang Clyde from the slammer. He could talk and get them all in trouble! Ava disagrees but admits she is looking for a PERMANENT solution for wild card Clyde ... Madam Mayor admits to Stefan that she and D.A. EJ are at odds. Stefan points out he is using his power to carry out a grudge against Gabi and turning his back on the real evidence. She is curious so he slides over the file ... Nicole is hurt. Holly wants a better life than what Nicole had. Nicole recalls her rough childhood and woefully states no one was there for her. Holly accuses her of being controlling. Nicole is still worried given what happened on New Year's. Holly screams again. Nicole wants the best for her girl. So does Holly and she begs her to trust her so why not let her attend prom. Nicole says no cos last time she partied she almost lost her life. She has yet to earn her trust. Holly gets vicious and suggests she is a no good mother who never should have had children. Tis an ugly scene indeed ...
- Marlena is pleased Eric has a connection with Holly. Eric must get going and tells his folks to take care as he leaves for work. Marlena and John will see each other later. She is pleased he and Patch are back on track ... Paulina has looked at the info and calls it circumstantial. Stefan suggests the reasonable doubt aspect means it must be looked into. EJ is refusing and she wonders why. Cos a free Gabi could come back and take over his CEO seat again. Paulina now learns EJ temporary made himself acting CEO of DiMera and plans to make it permanent. Paulina exclaims that goes against the city bylaws. Then she calls him and summons him to her office stat!!!!!!
- Ava agrees with Steve and insists they get a permanent solution to deal with Clyde. Here comes Stefan. They act like they were discussing Tripp and Steve excuses himself. Stefan smugly states EJ's situation is about to change ... Sarcastic EJ sits in Paulina's office. She asks why he is ignoring the new evidence. He talks down to her. She orders him to stop using the office for his vendettas and demands he follow her orders. He haughtily wonders wot if he does not ... Train wreck Holly goes to see Marlena and cries on her shoulder ... Eric calls late Nicole, who is downing shots at the bar. He tells her to stay put until he gets there ... Steve greets the Silver Fox and warns him Kayla knows something is up about Maggie and Konstantin. He promised to update her when the time is right. He now updates his partner on Clyde's coded black book of interest. The ISA could crack it! He hopes Rafe will give them a copy. He adds he saw Ava and senses she is hiding intel on Clyde ... Holly feels awful about the mean things she said to her mom. Now she cannot reach her. Marlena suggests she write her a letter and read or give it to her when they meet again ... Nicole is drunk as a skunk when relieved Eric finds her toppling over at the bar. He helps her stand and wants to take her home. She stumbles so he carries her out ... Paulina fires EJ for moonlighting as DiMera CEO and orders him out of her office!
- The silver fox wonders if Ava is in contact with Clyde. Steve suspects she could be and worries Clyde will point the finger at them for springing him from the slammer. John suggests they prepare themselves for said eventuality ... Stefan and Ava are smug that the mayor will probably fire EJ. They both cannot wait for Clyde to get caught ... EJ storms home in a fit of rage and vows to make Paulina pay. Eric soon gets Nicole to the front DiMera door ... Marlena pep talks Holly ... Eric helps staggering Nicole inside the DiMera mansion and she thanks her knight in shining armor. Then she kisses him while EJ stares in horror !!!!!!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on MAY 17, 2024