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- Pub Roman praises Ava for helping out. She notes they need more bread. Ro officially hires her with a smile. Glamorous Kate glares ... Everett has a hot Spectator story on the madness with the mayor. Leo woefully wishes he had gotten that gig. He admits he did not use a certain story cos he is a hopeless romantic. Steph flounces in with a scoop for Everett. The mayor replaced D.A. EJ with Trask. Leo believes that is one bad week for EJ. Meanwhile Sloan reminds EJ they had a deal. That was before he saw Eric kiss Nicole. Now all bets are off ... Chad comes to Black Patch to show Steve the latest scoop on Clyde ... Kate slinks downstairs to spend some time with Roman. Ava makes herself scarce. Eric drops in for some pumpkin pie for Sloan. He and Ro happily head to the kitchen ... Ava serves Kate her drink and Kate warns her she better not try to take over the establishment ...
- Everett invites the gang to head out for a drink. Leo is off the wagon these days. Steph is in and when Leo hears about all the lonely hot guys so is he ... Chad is mad they could not keep Clyde locked up and now he is free. Steve is intrigued when he shows him Abigail's work book they recently found. She was clearly investigating Clyde which might have made her his target. Steve gets intense ... EJ insists Eric and Nicole must be stopped from reconnecting. Sloan wonders how. EJ believes if Nicole gets Jude back, she will only focus on their family and there will be no love left for Eric. Sloan argues Jude is not even EJ's son. EJ warns her no one will know that so she threatens to tell the whole world ...
- Ava sits with Kate and warns she does not like threats. Kate calls it a promise and unlike Harris she keeps hers! She suggests she advise Harris to keep his promise to help Lucas or else ... Steve suggests Chad show the book to the cops. Chad believes Steve will be able to do more. Steve is on it cos bringing Clyde down is oh so personal ... EJ threatens to expose Sloan, who will live her days in the slammer, losing Eric and her law practice. She argues she would be arrested for kidnapping. He will get her a new ID, money and new location for a new start in return for her silence forever. She wonders what if she does not agree. Then she will be sent to the slammer unlike him ... At the bar Everett and Steph are enjoying shots. Leo has not seen any worthy lonely fellas. Steph shows him a hottie in the corner. Leo is intrigued and assumes he speaks Spanish. Now he remembers Dimitri and his tropical plans. He wonders where Steph and Everett are at with their cute relationship. They are friends but Everett has high hopes. Sloshed Steph smiles as he babbles about their dates that are not really dates...
- Leo asks the waiter to get them more drinks and something sweet for him ... Kate admits to Roman she does not trust Ava. Steve arrives to speak to Ava and Ro agrees she can have a break. Steve wants to walk and talk. Kate's cat eyes are watching ... EJ coldly warns Sloan if she does not play she will be stuck in the slammer. The alternative could be a luxurious location where available billionaires abound. She cries she needs time. He warns her not to try and double cross him. He is appalled she adopted Jude knowing he was Eric and Nicole's baby. Sloan wonders whether he really wants to raise another man's child. EJ explains she will be exposed to Eric as a liar and a thief. He gives her 24 hours to make up her mind ...
- Eric comes home to no Sloan. He texts her to call and assumes she is calling now. Tis Roman, who reveals Sloan dropped off Jude at the pub. Eric is worried but believes she will call soon. He thanks Roman for looking after the lad. After the call he wonders where she went ... Leo greets sloshed Sloan at the bar, where she is sadly drowning her sorrows. He then returns to his table with the Spectator gang and lets curious Everett know when he gets the scoop he will tell him ... Steve is quietly discussing Clyde with Ava, who tells him not to try and stop her cos Clyde committed the sin of going after her son ... EJ comes home and keeps drinking. Chad asks for advice. He shows him Abigail's notes and deduces she was investigating Clyde for his drug running. He suspects Clyde had intended to off Abigail that fateful night, not Belle. He blames himself for Clyde's rage because Thomas was not his grandson as he once believed. EJ calls Clyde a monster. Chad is upset. EJ offers to help and adds he has had men on his tail since his escape. He promises he will do wot he can to avenge Abigail's murder. Chad is grateful and has one more request ...
- Leo sees Eric find drinking Sloan at the bar. She wants another round and refuses to leave with him. Everett remembers hearing a woman say the same words once upon a time and suddenly looks troubled ... Roman and Kate discuss kids and regrets. She is proud of Lucas and vows to help her son if Harris does not ... Outside Steve agrees not to interfere in Ava's plan. He has no issue with creep Clyde winding up in a body bag and the former mob princess smiles an eerie smile ... Alone again Ava has a call with unseen unheard Harris. His buddies are making progress and she is just waiting for Clyde's encrypted email. She cannot wait to have honey Harris back with her ... EJ accompanies Chad to Abigail's old room. Chad flashes back to finding her and remembers EJ's support. Tis still tough ... Leo steps away to help Eric and suggests Sloan head home. Sloan gets mad at them both. Steph suddenly notices something is wrong with Everett, who stands up to help Sloan when Eric tries to usher her out of the establishment. Everett mutters the guy is gonna hurt her. Sloan gets away from Eric and Everett slugs him to save her. Eric goes down! Steph is shocked. Everett stares like he is someone else ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on MAY 21, 2024