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- Johnny awaits his date at the bar. Audacious Leo approaches. Lady Whistleblower wants the juicy deets on Kristen's immunity deal. Johnny is shocked to hear about it. Leo is more intrigued by Megan ... Megan has declared her DiMeraness at the mansion so EJ toasts. They all do. Tony announces he has something to tell EJ. Anna panics and stops him as the guests look on in surprise ... Eric is surprised to see Sloan and Nicole together and wants to know what they were doing with the box. Sloan states tis a test kit. He asks what for. Nicole fibs there was a hospital virus outbreak and all visitors got a test kit. She was about to share hers with Sloan, who suggests Eric should take the test cos she knows he wants to visit patient Abe. Nicole seconds that and offers to take his test to the lab ... Anna suggests Tony had one too many and tells him not to say something he will regret. Megan coos they are family and adds Tony should say what he wants ... Leo wants intel on Megan. Johnny never met her. Leo is now stunned to see Johnny's date is Wendy instead of Chanel and says so. Johnny snaps he and Chanel are history and he is seeing Wendy. Leo pokes fun at the couple cos he knows she went to see Tripp in Seattle. She denies Tripp was lacking and Leo calls her a minx ... EJ wants to know wot Tony wanted to say. Tony wants to make a toast to EJ as CEO and points out EJ is best suited to be CEO. He suggests Megan and Kristen support him. Kristen gets catty. Anna drags Tony out for a word. Megan muses she is still a drama queen. Kristen cackles ...
- Dapper Tony denies to Anna he was about to drop the baby bombshell and warns her she herself almost spilled the beans ... Eric says thanks but no thanks and insists Sloan see her family who need her. He will see her at her place later. Sloan is still secretly worried Eric could be the father of Nicole's unborn baby ... Glam Anna reminds Tony that Nicole swore her to secrecy. Tony snaps EJ has the right to know and here comes the prodigal son, demanding he elaborate ... Johnny wants Leo to back off. Leo teases love triangle Wendy so she threatens to hack his life. He assures her she has his support but seems to favor Tripp. When he calls Johnny an employed DILETTANTE, Johnny shows him to the door ... Alone with Megan and Kristen, Gabi and Stefan trash talk Tony. Megan is shocked to hear about Kristen being with Tony back in the day. Gabi gushes she and Stefan would love to work with the sisters and promotes Stefan as the best possible CEO ... Tony fibs Anna believed his speech would create more conflict. EJ dimmisses it but praises Tony for his neverending support ...
- Devil wirh the blue dress Megan wants to know what Stefan and Gabi can do for them. Stefan would accept and respect them. Gabi quips unlike EJ, who enters, denies it, and offers Megan his master suite. Kristen wonders about herself. EJ states Megan does have seniority. Kristen has not forgotten her brother stabbed her in the back before ... Anna reminds Tony no one can hear them discussing Nicole's pregnant state as EJ just did. Appalled Nicole appears ... Johnny apologizes for Leo's mouth and assures Wendy he and Chanel are friends only. She knows but cannot deny her triangle with him and Tripp. Johnny is up for the challenge and suavely states he will fight as he takes her hand and looks into her mesmerized eyes ... Megan wants to hear how EJ stabbed Kristen in the back. EJ cannot stop her from stating she saved his life, after which he turned his back on her. EJ explains he had to put the company first. Stefan seconds the notion that EJ backstabs siblings as well as friends. Gabi agrees. Kristen warns Megan not to believe any offer he makes ... Anna explains what almost happened to nervous Nicole. Tony believes brotha has a right to know. Nicole needs her secret kept until after the paternity test in a few days. Tony grudgingly agrees. Nicole shares her inability to come up with a plan on how to get a swab from EJ so Anna hands over her potent sleeping pills ... Sloan comes home to Eric folding towels. She is touched he wants to help and claims visiting hours were cancelled until tomorrow. He assumes tis due to the virus. She is grateful he understands why she cannot turn her back on her brother and agreed to be his attorney. Eric can relate since he always stood by sister Sami, who was no angel. He assures sad Sloan he will be here for her ...
- Johnny muses to Wendy he must get back to his moviemaking career. He teases he can tell her story and suggests it will end with her choosing the right suitor ... EJ insists he is sincere but Megan reasons he will want her vote in return. He states like Stefan. Megan would rather select another bedroom in the big mansion. Gabi gushes about the sunrise in the east wing. Kristen takes her for a tour. They are surprised to run into Nicole, Tony and Anna in the foyer. Nicole is introduced to Megan and is stunned to hear the sisters are moving into the mansion ... Sloan praises Eric for standing by her. He believes he knows the real Sloan and she is nothing like her brother. She regrets not knowing he needed help and cries he is going to the slammer and her parents are not alive. Eric assures her he is here. She says I love you and does not expect a response but he reveals he does love her too. They kiss and he carries her upstairs ...
- Nicole finds EJ downing shots and sighs she just saw the witch sisters. He complains he had to let them move in as he needs their votes. He feels like his head will explode. Nicole slyly suggests a sleeping pill she happens to have so he will wake up well rested in the morning. He agrees ... Johnny walks Wendy to her door. She had a wonderful date and continues to babble about being indecisive. He tries to help with a passionate kiss ... In their room Gabi and Stefan discuss Kristen and Megan. She assures him they will win with the two sisters' support ... Kristen and Megan are now in the living room discussing the brothers suggesting they should choose a brother to run DiMera. Kristen agrees they should try to take over for themselves when Megan implies as much ... EJ gets a call from the big Shin before he can take the sleeping pill. He is ordered to Chicago to seal a deal with an apprehensive investor. He kisses Nicole ... until tomorrow ... Sloan slips silently out of bed as Eric slumbers and gets out the swab ... Nicole gets a call. She complains EJ has to leave town. Sloan informs her she got the swab herself. Nicole is grateful. Soon they will know who is the daddy ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on May 29, 2023