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- Xander visits Gwen, who growls she is working so ... He knows about someone quitting cos she treated him badly. They now need a new ad sales director. She suggests he leave her to find one and cackles when he suggests Chloe ... Brady visits Chloe, who already knows Kristen is out and got what she wanted. Brady has a proposition ... Alex and Steph are having a beer and discussing Titan at her place. Alex sighs his Titan career is really over ... Maggie has just returned from Greece with unseen Victor and updates Justin on Bo. Justin asks her to explain why she fired his son from the family biz ... Sexay Rexy is doing shirtless sit-ups in Chicago. Bonnie drops by, having heard from Mimi he has Emily. She would love to see her. Alas she is sleeping. Bonnie begs so he tells her which door and she scurries off. Sarah shows up, excited to share with Rex her big news about their clinical trial working. He gasps Bonnie is here and Sarah gasps and turns as Bonnie approaches ... Xander assumes Alex and Gwen are still an item. She explains he ended things. She turns down Xander's idea of hiring Chloe ... Brady asks Chloe to return to Basic Black ... The redhead sternly states Alex spooked the client from an almost done deal. Justin does not see it that way and questions whether she is even qualified to call Alex unqualified. She boasts Victor believes in her judgment ...
- Steph is getting another beer from the fridge when bewildered Chad drops by. Alex opened the door! Chad tells honey he is home. Steph happily hugs him. He gives her a kiss and she gushes she missed him. He wonders why Alex is here ... Brady insists he needs Chloe at Basic black and promises to be professional. She points out she got a position at the Spectator. Brady realizes Xander made the offer ... Xander reminds Gwen they run this paper together. She argues Chloe can apply though she lacks the qualifications. Xander calls her jealous. Gwen denies it ... Sarah covers her baby bump with her bag and turns around to greet Bonnie, who can see she is pregnant ... Steph defends Alex, who is not to blame for losing that deal. Chad laughs he got sacked by kindly Maggie. Alex leaves with his hurt feelings. Steph notes that was not necessary cos he was a guest in her home. Chad wonders why she forgave him his soap sins ... Maggie says tis not personal so Justin counters it is a family business which means it is always personal. He knows Alex is no angel and argues he is getting therapy. The redhead reasons he did not do as instructed. Justin suggests the usually sweet redhead give his son another chance. She sighs ...
- Bonnie is surprised Maggie said nothing. Sarah states she does not know. Bonnie deduces she is carrying a mini Xander ... Gwen denies being jealous of Chloe. Xander claims he already told Chloe she could have the job so that's that! Gwen hisses after he hires her and causes them a loss it will come out of his pocket. He sarcastically agrees and goes to give the girl the good news. Furious Gwen sends her laptop flying ... Sarah cannot convince Bonnie she is wrong. Bonnie reasons Xander has rights so Rex snaps HE is the father ... Rex tells Bonnie he and Sarah had a fling one time. Sarah states that was when it happened and they are staying friends. Bonnie does not buy it ...
- Steph suggests she and Chad have other things to discuss. He gets up close and personal and kisses her. They smooch up a storm on the sofa ... Meanwhile Alex runs into Gwen outside the Salem Inn. He would like to apply for the ad director position with the paper. She sighs Xander made her hire unqualified Chloe Lane. He is sorry she is having a lousy night too. She suggests they help each other forget their troubles togetha ... Brady warns Chloe that Gwen is tough to work for. He suggests she and Xander will only tank the Spectator. Xander comes home, enraged to hear it ... Bonnie believes Sarah set out to have Xander's baby. Sarah admits it is indeed his ... Chloe stops Brady from saying more and he leaves after leering good luck to Xander. Chloe wonders how it went with Gwen. Xander boasts he got her the job ... Gwen gets Alex is still off random hookups and will see him around ... Brady approaches Alex after Gwen goes and offers him the Basic Black job. He needs good help cos Nicole left. Alex proved his ability with his hot Eric and Nicole campaign. He could get out from under Victor's thumb by working for Brady. Alex seems to like the idea ...
- Back at the Kiriakis mansion Justin promises to keep an eye on Alex if Maggie agrees to rehire him. The redhead sighs he can come back to the company effective tomorrow. Justin hugs her in gratitude ... After the sofa lovin, Steph gets Chad and herself a beer. He updates her on Dimitri the bad new DiMera coming to Salem. He wants to be pals. Steph wonders what he wants. He claimed he wanted family but Chad senses he really wants to destroy the DiMeras ... Alex joins Justin and Maggie at the mansion and says wow when Justin reveals the redhead agreed to rehire him. Alex thanks Auntie but he already has a job. Brady has hired him for Basic Black ... Gwen tries to blow off Brady when he stops her at the square. It is about Xander trying to hire Chloe. Gwen sighs she already agreed so their exes will be together all the time. She goes on her glum way ... Chloe has stars in her eyes when Xander welcomes her aboard and takes her hand ... Sarah admits she wanted a baby with Xander but after she heard what he did to Bonnie and Susan, she realized he was not fit to raise her child. She insists no one can know her secret. Ooooooooo ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on May 30, 2023