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- Jada is shocked at the station when she visits Talia, who is more concerned with Colin than herself. She is relieved to hear Abe is alright so Colin will not face murder charges ... Colin wakes up cuffed to a bed. He mistakes the nurse for Paulina and calls her a beech ... Paulina sits at Abe's bedside and urges her love to open his beautiful eyes. Enter Chanel in pink, reassuring her he will wake up. Paulina calls Colin evil! Chanel blames Talia too. Paulina seeks an update from medicine woman Kayla ... Nervous Nicole calls Sloan, who has the swab and suggests they meet at the park. Sloan sure hopes Eric's DNA is no match ... Nicole updates curious Anna on Sloan getting a sample from slumbering Eric since EJ left town on a last minute biz trip ... Sloan bags the sample and turns to Eric, who bears coffee and breakfast. She wants to see Colin and take the breakfast. Eric suddenly confronts her for lying about the hospital virus she said she needed a test for ...
- The nurse warns Colin to heal his soul with prayer if he wants a chance at redemption. She leaves as Rafe enters. Colin pouts ... Jada is exasperated that Talia is more concerned about Colin. Talia senses since it is her first offence she will get off. Alas Trask was one of her almost victims and is viciously about to throw the book at her ... Chanel sadly apologizes to Abe for suffering cos of her past with Colin's professor father. Abe opens his eyes and wonders where he is. Chanel reminds him what happened and thanks God he is alright. Abe has no idea who she is ... Rafe puts his hands on his hips and drawls Colin is under arrest. He has a detail en route to drive him to the station and book him, lock him up. Colin suggests Talia should be the one charged with attempted murda ... Jada cannot fathom why Talia gave up her career and wonderful life to terrorize two people for Colin the creep ... Elegant Anna hears Nicole needs only to use Eric's swab to determine whether the baby is his or EJ's. She suspects EJ will be upset if the baby is Eric's. Nicole admits he proposed ... Eric knows from Marlena that there was no virus and demands Sloan spill her secret with Nicole. She sighs a soulful sigh and states Nicole is preggers. Eric reels from the reveal, not to mention the fact that Nicole did not want him to know. Sloan explains she knows not whether it was from EJ or him that night of the tainted biscuits. He asks how Sloan found out. Accidentally and she agreed to help Nicole get his DNA sample ... Nicole informs Anna that EJ's proposal was more about having another DiMera on the board. But he did say he loved her. Anna the hopeless romantic wonders whether she loves him too ...
- Talia tells Jada she did not want to act against Chanel and Paulina but Colin said if she loved him she would. She weeps she was in love and he had a temper. Jada needs to know if he ever physically harmed her ... Rafe is not impressed when turncoat Colin calls Talia a double crossing beech and states she too was arrested. She also said he put her up to everything. Colin denies it. Rafe suggests they talk to their lawyers and leaves to check on the transfer ... Chanel reminds Abe she is his stepdaughter and he married her mom Paulina. She shows him a pic of him with his new wife at the park but he insists he has never seen her before. Abraham has amnesia ... Chanel realizes he also does not recognize her and goes to get a doctor ... Talia insists Colin was not violent with her but he does get upset when he does not have his way. After an outburst he always made it up to her. Jada wishes she had known her sister was in an emotionally abusive relationship ... The young cop heads to Colin's room. Paulina stops Rafe and worriedly wants to find Kayla. Rafe tells her to breathe and she feels better. Then he gives her a friendly hug. He loves Abe and hates what happened. He promises Paulina he will make the bastard who did this to Abe the good man pay and tells her to help Abe by looking after herself ... Abe believes the nurse who enters his room is Paulina his wife and she smiles ... Sloan shows Eric the sample Nicole is waiting for. Eric insists he give it to her. She can go see her brother ...
- Nicole is now torn between two lovers. Anna asks if she loves Eric and assures her she has her support. Nicole asks her to stop and so she does. Anna gives her a hug and knows she will be strong for the baby ... Sloan sadly heads to the hospital after saying she hopes if the baby is Eric's it will not change their relationship. Eric has no reply ... Jada believes her sister has been emotionally abused. Talia disagrees and argues Colin had a tough time. Jada is appalled he could have killed them all. Talia cries she shoved him off the roof cos she was trying to save them. When he aimed his gun at Chanel, she could not let him kill her ... Chanel finds Paulina at the nurse's station and warns her that Abe did not recognize her or mama's photograph. Paulina assumes it was the drugs talking ... Abe gets anxious about not remembering but just saw a young woman who showed him a picture of their wedding. The nurse realizes he has amnesia and tells him he is in danger cos the man who attacked him is still here. He is not safe now ... Meanwhile Rafe finds the cop he tasked with cuffing Colin cuffed to the bed minus his uniform ... Jada takes Talia's hand and updates her on hiring legal eagle Belle to help her. She will always stand by her sister. Talia breaks down and apologizes for everything ... Rafe is enraged Colin escaped. Meanwhile Colin conceals himself from sister Sloan when she exits the elevator and gets in to make his great escape ... Alas Paulina and Chanel do not find Abe in his room ... Abe is being wheeled away by his new nurse protector ... Nicole tells her unborn baby tis time to discover who the daddy is and opens the DiMera door to ... ERIC. THEIR EYES LOCK!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on May 31, 2023