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- Xander gives Sara an early mom's day gift and she loves the mug. The Great Scot insists their daughter selected it. She mentions Maggie's mom's day dinner tomorrow. He is less than thrilled about seeing Konstantin the cad but promises to make nice. She suggests he call his own mom in Scotland and wonders why he is so tight-lipped about her. He cuts the convo short ... Maggie thanks Konstantin for the flowers he said he used to grow in Greece. He hastily suggests they honeymoon there. She reminds him tis not a real marriage. Marlena calls with a solemn summons. Tis about the ... wedding. The redhead agrees. Marlena, John and Steve know this is their last chance ... Harris gives DiMera mansion Stefan the latest on Clyde. Ava wants his help. He refuses. He hears there was possible blood on Clyde's book. Harris asks him to support his story that Stefan came across the book at the bistro and handed it to Detective Harris. Stefan agrees since Clyde must be stopped. He wants to watch him go down ...
- Sara asks Xander if he reached out to his mom on Scotland's March Mother's Day. Negative and he changes the subject to a plan he has in mind to expose Stefan for setting him up. Sarah worries after he walks off for justice ... Maggie is surprised to see Marlena, John and Steve all waiting for her. Steve states tis about Konstantin. Marlena notes she should know ... The redhead refuses to listen. Marlena warns it is serious. Maggie stops ... Stefan gets a drink. Enter Xander. Stefan scoffs about his accusations. Xander suggests HE set him up ... Sarah is about to take baby for a walk when crafty Konstantin shows up ... Silver fox John warns Maggie that dastardly Konstantin brainwashed him with the same red pagoda card Stefano used to control his mind years ago - and then ordered him to steal and burn her prenup. But he burnt a fake and now hands her the original. The redhead is shocked he said STEAL THE PRENUP PAWN and now believes she trusted a BASTARD!
- Konstantin walks in and calls himself Victoria’s granddaddy. The baby cries. He and Sara discuss Maggie and how special she is. He grovels he is grateful Sara has been so understanding and she makes him promise not to hurt the matriarch ... Stefan denies Xander’s claim that he set him up or did so for Clyde. Xander argues he also had the motive, means and money for the cash he moved to his bank account. Stefan scoffs 50k is not much but sneaky Xander never said a number! Stefan bites his lip and glares at his enemy ... Harris comes back from Jada and Rafe, who bought his story that Stefan found the wine bottle and gave it to him. Ava suspects that blood was from one of violent Gil's enemies. Harris hopes it will be a match in the database. Ava notes they might not ever find Clyde. Harris just wants justice ... The redhead now realizes what a liar Konstantin was. Steve drawls he came to Salem to avenge his daughter's death and steal Victor's fortune. Maggie morphs into mad redhead mode ... Harris hopes his contacts can crack the code and get a location on Clyde. Ava wishes he did not have to go. He will just check the progress of his guys and help the team. They will miss one another and kiss. He has a few hours before his flight so the star crossed couple get frisky again ... Stefan tries to cover by claiming EJ knew about the 50k and must have told him. Xander knows wot he knows and warns Stefan he will make him pay ...
- Konstantin claims to care for Maggie. Sara worries his green card issues could go on for years. He suggests companionship means much but he will be gone if Maggie wants him to be ... Maggie wants that creep arrested. The guys inform her he has committed no crime. John suggests they dangle the horrible man enough rope to hang himself. Marlena agrees. They have to humor him, The redhead suddenly realizes that Konstantin’s real plans for her were MURDER as that was the only way he would get all of Victor's money. It rattles her it really does ... After the Lovin Harris sighs he must go and help catch Clyde to keep Ava safe. Tragic music plays. He gets emotional and so does she. They exchange I love yous and he promises to come back to his beloved soon. Then they kiss like there is no tomorrow ... Konstantin continues to act like a smitten schoolboy who is Maggie's greatest friend and admirer. The baby gurgles and he says to cherish her for he lost his Katarina. Sara assures him his daughter will always be with him. He smiles and says goodbye my dear ... Maggie is upset. John and Steve will keep her safe. She says yes to the plan. John gives her an ISA microscopic device that will work 24/7. Steve adds they will set up her phone so she can be tracked too. Marlena notes she will need to pretend all is normal with the Mediterranean mobster ...
- Harris is packed and repeats he will be back in a few days. Ava agrees to call when she hears from Clyde and he agrees to call when he lands. They clasp hands. He tells her to be careful and she tells him to be safe. He drawls he is bulletproof and promises she will not need to worry after Clyde is out of the picture. Then they hug like there is no tomorrow ... Xander updates Sara on how he is now convinced Stefan DiMera was the one who set him up. She worries and he vows to take care of their family ... Stefan gets a drink and decides Xander is getting to close. He now gets a call from his unseen unheard beloved Gabi. He promises to see her asap and assures her he and Rafe are digging deep to prove her innocence. Then they can be together forever ... John, Steve and Marlena are already tracking Maggie and vow to protect her. Meantime the redhead gets home and tells curious Konstantin Marlena wanted to share her ideas. She smirks they will have a wedding to remember! The creepy cad will not even see it coming ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on MAY 9, 2024