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Monday, November 5, 2012

Up by early afternoon  November 2


- Brady dreams while shirtless in his bed at night. In his black and white night terror, Kristen wants to shoot John and Marlena. Brady urges her
to put the gun down. Marlena implores him to help. Kristen snaps no one can have John if she cannot and pulls the trigger! Marlena stands by her shot dead man and accuses Brady of not saving anyone he loves! He
now wakes up with a sweaty start.
- At the pub. John notices Marlena toying with her cheesecake. She is worried about Kristen hurting Sami. John does not seem so worried but Marlena insists that woman has not changed and she is evil! She stands
up and pours herself some coffee. She is sorry but that woman does not bring out the best in her. John stands behind her and tenderly massages her shoulders. Brady arrives and announces he would like to join them. John drawls to look after his beautiful wife and departs on an errand. They will catch up at home. Brady sits with Marlena and tells her not to worry for he issued Kristen a warning. Marlena becomes even more worried that he has made himself a target. That Kristen is already after Sami!
- Outside, Kristen hands Kate the papers from Stefano and asks her to sign where indicated. Kate sighs they are divorce papers. Kristen taunts
her about Stefano wanting their marriage to be over. Kate hisses this is no way to end a marriage. Kristen laughs she cheated on her husband. Kate flat out refuses to sign. Kristen smugly reminds her that Stefano always gets his way and she WILL be hurt in the process.
- Sami rushes over to Jen’s house to tell her all about Nicole! It is late
and browbeaten Jen would rather not discuss her. Sami quips that will
not last for she and Daniel leave for Hawaii tomorrow. Jen is suspicious
it is so soon. Sami suspects she wants to escape the cops even though Nicole’s story is that she is scared about EJ. She must have been totally desperate to call Sami for help. Jen agrees. Sami explains she fears EJ
will come after her for changing her story. Jen starts to say it has been a long day. Sami seeks to understand why Nicole left her off the hook. Cos she never pushed her! The Nicole Sami knows and hates would not have retracted her original statement even it was a bold-faced lie. She yearns
to know what made her do it. Jen had has enough. It is late and she is tired. Sami, however, cannot stop. She will not let Nicole destroy poor Daniel’s life! Jen exclaims she cannot deal with this any longer. Lucas walks in and wonders what is the matter. Jen assures him that Sami was on her way out.
- Rafe is at the coffee house when he receives an unexpected call from Nicole. She explains she and Dan depart for Hawaii tomorrow. She summons him to the apartment to go over one last little thing. When Rafe arrives, he notices Nicole is jittery. She remarks it is about EJ, who just wants to blame someone for the loss of the baby. In fact, she fears he
will blame Rafe and come after him. Rafe is not fussed about it. Nicole adds she knows a way to stop him! She wants Rafe to talk to Sami about making EJ back off but he laments they are over. Nicole must accept that he cannot help. He informs her he will miss her and they hug. He drawls Aloha and exits with a grin. Nicole hopes he will be able to handle the
heat from EJ. Knock knock! Tis Victor Kiriakis, who announces he is
not done with her yet! The Greek tycoon orders her to cancel the trip.
No can do. She claims she and Dan are headed to Hawaii for a fresh
start. He knows it is all her doing and wants to know how much it will take for her to board that plane alone. He takes out his checkbook and pen, prepared to pay her off.
- Replay of Dan holding up the baby outfit in lost and found. Nicole still had the bottoms. He reads it was found in Exam Room B, on the same
day Nicole lost her baby, but earlier in the morning! He flashes back to her claiming she had not been checked out in a while. He notes it makes no sense, then makes for the room where the donation box from Salem Gives was left. He finds the baby bottoms. The employee on duty agrees it is a matching set. Dan is now convinced that Nicole was in Exam Room B that fateful day, but why did she lie about seeing the doctor? He now heads to Maxine at the nurse’s station and checks whether Nicole had an OBGYN appointment on the morning in question. Maxine confirms she was supposed to but there is no record of it, though there was a problem with the system. Perhaps the doctor forgot to enter the information. Dan is anxious to find out more. Maxine suggests he consult with Dr. Knap, who is standing down the hall, a few feet away. Dan walks toward her.
He is on the path of enlightenment and today is the day ...!

Read Part 2 of  DEAD WRONG - click here!
3 Weeks Ahead
to read all the happenings in Salem on Monday, November 5
Part 2