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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Up by early afternoon  November 5


- John anxiously awaits Marlena outside the pub. When she flounces up
to her husband with a smile, he teases he woke up alone. Pretty Marlena had a patient emergency and is ready for their table. But first John must tell her something and his eyes indicate he does not think she will like it. He ran into Kristen last night at Sami’s office. He is surprised to hear
that Kristen already told her! Once inside the pub, John is curious what happened. Marlena explains Kristen claimed she wanted her to know
their meetup was coincidental, no more no less, hence the phone call. John does not think it is so serious. Marlena has her doubts. Kayla rushes in and interrupts their discussion. She would like to talk to Marlena about a staffing matter. John pleasantly points out that he has a meeting at the rectory, promises a rain check. With a twinkle and a kiss he is gone.
Kayla is sorry for ruining their breakfast. Marlena sighs that she has no appetite!
- Kristen is alone in her room, conversing with Stefano on the phone. With his deep, persuasive voice, he encourages her to move back into
the empty mansion. She suggests it is filled with ghosts and will not go there until he is home. He hopes maid Mary gave her the box of her belongings. She admits she was surprised they had kept it after all these years. He assures her he never forgot her. “I never forget anything!”She muses she is the same. The phoenix announces he would do anything to repair his family. Anything! She notes he even reached out to her. He chuckles. They will talk soon, at which time he hopes to hear good news. After the phone call, Kristen’s attention turns to her box of memories, with an old tape of milli vanilli, and a video of John Junior's first bath - which was what she used to call baby Elvis when she pretended he was hers. It is when she finds an old bow with a key attached that she decides to take her leave, like a woman on a mission.
- At the Kriakis mansion, Brady races down the stairs, a business deal
on his mind. Victor stops him and announces he needs his help to save a man’s life or at least his soul! Brady is admittedly surprised to hear that Dan leaves today. Victor trashes Nicole. Brady suspects this will not end well for Daniel, since no man - including each of them - ended up happily ever after with Nicole. It just never works. Victor believes there is still something his grandson can do and hopes he will!
- Meanwhile at the hospital, Dan is going over the autopsy report as he flashes back to the doctor informing him SHE had told Nicole her baby was dead. He glances at the baby outfit again. Dr. Cam approaches, wondering if he is done with the autopsy report. Dan laments someone messed up They missed the truth when it was right before their eyes!
The baby might have died prior to the fall. Cam wonders if it even matters, now that the charges against Jen have been dropped. Dan insists it does matter. They all deserve the truth! He asks Cam to keep this between them until he has decided what to do and then gets a call back from Dr. Sedwick.  The fellow doctor inquires about the whereabouts of her appointment notes. She replies she handwrote them in the chart. But that chart, as it turns out, is nowhere to be found.
- Prettily Packing Nicole opens the apartment door to Jennifer, who is there to speak with her. It is her final attempt to find out the truth about the day her baby died. Nicole closes the door. Jen proceeds to thank her for admitting to the cops that accusing her was a mistake. She adds she is sorry the fall happened. Nicole explains she wishes only to move forward. Leave the past in the past. Jen, however, has an important question. It concerns something that does not make sense. Nicole becomes a tad hostile. Jen now brings up the phone message she left Daniel, the one she is certain Nicole erased! That would explain how she knew she would
be at the town square. Nicole becomes indignant that she seems to be implying she is at fault for what transpired. Her friendly demeanor is replaced with an aura of hostility and loathing.
- As she pours cream in her coffee, busy Dr. Kayla shares with Marlena
a new position she wants to create for a resident who will rotate between psych and pharm. She asks if she has any recommendation. Marlena
says nothing, then comes back to reality and suggests Dr. Reynolds.They now remember Caroline. Marlena regrets she was unable to do more for Caroline and wonders what the latest word is. Kayla smiles she fed sea lions in Monterrey though it is still too soon to know if the treatment is helping just yet. Bo is with her so all is well. Marlena thinks she feels like family. Kayla notes they are indeed family and wonders what is troubling the fellow blonde. Marlena sighs Kristen DiMera is back in town. This is the first that busy Kayla has heard of it.
- John arrives at the rectory, where the priest laments 3 members of the fund raising committee had scheduling conflicts. Therefore, the meeting was canceled so they both wasted their time. John raises an eyebrow. “Both?” The kindly priest now introduces him to their newest board member. Tis Kristen, who says hello again, as innocently as possible.
She is standing by a statue of the Virgin Mary. John purses his lips. The priest had not realized they were already acquainted.
- Brady remains at the mansion to talk to the Greek tycoon about his concerns. He reasons that he tried talking to Dan but the man’s mind is made up. Victor growls he could not buy off Nicole, who would not
know what love was even if Cupid bit her in the fanny! Brady cannot imagine what he wants him to do. Victor decides that desperate times
call for desperate measures. He should throw himself at her! Make her think her paradise is in Salem. Then and only then will Daniel the good see her for the lying conniving bitch she really is!
- Sedwick explains to Dan that she had made additional notes and would be happy to email them to him. Dan declares those notes are vital! He would be most grateful if she could send him that email right away.
- Jen calmly assures Nicole it was an accident she never meant to happen. But she knows Nicole was there to confront her and wants to know what she intended to say to her. Only that she hated her and never wished to see her again! Jen snaps back. She knows about the deal she made with Daniel. Nicole accuses her of meddling, insisting she was the one who broke Daniel’s heart so she has no claim. Jen concludes this will be his decision and departs. Nicole nervously tries to reach him but without
luck. She has a bad feeling about what the fair widow’s next move will
be ...
- Dan thanks Dr. Sedwick for the email he has just received. It is most enlightening ...
- John is perplexed that Kristen is on the board after a mere few days in Salem. The priest explains Stefano graciously donated funds for school renovations. EJ was unavailable and so Kristen is representing the family! He now steps into the hall to take a call. John sighs and asks Kristen to
tell Father Tobias he must leave. Kristen stops him and reminds him of how much the church means to him. She is sure it still does. An old flashback is shown of Father John and Kristen discussing how to defeat the demon that had possessed Marlena. John sighs it feels like a lifetime ago. Kristen whispers he is still the same caring man she used to know...
- Brady indignantly refuses to do such a cruel thing to Nicole, who lost a child. Vic quips she once tried to kill him. Brady airily notes that was
ages ago. Victor growls it will be on his head what happens to Daniel and storms off. Brady considers ...

Read Part 2 of  PANDORA'S BOX - click here!
3 Weeks Ahead
to read all the happenings in Salem on Tuesday, November 6
Part 2