Days of Our Lives November 7, 2012
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Up by early afternoon  November 6


- EJ is about to take a call at his pub table when Kristen sweeps in with her usual flair. She boasts to her lunching brother that she bears info on his ex-wife and drops an envelope before him. He opens it with a frown.
- John and Marlena are still at the town square. John believes seeing Kristen at the rectory was a mere coincidence. Marlena doubts she is a church lady and reminds him she is also after Sami. If only he would
listen … Hope arrives and informs them she just heard about Kristen being in town. She concludes it is to cause trouble. That is her MO. Marlena grumbles that would depend on who you asked! She becomes curious if Bo is aware that Kristen is in town. As Hope and John eat ice cream, Hope explains she did not want to worry Bo this time as he is
with Caroline. She is shocked to hear the slate was wiped clean for the vixen DiMera. They should have told her sooner! Marlena and John continue to disagree on the threat she does or does not pose. Hope slyly announces she has an idea.
- Brady is at the mansion adding up numbers. He hears someone behind him. “What now!” he impatiently snaps, assuming that Victor is back to hound him. But tis Maggie, not Victor. Brady sighs they were arguing earlier and is very sorry he sounded rude. Maggie is still upset about Daniel leaving. Brady feels it might be too late to even try and stop him.
- Dan is unable to reach Nicole by phone and flashes back to learning her baby was dead. Rafe arrives, having been summoned to the apartment. Dan is a wreck. He implores Rafe to help find Nicole as soon as possible. Rafe does not think Nicole would do anything to mess up getting on the plane today and notices Dan’s sense of urgency. He suspects something
is wrong. Desperate Dan exclaims he needs him to find Nicole. Rafe wants a full explanation. He knows there is more. Dan replies he only has a little time to track down Nicole. As Rafe is a cop, he can search for her while he waits here. Rafe wonders if she done anything illegal. Why does he not trust him? Dan begs him to please help. Rafe agrees to do what he can. However, he will want the whole story later. Exit Rafe. Dan sighs he wants the whole story too!
- Nicole stands with her back to Jen outside Horton house. Jen wonders what she wants. Nicole flashes back to their argument, Jen stating this would ultimately be Daniel’s decision. She stares at the scalpel in her hand. Jen pushes her arm and she turns around, slipping the scalpel into her handbag. She looks Jen in the eye. There is no love lost between the two women. “Where’s Daniel?” Jen knows not. Nicole enters and insists she knows so where is he! She accuses her of threatening to stop Daniel from leaving town. Jen is exasperated. Daniel is not repeat not here! Nicole begs to differ. Jen shows her her phone and assures her she is not hiding anything, unlike her. She now questions what Nicole is doing there instead of leaving town with him! Nicole pauses.  She realizes Jen does not know where he is and points out she should understand her concern. She decides she is ready to go to her plane but Jen stops her. Now she
will listen to what she has to say! Nicole warns her to step aside. Jen will not and talks tough. In a trial, it would have been her word against hers. She pushes Nicole to admit she made a deal with Daniel to let her off. As soon as she comes clean to her about what really happened, she can walk out that door. It is the least she owes her!
- Hope informs John and Marlena that she has a favor to ask. Bo is not around to winterize Horton cabin as he usually does this time of year. Smith Island is beautiful this time of year, with all the fall leaves. She would need someone to venture there and do the necessary work on the cabin before the first frost.  Marlena thinks it sounds like a nice getaway. Hope points out they would have their privacy. John is interested. He drawls she has a deal! Hope adds there is just one thing she should warn them about. There is no phone service of any kind on the island. Marlena gushes that would be heaven!
- Kristen is disappointed to hear that EJ already has a copy of Nicole’s Hawaiian itinerary. He thanks her anyway. She smiles she was trying to be nice. He enlightens her that he has had a man on Nicole ever since he discovered she was carrying his son. But that was then this is now. Kristen wonders what his next move will be. EJ talks the good book.
“An eye for an eye!” Kristen muses she has found that one inspirational too.
- Brady has taken Maggie to the festive coffee house, to get her mind
off her woes. The redhead is curious what he and Victor were fighting about. Nicole. Brady does not think his old pal should be pushed around. Maggie quips that one never gets pushed around. Brady sips his coffee and laments her Hawaiian adventure is doomed to fail. She just wishes Victor had confided in her. She too wanted to prevent Nicole from ever running away to Hawaii with her son.  The only reason her son is leaving is because that opportunistic tramp sank her hooks into him with another man’s baby. Brady would rather not get into it, still feeling some sort of misguided loyalty toward Nicole, and points out that he and Maggie want the same thing. She remarks they should focus on the things they can change. The redhead demurely crosses her legs and admits this scenario
is like a parable of the seven bind men and the elephant. Everyone has a different truth but something good could come out of it. She now suggests that Brady and Jen could be good for each other. They have both lost their soul mates. She coyly suggests they could help each other. Brady quietly considers.
- Kristen wants to know what EJ has in mind. He explains that if his
son’s death really was an accident, then it was no one’s fault. Kristen reminds him of the characters who deceived him. He does not want to react to Rafe at all and ruin the progress he has made with Samantha. However, he cannot do nothing. That is not the DiMera way. He simply must respond somehow! Commissioner Roman saunters up to the table and wonders what he is talking about. EJ pretends to be concerned about budget cuts. Roman now turns his focus on Kristen, of whom he happens to be extremely suspicious. He would like to speak with her alone and so they step away. Kristen assures him she cleared her statute of limitations. Roman notes people do not know what she is up to. Therefore, he will
be watching her! He warns her not to screw up and departs. EJ rejoins Kristen, and teases that looked unpleasant. Kristen complains there is something about that Marlena that makes men have strong feelings for her. EJ implies she is jealous. She bitterly recalls Marlena got to have
John and his child. She suddenly stops and goes back to the table, claiming that time does heal all wounds. EJ comes back and hands her a coffee. He states she seems to be over this, though he does not seem to believe her. Kristen wants to return to the conversation of the men who deceived him about his baby, the ones he wants to let get away with it.
- Jen rages at Nicole to spit out the truth. Nicole starts to leave. Jen stops her and a few things fall out of Nicole’s bag, including her cell phone.
Dan has just called and hears the two women arguing. Jen accuses Nicole of playing games. Nicole stares darkly and leers she will be sorry if she keeps pushing her! Dan listens and gasps with worry for Jennifer. The connection starts to fail. He rushes off to intervene. Meanwhile Jen accuses Nicole of unfairly pointing the finger at her to get even. That is
all she cares about. Nicole glares daggers at her. “You want the truth, bitch? Here it is!”
- Kristen reminds EJ that he is running out of time to exact any kind of revenge. He murmurs Hawaii can be a dangerous place. Kristen thinks there is no need to cause Daniel to have an accident, as he has a good case to take him to court. Besides, Sami would do the math. He wonders what else she suggests. Kristen replies with another verse from the bible. “Judge not lest ye be judged.” EJ’s eyes flicker. She leaves him to ponder that.
- Marlena is on a patient call as John and Hope discuss Smith Island. 
He and the blonde are leaving as soon as possible! The talk turns to Kristen. John believes it is enough to be on guard. Hope is not convinced. Marlena returns with news of a desperate patient she will need to be in touch with in an hour. John does not wish to leave but Hope points out the last winter ferry of the day leaves soon. John does not want to go without doc but she urges him to go ahead. He can prepare the wood
and the nice fireplace by the time she gets there. Hope hands him the
to-do list and cabin key. He insists Marlena catch the morning ferry. She assures him she will. He kisses her. They exchange I love yous and he goes ahead. Marlena triumphantly tells Hope at least Kristen will not be able to locate him now! Little does she know ...
- Rafe and Roman run into each other by the town square gate. Roman has just checked out the staircase Nicole fell down. It was his case and is now closed. He adds he heard Rafe took out a mysterious APB on one that should not be approached without calling him. The commissioner wants to know what case he is working. Rafe stammers, then implores
the commissioner to look the other way just this once. Roman will afford him the courtesy. For now. He departs. Rafe  gets the call he has been waiting for. “Whatcha got?” He now receives a hot lead on the car and address where it was seen. He knows exactly where that is and sighs,
then heads off to see for himself.
- Maggie thanks Brady for the coffee and hopes he will think about what she said. They hug and she walks out. Brady mutters he hates it when
she is right and he’s wrong!
- EJ’s man calls him and updates him on a situation where Nicole is. EJ orders him to stay put. He is on his way ...!

Read Part 2 of  D-DAY - click here!
3 Weeks Ahead
to read the happenings in Salem on Wednesday, November 7
Part 2