Days of Our Lives November 8, 2012
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Up by early afternoon  November 7


- After Dan has told Nicole he KNOWS her baby was dead and she knew it too, she cries with despair. Jen cannot conceal her shock. Amid her tears, Nicole moans it is not true, someone told Daniel a big lie. EJ and Rafe arrive on scene and EJ demands to know wot is going on! Nicole whimpers. Dan loses his cool and snaps at DiMera to shut the hell up. He is having one bad day and would not be above smashing his face in! He wants to talk to Nicole alone. Abigail and Brady enter and stare. Dan calmly informs Nicole they will go somewhere to talk about the truth. Or they can do it here with an audience. Either way, he WILL get the truth! She sighs no and still wants to run away with him. Dan snaps he would not go away with someone who … “Who WOT!” wonders EJ. She sobs she wants to go away with her medicine man. Dan mutters he has proof, medical records. She sobs someone lied in an attempt to make him hate her. She loved their baby! Dan regrets having to do this and holds up the notes from Dr. Sedwick, after her October 8 appointment, hours before she fell down the stairs. They both know the truth! EJ now reads it over and wonders what the doctor meant by no fetal heartbeat. Jen whispers “Oh my God.” Nicole wails it was a lie. Dan insists she was lying and she knew the baby was already dead.  Abigail realizes the implications. She calls her a bitch and lunges for her. Jen holds her back. Nicole finally admits she did see the doctor, though it was to make sure she could travel with Dan and it was all fine. She did not hurt her baby! Dan assures her no one thinks she did. EJ and Rafe are affected as she breaks down. Rafe tenderly touches her face as she collapses on a chair. He is sympathetic. She cries she lost a baby twice. EJ stares numbly ahead. Rafe gently notes but she knew the baby was gone before the accident. She admits she did indeed and he consoles her with a hug as she cries on his shoulder.
- Sami is sitting in her office, having a look at Nick’s application for a job. She muses he is a criminal and keeps on reading, her interest piqued.
- Lovebirds Nick and Gabi are in bed together. He laments his break is almost over. She worries what Rafe would say about their relationship. Nick wishes they did not have to keep it a secret and they continue kissing. Ring ring! He gasps not to answer but she suspects it is work. It
is so she must get back down to the pub. She puts on her pink bra and his phone buzzes. Nick gets dressed and they giggle about leaving her room not together so no one will know what they have been up to. Nick offers to wait for her here later. She gushes she would not mind and he goes ahead.
- Hope and Marlena are still at the town square, with Marlena pleased
that John is away without Kristen and will have time to regroup. Ring
ring! Marlena thanks her patient for letting her know she feels better and can wait until their next session. What a pity she did not know early enough to go with John! Hope the romantic suggests she charter a boat but the blonde decides John could use a little time alone first …
- At the cabin, John drops his bag. “What the hell are you doing here!’ The jig is up. He accuses Kristen of stalking him! She accuses him of yelling at her for nothing and insists she had no idea he would be there.
If so, she would not have come! She feels he is not being fair. He drawls she should not be using that word and questions her credibility. Besides, he keeps seeing her everywhere! She thinks that is not so outlandish,
given she lives in Salem now. He growls this is private property and she is therefore trespassing. Why this cabin? She hears a horn and exclaims she is supposed to be on that last ferry! She races out. They soon come back inside and she complains about missing the ferry. She will try and call a water taxi. John sarcastically suggests she do her little act with more energy. She laments she forgot her jacket in the ferry on the way over. She is shivering cold and needs to start a fire. He accuses her of creating diversions. And if she is not stalking him, what the hell is she doing here!
- At the coffee house, Hope hugs Ciara, who is en route to a sleepover. Marlena appears distracted. She admits to Hope that she was reminded
of all the time she lost with Sami.
- Sami is downstairs at the pub, waiting for Nick. Flushed Gabi arrives
and assures her he will soon be down … er … back from his walk. Sami notices they had a break at the same time.Nick rushes in through the front door, pretending to be back late from his walk. They giggle and almost bump into each other. Sami remarks they have MUCH in common!
When she teases Gabi about it, the girl makes her promise not to tell
Rafe. She is head over heels! Sami advises her to be careful. Gabi insists he has changed. Nick saunters up, Gabi blushes and gets back to work. Sami now teases Nick that she is onto them! Nick peers at her.
- Kristen stares at the intense fire now burning in the cabin fireplace.
John snaps she has not answered his question. She cannot believe he is considering reporting her to Roman for trespassing. Is it really trespassing when she was given the key to the place! John appears surprised.
- Sami warns Nick that if he hurts Gabi, her big brother supercop Rafe will make prison seem like a resort. Nick gushes he is crazy about the
girl, but concerned someone now knows about them. Sami smiles she
can keep a secret. Nick wonders what she wanted to discuss with him.
His application. She wonders if he would still like to work for her.
- EJ crumples the notes, tosses them across the room, and demands to know what happened to his son! He glares at Nicole and snaps what did she do! Dr. Dan explains the tragedy was not her fault, it was a placenta rupture. Brady reminds EJ that he is not the only one who is upset here! Dan tenderly assures Nicole it was no one’s fault and asks if she is okay. Abigail snaps. How could he ask her that when she lied and went after
her mother for no reason when she knew she was lying! She now turns
on Brady for believing Nicole. She is a bitch, going after her mother, prepared to have her unjustly imprisoned when they were still grieving
for daddy! Dan and Jen tell her that is enough. “Look at what you’ve done!” Abigail screams at Nicole. Nicole asks to speak to Daniel alone so she can explain herself. Dan is in tears as he stands up. Jen ushers crying Abigail out of the room. Rafe and EJ stare. Brady appears torn. The audience steps out of the room and Nicole tragically raises her eyes to Dan. "Do you think I’m a bitch ...?"

Read Part 2 of  FALLING DOWN - click here!
3 Weeks Ahead
to read the happenings in Salem on Thursday, November 8
Part 2