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Wednesday, November 10, 2010 up at 5 pm est, November 9 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! BABY MAMAS! - Replay of Chloe screaming at the cabin. She knocks the phone out of Mel's hand and screams for her to help her. Mel calls her a liar. Chloe gasps "This baby is coming now!" Mel still doubts it. Chloe lies down, gasping and screaming in pain. Mel picks up the phone, calls Dan back. "My water just broke!" exclaims Chloe. Mel and papa Dan realize it is happening for real right now! Dan will be there soon. Mel screams she cannot deliver the baby. He assures her the average labor is 20 hours. He will get there in time. He wishes to talk to Chloe and reassures her. Chloe is in pain and worried the baby is too early. After the call, Mel is sorry she called her a faker. She nervously babbles and Chloe lets out more war cries. The contractions are close together! - At the mausoleum, replay of Vic showing Phil the lever. He uses the earpiece to let Viv know he is opening it up. Viv insists he not do it! Not now. Why does she not want to see him? Viv pretends there has been a mishap and she does not look her best. She would rather he remember her as his belle amoureuse. The Greek tycoon cackles at her vanity and suggests he and Phil head back to the house for a drink. Maggie cries and whimpers for him not to leave her. Back at the hotel room, Viv is angry at Victor's disloyalty toward her and she will make Maggie suffer! She gets in touch with the redhead and taunts her that she will not do anything for her! Maggie gasps people will miss her. Viv leers they will think she took a cruise and she will be forgotten. - At the hospital, Phil arrives for a board meeting. Dan nervously tells him about Chloe being in labor. Phil offers the use of his boat. They will meet at the pier! - At DiMera mansion, Stefano is smoking cigar. He informs Elvis he heard he has men dragging the sewer. EJ explains he wants to find Ari's proof. What if he does not find it and Samantha is not the one who shot him, wonders the phoenix. "Then what?" EJ exclaims but she did shoot him and once he has proof... Stefano growls he has heard it all a million times. And time keeps moving on while he searches for proof. Giovanni and Sydney are growing up without him. Therefore, he has a plan B and Elvis need not know the particulars. He will take care of it. EJ is dismayed he treats him like a child. He reminds him the last time he withheld details from him, Nicole switched the babies! The phoenix would rather focus on the present. Is he willing to do whatever it takes to get his children back or not? EJ frowns. He wants him to stay out of it. Stefano warns the children could end up calling that Rafe Hernandez daddy. EJ snaps that will not happen! Marco shows up with all they found - a woman's compact. EJ bellows at him to get back to it. Stefano tries to convince his son to accept his help. He refuses. - Rafe and Sami are at the loft. He tells Sami that Johnny is sound asleep, though he is upset about Rafe's sister. "He's a good kid." Sami states he loves Rafe a lot. He loves him a lot - and Sami too. He does not know how he could get through this without her. She promises she is there for him always. They kiss. She thinks she does not deserve him. He insists she does and he wants to get married now! She remarks his eyes are still sad over the loss of Ari. He points out sister Ari wanted him to be happy regardless of their differences. And he wants to marry her. Sami finds it hard not to blame herself for her involvement and subsequent demise. And then there is that camera still haunting her. Rafe makes a call to do something about it. - At the house of Kiriakis, replay of a shocked Nicole watching Sami's confession. "What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" she whispers. She keeps listening and is even more shocked to hear how she threw the gun in the river after shooting EJ in the head. Enter Brady with a bottle. He asks what she is doing. Looking through Ari's belongings? No, but even the sight of the box makes her sad. Ring ring! Tis Rafe, asking after the camera. He claims he would like to get some pictures off it. Family stuff. Brady takes a look and replies there is no camera in the box or list of contents. Meanwhile, Nicole has just slipped said camera into her designer bag! Brady informs him there are other personal items he might wish to come and take a look at. Rafe agrees. After the phone call, Brady confirms to Nicole that Rafe will be coming over later, though all he was interested in was some camera. He suspects the camera was the reason Ari died! He had heard from EJ that Arianna was onto something. EJ was desperate to get his hands on the key evidence he thought she had - the evidence of who had shot him. He wanted to use it to get his kids back, Brady doubts it was Sami but if it was, who could blame her! He sadly looks at his mother's rosary, which he had given Ari. They were going to get married. Nicole tries to console him. Enter Victor. He orders Nicole to take a hike so he can have a word with Brady. Exit Nicole. Vic declares they will no longer have any contact with the wicked witch out in the sarcophagus so no one will be able to figure out where she is. Brady is dismal. Victor talks tough. He should stop having his crisis of conscience. He is not to blame for what happened to Arianna or Viv's predicament. He gets a call and complains now there is another crisis to worry about! Gus has escaped! Brady asks if he went to the cops. Victor retorts he would have freed Vivian first. The pair prepare to march over to the mausoleum, but end up learning from security that no one has been there. Vic then learns from one of his men that Gus was also booked on a flight for South America ... - Meanwhile, Viv leers to Maggie that she has planned her demise for months for what she has done. Maggie insists she made no moves on Victor. Madame Viv disagrees and warns of what will happen to her next. "You'll laugh your little ass off!" She mentions worms and ends the communication as Maggie continues to panic. After the taunting, Viv gets intense. She wonders what will happen if they discover Gus is gone. He updates her how he covered his tracks, even booking a flight. Maggie will soon be driven mad by the toxic fumes and slowly expire. Victory will be hers! Viv laments she is only triumphing over a henna haired farm girl. Carly was a more worthy adversary. She has sunk so low! - Back at the loft, Sami and Rafe cuddle and he wants her to focus on their future. "What happened to your sister was my fault," she laments. She should not have taken matters into her own hands. Rafe reminds her of EJ's lies. "You snapped." What rational person would not have? He reassures her that it is all behind them and he will make sure it stays that way. Sami, however, is still worried that camera is out there. She wants to marry him, but "I shot EJ in the head and I have to live with that." She is capable of such a thing, which has hurt people and destroyed his sister. "I cause trouble everywhere I go." He must know that. He drawls he can handle that bad things happen to her. He loves her and nothing will change that. They kiss passionately. The clothes start to come off. Afterwards, they lie together under the sheets. He wants to marry her. She does not want it to be soon, though. He insists Ari would want him to be with her - forever. They start to kiss ... They are soon dressed again. Rafe heads out to go to Brady's place, Sami appears happy ... - Nicole walks outside and sees a mother and child. She flashes back to happier times when she and EJ admired little Sydney. She takes out the camera and tells herself if she could get a second chance with Brady, perhaps she could with Sydney, too! She muses if she put the confession on the news, it would be over for Sami. In addition, no judge would give EJ custody either, as he is a kidnapper. Nicole becomes teary-eyed, remembering that she too is a kidnapper! She now surprises Sami with a visit to the loft. - Phil and medicine man Dan and supplies are down at the pier, awaiting the Kiriakis boat. The doc hopes the baby does not make an appearance before they arrive. - Meanwhile, at the chaotic cabin, Chloe screams that this is not what she had planned. She wanted Puccini playing in the background. "I wanted drugs!" she howls. Mel tends to her and tells her to just breeeeeathe. She gets a blanket and goes into nurse mode. She puts the blanket on her and wants to take a look. Mel gets a terrified look on her face and calls Dan. He explains he will be there is about 20 minutes. Mel retorts the baby will not wait that long! Reception is soon lost. Mel urges Chloe to push! She does and lets out a very long war cry. The head starts to come. Mel gets worried."Oh oh!" - Rafe arrives at the house of Kiriakis, to go over Ari's belongings. Brady knows it will be tough cos it was already tough for him. He feels he let her down. So does Rafe. The fellas quietly bond ... - Back at DiMera mansion, loyal DiMera man Marco returns to Stefano and asks if he should proceed with the assignment they had previously discussed. "Absolutely," drawls the phoenix. - Outside, EJ gets an idea of his own and takes off ... - At the loft door, Nicole explains she dropped by to see how Sydney is doing. Sami tries to blow her off. She smugly states she will never see Sydney again and neither will EJ. Nicole calmly begs to differ. She will be a big part of Sydney's life and Sami will make it happen! Sami scoffs. - Back at the chaotic cabin, Mel points out the umbilical cord is around the neck so she must push harder. Once the baby is out, she will be able to remove it. Chloe gasps and screams and pushes. Mel nervously notes the baby's is head is blue, from the lack of oxygen. Chloe's eyes are filled with dread. "Is the baby dead ...?!" Next on Days of Our Lives "I hope you're ready for the fallout!" Caroline warns Steph. Sami steps in front of Nicole."You are not getting near my daughter!" Brady faces Rafe. "Sami shot EJ, didn't she?" he says quietly. |
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Days of Our Lives Day Ahead appears daily on Dayscafe. Our Days of Our Lives Day ahead is ready in dramatic detail the day before the episode will air. Dayscafe Days of Our Lives Day Ahead is entirely copyright protected & cannot be copied & pasted. Link Only Now sit back with your cup of coffee and enjoy the magic of days ahead...! |