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Thursday, November 11, 2010 up at 5:45 pm est, November 10 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! COMING OUT AND FALLING DOWN ...! - At the chaotic cabin, replay of Chloe's labor, Mel admitting the baby's face is blue. Chloe panics the baby will die. Mel assures her Daniel is coming and insists she push. "I don't care what happens to me, just save my baby!" Chloe thunders. She cries maybe she is being punished for what she did. Mel yells to push. Chloe does. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screams. Just as the baby comes out, Dan and Phil arrive. Dan suctions the infant's mouth and his first cry is heard. Smiles all around. Dan hands Chloe "our son." They sit together on the bed as the baby boy delights them with gurgling sounds. After Chloe has nursed the baby, doting Dan wants to get mother and child to the hospital to be checked out. "You and I had a son," he breathes, "And we have his whole life to look forward to ..." Phil and Mel watch the happy scene. Dan assures new mom Chloe the infant's heart and lungs are good and he is over 5 lbs. Chloe asks Mel if she would like to hold him. Mel does and her heart melts. Chloe thinks she will have a special place in her baby brother's life and thanks her. Dan gets choked up with emotion. Phil wants to take a picture. Dan, Chloe, and baby have their first family photo taken - by Phillip! - Caroline and Steph are at the pub having an intense discussion. They are the only ones who know and everyone is happy! Caroline thinks she did the right thing by switching the paternity test results. Steph points out Dan could figure it out, given he is a doctor. If he does, says Caroline, then he and his wife will work it out. Perhaps Chloe will keep her mouth shut about the other man. Then Steph can marry Nath. She warns Steph that if she spills the beans, then Melanie could get Nathan pining after her again. And to think she wrote him a letter on her wedding day! Steph feels badly for Phillip but Caroline does not agree with bringing another Kiriakis into that family, ruining four lives. Stephanie stands firm. She is meeting Roman shortly to tell all. Caroline warns there will be fallout and jokes she will have to hire a lawyer so she does not get jailed! She offers to go with Steph to the hospital to meet Roman regardless. She promised her mother she would look out for her ... - Meanwhile, at the hospital, Roman speaks to Nath about a patient he came by to interview. He congratulates him on his recent engagement. Nath grins he and Steph are very excited. He is surprised to learn that she arranged to meet Roman ... - At the house of Kiriakis, Brady cannot help but notice that Rafe is only looking for a camera. He wonders if it has anything to do with who shot EJ. Rafe starts to say he has no idea of what EJ has been telling him ... All of a sudden, Henderson announces EJ! EJ strolls in and explains he is here for the videotape, as he suspects Rafe is! Rafe casually asks what videotape he is referring to. The one of Arianna's will, of course. EJ would like a copy of said will. Brady suggests he talk to lawyer Justin. They don't allow EJ to look at her belongings. He smiles, thanks Brady, and departs. Brady remarks Rafe and EJ must be looking for the same camera. Rafe tries to divert him, but Brady is no fool. "Sami shot EJ, didn't she?" However, he does not care if she did! Rafe laments EJ was only using Ari. Brady believes it and he just hopes whatever proof Ari had, it is gone! Rafe thinks EJ is just blowing smoke. Besides, Sami was with him the night EJ was shot and he cannot prove otherwise! - At the loft, Sami calls Nicole and her belief that she will be a part of Sydney's life delusional. Nicole replies "I know everything." Sami asks "Everything about what?" "About how you shot EJ!" retorts Nicole. Sami lets her in and assumes she heard it from EJ. Nope. Sami plays innocent. Nicole laughs at how she is lying. And she is not bluffing. She advises Sami to check her email and see for herself. Sami does. Nicole states she sent her a video. "A real blockbuster!" She presses play and Sami stares at her videotaped confession. She stops it, flabbergasted. How did she get it? Nicole found Ari's camera. Sami demands to know how she got it. By looking in the box of her belongings, though Brady has no clue. Sami grabs Nicole's bag and rummages through it like a mad woman so she can get the camera before she shows it to anyone else! Nicole calmly watches. It is not there. Matter of fact, she downloaded it so that all of cyberspace could watch the full thing. She presses play and forces her to listen to the rest of her convo with Ari, her admission that she threw the gun in the river. She taunts her with doing time in prison. Sami deletes the email. Nicole triumphantly enlightens her. It has been downloaded in other files. Either they make a deal or she will be going viral! Sami glares at her. They sit and try to discuss calmly. Sami reminds her how EJ gets power over his women. They both understand how he instills fear. Sami does not think Nicole wants to rat her out. Nicole replies she does not, but she wants Sydney! "To be a part of her life, like a godmother." Sami reminds her she kidnapped her - twice! Nicole insists she was doing her a favor. Sami exclaims she went into hiding to protect her child from the DiMeras. Nicole sighs she was Sydney's first mother and she was a good one. She cannot conceive and her history excludes her from adoption. Then there is Sydney. "She's it for me." Sami, however, does not wish to hand her over. Nicole warns unless they can come to an arrangement, she will only see her daughter during visiting hours. Syd is now heard making sounds in the other room. Nicole smiles she is up and goes to check on her. Sami's eyes widen in horror. She stops her. Nicole now coldly tells her prison will feel like a bubble bath compared to the DiMeras - and those dastardly DMeras don't take kindly to being shot! She starts to leave and warns she has a story to file, one that will leave Sami with nothing ... - Back at the hospital, busy Roman agrees to give Steph and Caroline a moment to talk. Steph updates Caroline on her latest idea. She will tell Roman that she was the one who changed the paternity test results, cos she knows grandma did it for her. Caroline disapproves. Besides, Phillip would be a lousy father and the Kiriakis household is criminal. Nath walks up and mentions hearing Steph planned to meet with Roman. Just then Chloe is wheeled in by Dan, holding their newborn son. Papa Dan is in seventh heaven. Phil puts his arms around Mel. Dr. Nath takes the baby off to be checked out. Dan grins he will get mama settled in and pushes happy Chloe in her wheelchair. Steph gets snappy and wants to know what happened. Mel and Phil tell her all about it. "Everything worked out great," concludes Phil. Steph watches them walk off together. Caroline watches Steph. Dan kisses Chloe after getting her settled into bed. Enter Melanie. Dan promises to be back after he checks on their baby. Chloe is glad to have a moment alone with Mel and thanks her. "I did it for my little brother," states Mel. "I'd do anything for him." Chloe feels the same way. Mel cries he deserves to have what she never did - parents who will love and nurture him. Therefore, she will not tell Daniel ... Elated Dan brings the baby out to Phil and asks if he wants to hold him. He does. Steph observes Phil grinning at his baby boy. Caroline is tense. Dan calls him a natural! Phil gazes at the baby in his arms. Mel comes out and smiles he looks like he will be a heart breaker. Phil hands him back to Dan so he can take him to Chloe. Steph blinks. Dan returns to Chloe's room with their perfect little baby, who yawns. She wonders if he has come up with a name. Indeed. He would like to name him after his mother, who wanted grandchildren. "Her maiden name was Parker so I thought maybe we could name him Parker." Done! The happy family cuddle, kiss, and admire their first child. Phil stares at them outside the window, clearly drawn to the baby boy. Caroline pulls Steph away. Mel thinks it is sweet how into the baby Phil is. Holding the baby has changed him. "I'm ready to be a father ..." he announces. Roman approaches Steph and Caroline. Steph decides she does not need to talk to him now after all. Roman walks off to get back to his heavy workload. Caroline assures her she did the right thing. "For now, for as long as I can," sighs Steph ... - Back at the house of Kiriakis, Rafe realizes there is nothing in the box. No evidence of who shot EJ. It must have died with her. Brady does not think EJ will stop, however, as he has nothing left to live for. No telling what he might do ... - At DiMera mansion, EJ leaves a message for Justin to call him about getting a copy of Arianna's will. He is dismayed that the evidence seems to have vanished into thin air! He later looks at the St. Anne figurine and wonders what Arianna was trying to tell him. He suddenly breaks it. Nothing inside. He walks toward a photo of Johnny, his eyes mirroring his defeat ... - Back at the loft, Sami stops Nicole and tells her to wait. She will leave her 4 kids motherless if she exposes her! Nicole insists she just wants to be a small part of precious Sydney's life. Sami points out EJ would know! Nicole believes they could do it right and pretend they had a heart to heart. She will take it slow with Sydney. She mentions sleepovers and trips. Sami suspects it would never end and Nicole would want her to call her mommy, too. Nicole states she would have her freedom. Sami knows she would turn her daughter against her. And she might even play the tape for her one day, so she would hear she shot her father. Nicole quips she should have thought about Sydney before she pulled the trigger ... Sami loses control and rushes her, shoving her against the door from behind! She will not let her take her daughter! They struggle and Sami sends her flying. Nicole hits her head on the edge of the counter and falls to the floor, unconscious. The counter corner drips with her blood ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "I'm going to find out the truth one way or another!" Chad informs Kate. "I came back here to get you the hell out of here," Jennifer whispers to Hope! Rafe bends over unconscious Nicole. whose head is bleeding. "Rafe, I think she's dead!" gasps Sami. |
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