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Wednesday, November 17, 2010 up at 4:40 pm est, November 16 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! EJ wins, Nath and Mel in danger, and more ...! - Replay of Nicole informing EJ she could hand him Samantha on a silver platter. She does not want his worldly goods or money. All she wants are other advantages. One thing. She vows to help him and make him the happiest man alive if he lets her have that one thing. His eyes narrow and he advises her to spit it out. "I want Sydney ... I want to help you raise her." EJ retorts that even if he considered her request, he does not have Sydney or Johnny. She explains "I can make that happen" and takes Ari's camera out of her bag. She presses play and lets him watch and hear Sami's sordid confession. He watches in dismay and listens. "I shot him," she repeats. EJ sits down, a look of horror on his face. "That's it, isn't it. That's Arianna's proof." Nicole agrees. "That's it , Sherlock." EJ wonders how she obtained it. From Ari's safety deposit box. When he finds out Brady does not know, he drawls she must be pleased with herself. She cares only about Sydney and laments Rafe meanly played her after she believed they had brokered a deal. "So I came to you." She gets herself a drink. EJ quietly wants to process the intel. Nicole wants answers. Will she get a chance to be a part of Sydney's life and feel whole again? She elaborates. Sydney will always be the most precious and important thing in her life. When she went to Sami and Rafe, she just thought it was her best chance and was not thinking straight. Elvis solemnly replies "Here is what I am going to do." They agree they have both made mistakes. He asks if she can trust him again. Nicole nods. Elvis admits she is appealing to a part of him she knows he has - his heart. She gets teary-eyed and says she loved him. He admits he loved her, for a time. She points out she is taking a huge chance here, with no games, tricks, or blackmail. She believes he will do the right thing. "I will," says he."You can count on it!" - At the pub. Carly has just finished wrapping presents for baby Parker. Bo gives her a kiss. Enter Jen. She stops and stares. Bo turns around, then steps away to make a couple of calls. Jen sits with Carly and assures her it is good to see her old friend. Carly understands it must be hard to see her with Bo and Jen does not deny it. They talk Jen's reason for being in town and Maggie's sudden departure. Carly invites her to the hospital to meet Dan and daughter Mel. Jen is glad things are okay now, as the last time they spoke, she was worried about him. - At the hospital, replay of mad Mel snapping at Nath she will have her schedule changed. He snaps he will have it done for her. Their voices are raised. Dr. Walters breaks it up, aghast by their unprofessional conduct. Mel apologizes. The doc tells them to find replacements and leave for the day - or he will be forced to write them up! Exit Dr. Ben. Nath starts to leave but Mel would like a word. She has a high opinion of him, yet she loves Phillip and gets that he loves Stephanie ... She adds it just hurts too much to see him and work with him. Nath agrees it does. Mel now sadly excuses herself. Nath sighs. Elsewhere, Chloe and Dan admire baby Parker. Enter Phil with flowers for Chloe. When Dan steps out, Phil grins "Good looking baby!" He is glad things worked out. So is she. Steph walks by and spies them with the baby. Dan approaches and catches her off guard. She is jumpy! He asks if things are okay. "Actually, no," she sighs. She catches herself and pretends she had been concerned about the baby but knows he is now fine. She praises Mel for the delivery. Dan presses. He assumes she is playing games, and suggests they all try and get along. Steph suddenly declares she needs to find Nathan. Dan mutters he is not there yet and decides to get back to his baby. Steph compliments him. Mel is lucky to have him as a father. Exit Dan. Steph laments her mother was right. Caroline should not have switched those results! She must fix it but only in a way that does not hurt her grandma. When she sees Dan at the side of Chloe and babe again, she resolves to tell Nathan. He will know what to do ... In the room, Dan holds Parker as Chloe smiles. Dan hands him to Phil, who is much moved. "Anytime you need a babysitter, Melanie and I are available," he offers. Phil gets a sad look in his eye after Dan gets the baby back. Dan and Jen later run into each other at the hospital and discuss the magic of being a parent. Jen recalls how there is nothing like being married to the parent of your child when it is someone you love ... Carly comes across Mel and seems ready to say too much so Mel hastily pretends to be discussing how wonderful it is they have the healthy baby when Dan walks out. Once Dan is paged away, Mel gives Carly the cold shoulder and admits she might never be able to forgive her. Dan comes back and asks Carly what is going on between herself and Mel. Bo tells Carly he must take off. Carly advises Dan to talk to Mel and walks away ... She goes back to Chloe's room as Phil exits. Chloe once again thanks Carly for all her help. She has been an amazing friend. Carly looks down. Chloe notes something is wrong. Carly admits things are complicated with Mel. Chloe assures her that her daughter will get past this ... Meanwhile, Phil runs into Steph and cannot help but notice how tense she is. She takes off, claiming she needs to find Nathan. - Nathan heads to the pub and drinks beer. Steph catches up with him and he claims he just needed a break. Steph is intense. "I need your help!" But this must stay between them. He agrees. She admits her grandmother did something awful and many people could be hurt. Including them. Nath wonders who else ... - Outside, Mel staggers around and wonders why she feels so strangely. Dan catches up with her. He thinks she is still upset with her mother and adds they never finished their conversation when Chloe went into labor. He knows something has been bothering her and wants to help. She whispers she does not wish to hurt him. He promises they can handle it together. Mel whispers then she will not keep it from him any longer ... - Back at the hospital, nurse Maxine has bad news for Dr. Walters. The feverish patient died! Dr. Walters does not know what was wrong with him but there is much to be done! The doc is so busy that he races past Jennifer, who wants to apologize, muttering he is in a hurry ... - Replay of upset Sami and Rafe at the loft, recounting what could have happened, him calling Roman to have the bastard picked up. Sami stops him! Rafe cannot believe it. Sami insists they first must get control of the situation. Did he destroy Nicole's evidence? It will be destroyed only if she plugs the camera into the infected computer. Sami is optimistic, but Rafe appears cautious. Brady had interrupted them, but if she tries to do something with the camera on the computer, it is over. Sami smugly kisses him. Rafe decides to take off and try to break into the Kirikias mansion for the camera. Sami should stay put until the cops arrive. Rafe opens the door. There stands EJ! He calls Rafe a fool for thinking he could have the upper hand. He bears news. "I have it!" he taunts and warns the lovebirds they are going to have a very bad day indeed! He muses he was about to give up. Sami accuses him of trying to flee with the kids. EJ, however, remains as cool as a cucumber. He saunters in, makes a snide remark about popcorn, and presses PLAY on the camera in his hand. - Nicole drops by the hospital with a gift for Chloe. The baby is in the nursery. Nicole admits she cried when she heard the news of her blessed baby. Chloe feels lucky. Nicole asks if she is nervous about Carly and Mel blabbing. Chloe thinks it has been resolved. And how is she? Nicole grins. "Things are looking up for me big time!" Elsewhere, Ben updates Carly that Mr. Rodriguez died and it could be a deadly virus. They must track down anyone who was exposed! - Outside, feverish Mel collapses into Dan's arms. Meanwhile, Nath is at the pub with Steph, and he is gasping and burning up! - Back at the hospital, Chloe finds out Nicole's big new is about Sydney. She fears what she might have done this time ... - Back at the loft. EJ plays the camera recording of Sami's confession. Bo knocks at the door and interrupts the gathering. EJ quietly pauses it. Bo is curious about what is going on. EJ taunts Samantha to tell him. Or perhaps Rafe should. Sami and Rafe are lost for words. EJ suddenly announces perhaps he should tell Bo. Ominous music is heard ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "Stop pretending like you even give a damn!" Steph snaps at Phil. EJ faces Sami."I have proof that you tried to murder me!" "I know exactly what Sami's doing," Bo informs a nervous Rafe. |
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